wood sentence
I have never felt lonesome, or in the least oppressed by a sense of solitude, but once, and that was a few weeks after I came to the woods, when, for an hour, I doubted if the near neighborhood of man was not essential to a serene and healthy life. The distance between the oaks depends upon the growth intended before thinning the young wood; usually they are placed from 8 to 12 ft. They lived about a mile off through the woods, and were quite used to the route. We've got plenty of wood, though, from the forest. The natural products of Peru include rubber, cabinet woods in great variety, cinchona or Peruvian bark and other medicinal products, various fibres, and guano. He took the wood from her arms and dropped it into the wood box. In 1592 he complained bitterly that Wood had destroyed forty pages of his MS., probably because of the dangerous freedom of Aubrey's pen. She shrugged and went back for an armload of wood. The export of cabinet woods is not large, considering the forest area of Brazil and the variety and quality of the woods. The exports also include hides, mangabeira rubber, piassava fibre, diamonds, cabinet woods and rum. They are accompanied by intercellular channels serving for the conduction of oxygen to, and carbon dioxide from, the living cells in the interior of the wood, which would otherwise be cut off from the means of respiration. The redwood is a general utility lumber second only to the common white pine, and the drain on the woods has been continuous since 1850. 457. The system covers the county of London, West Ham, Penge, Tottenham, Wood Green, and parts of Beckenham, Hornsey, Croydon, Willesden, East Ham and Acton. 3. A stick of green wood is forced into it, and the vapours and gases set free expose new surfaces to the air, which at this temperature has only a mildly oxidizing effect. Harmony met him in the woods, coming from the direction of the palace. 6. Drawers of cedar or chips of the wood are now employed to protect furs and woollen stuffs from injury by moths. Several of these birds bred, and they almost all lived in the woods the whole year through, refusing to take shelter in a house constructed for their use. She sloshed down the trail, scanning the woods ahead as she neared. most woods in durability, and none stand better alternate exposure to drought and moisture, while under cover it is nearly indestructible as long as dry-rot is prevented by free admission of air. LOG(a word of uncertain etymological origin,possibly onomatopoeic; the New English Dictionary rejects the derivation from Norwegian lag, a fallen tree), a large piece of, generally unhewn, wood. "Anyway," Keaton continued in a stern tone that wasn't unlike her father's, "you could get lost in the woods, or even injured. The largest known species is the drummer of the West Indies (Blabera gigantea), so called from the tapping noise it makes on wood, sufficient, when joined in by several individuals, as usually happens, to break the slumbers of a household. In the woods of Oregon, from the Columbia river southwards, an oak is found bearing some resemblance to the British oak in foliage and in its thick trunk and widely-spreading boughs, but the bark is white as in Q. ` Kem i I n - Wor N rmatuly " ° stongnto ° Wood treet S.W. Glancing down at her sandaled feet, it occurred to her that she was hardly dressed for a walk in the woods. Moreton Bay pine is chiefly known by the utility of its wood. In the woods of Canada it occurs frequently mingled with the black spruce and other trees. ", For the purposes of this agreement the " fertile belt " was to be bounded as follows: " On the south by the U.S. boundary, on the west by the Rocky Mountains, on the north by the northern branch of the Saskatchewan river, on the east by Lake Winnipeg, the Lake of the Woods, and the waters connecting them.". The church of St Andrew here has interesting details from Early English to Perpendicular date, and in the neighbouring woods is a ruined chapel of St Mary. The "incense tree" of America is the Icica guianensis, and the "incense wood" of the same continent I. It is not only the loftiest part of the sierra, but also the highest land in the whole Ionian group. The exports include gold, silver, copper, coffee, henequen or sisal, ixtle and other fibres, cabinet woods, chicle, rubber and other forest products, hides and skins, chickpeas, tobacco and sugar. It grows wild in woods in some parts of England, and in Europe, northern Asia and the Alleghany Mountains of North America. Governor William Woods Holden (1818-1892; governor 1868-1870) was so weak and tyrannical that he was impeached by the legislature in December 1870. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. The higher slopes of the hills afford excellent pasturage, while the summits are crowned with dense woods. Among the timber trees of this region is the bolkenhout of terblanz (Faurea Saligna) which yields a fine wood resembling mahogany. It was almost dark when the Prussians approached the French position between Rezonville and the woods to the northward, and the troops soon lost direction in the smoke and became involved in the direst confusion; the firing again blazed out for a few moments, only to die away as utter exhaustion at length put an end to the Prussian advance. A feature of the new city is the unusually large proportion of woods and arable land within its bounds. Wood pronunciation. The only building in the city which can with certainty be assigned to the administration of Pericles is the Odeum, beneath the southern declivity of the Acropolis, a structure mainly of wood, said to have been built in imitation of the tent of Xerxes: it was used for musical contests and the though not established, may be regarded as practically certain, notwithstanding the difficulty presented by the subjects of the sculptures, which bear no relation to Hephaestus. Wood sentence examples. 2. Taking a few steps back she gripped the ax half way down on the handle and slammed it down against the block of wood with a dull whack. In perennials the stem shows a regular increase in thickness each year by the addition of a new ring of wood outside the old one - for details of structure see Plants: Anatomy. Once I entered the woods I had only dead reckoning to come out near my quarry. Don't whistle until you are out of the wood. Men of business, even farmers, thought only of solitude and employment, and of the great distance at which I dwelt from something or other; and though they said that they loved a ramble in the woods occasionally, it was obvious that they did not. The Spaniards were, however, annihilated by Lord Grey in 1580, and after nearly two years of wandering in Irish woods and bogs Sanders died of cold and starvation in the spring of 1581. Bark provides material for string, while baskets and mats are neatly and stoutly made from canes and buckets out of bamboo and wood. Mats, rugs and carpets are made principally of split bamboo; chairs and beds of balinag and other woods and of rattan. The place of honor may perhaps be conferred upon sculptures in wood, representing the Indian Buddhists, Asangha and Vasabandhu, preserved in the Golden Hall of Kofuku-ji, Nara. Since that date this wood has continued in use in Britain under the name of quassia to the exclusion of the Surinam quassia, which, however, is still employed in France and Germany. The room was warm and cozy, its walls done up in dark lacquered wood, the warm glow of chandeliers non- imposing. I joined in all their sports and rambles through the woods and frolics in the water. The fascination little visitors were a rare in our neck of the woods. Government House, grey, stone-built and slated, calls to mind a manse in Shetland or Orkney. Melville House, the seat of the earls of Leven, lies amidst beautiful woods.


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