what does the government say and how do they react. The values of the world community reflect the moral ideals that most of us believe in as the basis for human existence; for example human rights, religious pluralism, participatory governance, protection of the environment, poverty reduction, sustainable economic growth, elimination of weapons of mass destruction, prevention and cessation of conflict between countries, humanitarian assistance, and the preservation of the world’s cultural diversity. As global citizens we need to adopt environmentally responsible behaviors in the ways we live. DISCOVER THE VALUES OF THE WORLD COMMUNITY: Every community needs to have values, and the world community is no exception to this rule. I am really happy to see people taking these kind of steps… As we all are one..!! There is an emerging world community to which we all belong. Take stock of your belief in these values. Conserve water by installing a rainwater tank, water efficient shower heads and appliances. Step 5. You become more aware of culture differences, why they exist and the importance of respecting them. Kosmos does not provide passports for global citizens. One study found that adults who volunteered about four hours a week significantly decreased their chances of developing high blood pressure. The growing interconnectedness among people, countries, and economies means that there is a global dimension to who we are. My name is Diana and I would love to become and partner or a Sponsor of Global Citizen. Step 4. So, how can we extend this feel good factor on a global scale? They see themselves as a citizen of the world, rather than a single country. Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), 【Apple、丫頭唱抖音爆紅曲「123木頭人」~ 感嘆該提早單飛?!】綜藝大熱門 精華, 日本低慾望世代爭住90呎精裝蝸居 迷室東京租客:懶到唔想郁,寧願住細啲 (果籽 Apple daily). The world is a global village. BECOME AWARE OF GLOBAL POLICIES AND PROGRAMS: Whether you realize it or not, all around you, policies and programs are being developed to help govern our emerging world community. Such policies range in scope from international treaties that ban the spread of nuclear weapons to administrative rules and regulations governing the internet. 10 Steps to Becoming a Global Citizen There is an emerging world community to which we all belong. It’s sadden when pollution of air, water and soil are causing death around the world. Theyâre empathetic to causes and suffering around the world and feel responsible for their impact on it and making change. The Global Citizens’ Initiative (TGCI) is an organization that provides information and opportunities for global citizens to join together and advocate for change. Pick one, any one that relates to an issue in which you are interested, and get involved. Recycling, reducing waste, energy saving, and water conservation all lessen the impact on the environment. Try to learn about and engage with these organizations and make sure that they are operating in accordance with the values we perceive to be important. 10 Steps to Becoming a Global Citizen It is important to identify with a global community, but that doesn’t mean you have to travel far or abandon your personal identity. Reduce waste by using reusable containers, water and coffee cups. One world government means one world tyranny. Volunteers have the opportunity to help out in conservation, education, and community projects. Who is the author of this article please? Learn about different cultures online. Discover how we can help you make the connections that open the world to possibilities. individual who: is aware of the world and has a sense of their role Here are 10 Steps that you can take if you are interested in becoming a global citizen. Organisations such as GVI andProjects Abroad organize volunteer projects in countries such as Africa, Latin America, Asia, Europe and Australasia. They also have a desire to positively contribute to communities to improve life for others. Here are 10 Steps that you can take if you are interested in becoming a global citizen. So let your government know how you feel by supporting leaders who want their countries to become engaged with the world, not isolated from it. Step 7. Step 3. How can we become a better global citizen? If youâre keen to take it a step further, hop on a plane and spend some time volunteering overseas. The Global Citizens’ Initiative. Travelling is one of the best ways to explore the globe, understand and experience different cultures and country challenges first hand, as well as meet new friends. They see themselves as a citizen of the world, rather than a single country. Humanity and the Microbe: A Soul Agreement? Recycling, reducing waste, energy saving, and water conservation all lessen the impact on the environment. We all have a part of us that is global. Are you aware of ways in which the world as a whole is trying to live by them? Hi Diana. Itâs also a good way of educating yourself on the issues that other countries may be facing. Sharing a common passion is a good way to see commonalities from a new viewpoint. ENGAGE WITH THE ORGANIZATIONS THAT ARE TRYING TO GOVERN THE WORLD: As a global citizen you should try and build awareness about the different organizations, which are making the policies shaping our world community. Learn about these policies and programs by subscribing to publications such as GCitizen, the Newsletter of The Global Citizens’ Initiative (www.theglobalcitizensinitiative.org). Educating yourself about whatâs going on in the world is a great way to become a better global citizen. Wsa, or world service authority, register Yourself as a world citizen OR world governor and start making people aware of their human rights according to the universal declaration of human rights and how most of Them are violated in modern Day society. Take time to learn the ways in which different cultures give expression to the human spirit. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. NURTURE A LIFESTYLE THAT SUPPORTS SUSTAINABLE GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT: The environmental movement has taught us a great deal about how everyday lifestyles and behaviors can have an impact on the quality of life on our planet. Read on to learn about the steps you can take to become a better global citizen. Where Are We in the Story of the Universe? Love and kindness are the simple answers, but they seem to be the most difficult things for human beings give eachother. HELP ENSURE YOUR COUNTRY’S FOREIGN POLICY PROMOTES GLOBAL VALUES: Global citizens also are citizens of the countries in which they were born and live. Step 8. Please let me know what I need to complete. Make greener choices. Thank you for your help on this matter. To become a global citizen, you should have an open mind, educate yourself, get involved in your community, and travel when possible. Examine your own life, recognize its global dimension, and reflect on how that affects your view of the world. I am a global citizen and have been since the late 1960s. Think local cuisine, local temples or going off the beaten track. The growing interconnectedness among people, countries, and economies means that there is a global dimension to who we are. Please provide me the form where i must fill and get the passport of global citizen, Dear JeanPaul. Julia Hartsell and Jonathan Hadas Edwards, Renée Rolle-Whatley and Ramona Rolle-Berg, David R. Kopacz, MD and Joseph E. Rael (Beautiful Painted Arrow), Audrey Eger Thompson and Jakob van Wielink, Caveat Magister and Photography, Scott London, Joaquin Carral, Marge Wurgel, Aurora Leon, Alfredo Sfeir-Younis (Dzambling Cho Tab Khen), Wahinkpe Topa (Four Arrows), aka Donald Trent Jacobs, Judy Rodgers, Gayatri Naraine, Rhonda Fabian, Alnoor Ladha, Daniel Pinchbeck, Rhonda Fabian, Judy Wicks, Pat McCabe, Li An Phoa, Eve Miari, By Alnoor Ladha, Martin Kirk, Martin Winiecki, Rhonda Fabian, By Ulysses 'Butch' Slaughter and Tamara S. Hamilton, The Tree Saviors of Chipko Andolan | A Woman-led Movement in India. According to studies, doing good for others can improve life satisfaction, happiness levels and mental and physical health. Make greener choices. PARTICIPATE IN AN ADVOCACY EFFORT FOR GLOBAL CHANGE: Sign petitions, join demonstrations, contribute funds, and explore other ways of advocating for global change. They see themselves as a citizen of the world, rather than a single country. True Health | What if the Virus is the Medicine? This article was written and published by our partner Global Citizens Initiative. Step 2. (from our partner—The Global Citizens Initiative). Gaining a global perspective can help us reflect and appreciate what we have, and increased empathy for others is a key characteristic in becoming a better global citizen. Let us protect and make it better for us all.
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