Like Wonderstruck, it is highly visual, cinematic even. “When you are reading in your head, you can hear the words; but at a picture, words shut off. Like all human languages, ASL is alive and always changing to meet the needs of communicating in the modern world. Whether language is in speech or sign, human beings seem to have a powerful ability to find ways to communicate and to identify closely with their language. Deaf communities are made up of deaf people and ASL signers (who may be hearing) and they can sometimes be very large and active communities. In some places, the deaf community has a long history of social and cultural activity including clubs, sports, theater in sign, and services to support the needs of Deaf people. Indeed, there may be a whole other world of deaf people for you to discover in your own community. You can see deaf actors on television, on the web and especially on YouTube where deaf people post videos in ASL. (He was calling the number he believed to be his father’s in New York City.) She has written numerous academic and popular articles about sign languages and deaf communities around the world, and about fingerspelling. But fingerspelling is even older. Selznick remembers that his “ears pricked up” as the documentary touched upon the end of the silent era in moviemaking. Katherine Eastland is the associate editor of Commentary magazine and an illustrator. In the same way that speakers of English borrow Spanish or French words for names and places, signers use fingerspelling when they want to represent an English word such as someone’s name or to identify a place. Signers might say “my name isâ¦.” and then they fingerspell their name, letter by letter. Which is why it was critical for Selznick to listen to the advice of his Deaf friends Carol Padden and Tom Humphries, experts in Deaf culture and linguistics who were among the fifty people interviewed in Through Deaf Eyes, on how to make his drafts more realistic to a deaf audience. “And it’s something a lot of people”—Deaf and hearing—“experience in their own way.” Selznick characterizes Rose’s parents as distant and stern; Ben’s loving mother has just died from a car accident when the book begins while Ben’s father is almost completely unknown to him. Devastated, she runs home in the driving rain as flashes of lightning tear through the sky. . Today deaf children attend different types of schools, not only special schools for deaf children but public schools as well, along with hearing children. Another woman in the documentary calls this the “Deaf meets Wow” moment. You can find old stories reflecting the history of deaf people and their culture on DVDs or on the web. ASL was created partly from French Sign Language which is even older, having its origins in Paris sometime around 1790. “Wonderstruck” has been one of Selznick’s favorite words ever since he came across it in an old thesaurus under the entry for “excited.” At the time, in 1990, he was looking for the right word to describe, in his first book, The Houdini Box, how audiences felt when they saw Houdini perform a trick. “I couldn’t have done it without them,” Selznick stresses, especially as the couple’s own experiences mirrored those of his characters: Carol, like Rose, was born deaf, while Tom, like Ben, became deaf as a teen. Rose was born deaf, and, in the 1920s, early on in the book, she is present for the change from silent films to talkies. The NEH-supported film helped to inspire Selznick’s new book Wonderstruck, which tells the stories of Ben and Rose, children growing up deaf two generations apart and who each run away to—and one day by happenstance meet in—the island that enchants them both: Manhattan. “In a way, the metaphor is that the Deaf community is family.”, The provost of Galludet University, Stephen F. Weiner, who is Deaf, is also delighted to note the connection between the documentary and Wonderstruck, which Weiner calls a “seamless and compelling narrative showing the positives of being deaf.”. Report scam, HUMANITIES, January/February 2012, Volume 33, Number 1, HUMANITIES: The Magazine of the National Endowment for the Humanities, SUBSCRIBE FOR HUMANITIES MAGAZINE PRINT EDITION, Sign up for HUMANITIES Magazine newsletter, Anthropologist Daniel Sayers on the Great Dismal Swamp, Standing Together: The Humanities and the Experience of War, Chronicling America: History American Newspapers. Where spoken languages use the voice and movement of the mouth to communicate, signers use their hands and their face and bodies to convey precise meaning. One handshape is like one consonant; the English words bat, rat, cat all differ only with the first consonant. They are amazed and sometimes scared by what they find. Selznick, whose grandfather’s cousin was the Hollywood legend David O. Selznick, says that “films have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember.” After school, he would watch old monster movies in black and white and the silent versions of The Phantom of the Opera and The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Illustration from Wonderstruck. An ASL class may even be available in your school. The same goes for Wonderstruck: “Everything that happens could actually happen in the real world,” he says. She is also co-author of several textbooks on learning American Sign Language. Rose pictured after the introduction of sound. Copyright 2011 by Brian Selznik. Selznick arranges for “two different kinds of deaf people, isolated at different times, [to] come together and find family in each other,” says Hott. Maybe you have seen deaf students in your school with a sign language interpreter? Today, ASL is taught in high schools, in colleges and universities. ASL is not universal, meaning that it is not understood by signers of other sign languages around the world. Yet every deaf person can read a story or see a representation of a deaf person and usually can tell if it’s done accurately.
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