6 tropical disease
The disease occurs most often in rural settings and rarely infects travelers. More than 1 million people die from malaria every year.Travelers are at risk of being infected if prophylactic, or preventative, medications are not taken. Second report on neglected tropical diseases, 2013 (pdf 8.5MB), Coronavirus disease outbreak (COVID-2019), Coronavirus disease outbreak (COVID-19) », Fact sheets on neglected tropical diseases, 10 facts about zoonotic neglected tropical diseases, Tropical Diseases, Special Programme for Research and Training (TDR), Partnerships on neglected tropical diseases, Sustaining the drive to overcome the global impact of NTDs, Publications: neglected tropical diseases, Publications: tropical diseases research and training, Global Health Observatory: statistics on neglected tropical diseases, WHO Pesticide Evaluation Scheme: "WHOPES". The tropical diseases they cause include the following: Dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever These two diseases are caused by four viruses that typically occur in urban areas in Asia, Africa, the South Pacific, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. It occurs in Indonesia, throughout much of Asia, Eastern Europe, Africa, the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal) and Peru. Some may spread directly from the environment (e.g., swimming in a river). Joints of the extremities become swollen and painful to the touch. They are the areas between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn (23.5 degrees of latitude north and south of the equator, respectively). 2 (2002): 203. However, the CDC has assessed U.S. travelers as being at low risk for cholera. Many tropical diseases are characterized by fever, nausea and other symptoms similar to the flu. In practice, the term is often taken to refer to infectious diseases that thrive in hot, humid conditions, such as malaria, leishmaniasis, schistosomiasis, onchocerciasis, lymphatic filariasis, Chagas disease, African trypanosomiasis, and dengue. In the tropics, these diseases include: Parasites of the Plasmodium genus spread by mosquitos are responsible for malaria in humans. The greatest risk factor for developing a tropical disease is to live in an area where these diseases are endemic. The viruses transmit from person to person by mosquito bites and cause 100 million cases annually, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). What regions of the world have the highest prevalence of tropical disease? Once inside a plant, animal or bacteria cell, they are able to replicate and may cause disease. The CDC and WHO provide information on current outbreaks in countries around the world. Mycobacterium leprae is responsible for this rare disease endemic to 15 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Some people may show no sign of infection while others can become ill quickly and develop severe symptoms. The subtropics are the climatic region between tropical and temperate areas. In practice, the term is often taken to refer to infectious diseases that thrive in hot, humid conditions, such as malaria, leishmaniasis, schistosomiasis, onchocerciasis, lymphatic filariasis, Chagas disease, African trypanosomiasis, and dengue. The WHO and other organizations have made amazing strides forward in disease research and control. After infection, patients may show no or only mild symptoms but may still transmit the disease in their feces. Coffee, tea and other beverages made with boiled water are often safe. Many diseases respond to specific medications. To be most effective, medications should be taken according to the instructions, even after returning from the trip. Some frequently cause no symptoms, while others are severe and may become fatal. Of those people, 50,000 die, according to the WHO. These often focus on reducing the populations of insects or animals that transmit the diseases. The parasites are spread in the fecal matter of triatomine bugs, which are often found in the walls of substandard housing in areas where the disease is endemic. Like bacteria, protozoa are also single-celled organisms. How long after returning from my travels should I be concerned about tropical disease? The protozoa are occasionally found in the United States, but normally range from Mexico through Central and South America. The WHO estimates this disease infects a total of 17.7 million people, causing 270,000 to go blind. According to CDC estimates, it infects 11 million to 18 million people annually in 18 countries. Therapies for many of the tropical diseases include: There are many global, regional and local efforts to reduce the occurrence of tropical diseases. These include many species of roundworms (nematodes) and flatworms (trematodes or flukes). This limits the risk to short-term travelers. “Appendix B: Laboratory Tests for Tropical Diseases.”. These diseases used to be scourges of poorer populations — now they are controlled or even eliminated in most areas. Classes of drugs used to treat tropical disease include: Supportive therapy for patients may be recommended while tropical diseases are being treated with medication, and for diseases that can not be cured with medications such as dengue fever. This disease is caused by more than 20 species of protozoa that are spread by sand flies. The medical history will likely include questions on symptoms, including their duration, severity and progression. Raw fruits and vegetables should be avoided unless they were washed with bottled or boiled water and then peeled by the traveler. Some can not develop outside the environmental conditions (e.g., temperature, humidity) provided by tropical and subtropical climates. This site is for information and support only. Tropical diseases caused by bacteria include: Salmonella Typhi (also known as Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi) is responsible for typhoid fever. Treating clothes with an insecticide will also reduce bites. Sleeping under a bed net treated with an insecticide helps prevent many types of insect bites, including those from mosquitoes. The physician may recommend vaccines or other preventative measures. The bacteria are expelled through the feces of infected people. While some are necessary for the human body to function, others may cause disease. This often helps reduce patient stress and gives time for the body’s immune system to cope with the infection. Are vaccines available to prevent the tropical diseases? The CDC estimates 12 million to 22 million cases and 200,000 deaths occur internationally each year. In general there is a low risk for travelers who avoid eating raw or undercooked foods. Among those, 400 occur in the United States, mostly among recently returned travelers. Like African sleeping sickness, Chagas disease is also caused by a parasite of the genus Trypanosoma. Others require a bite by an animal or insect vector for transmission, and some require close contact with an infected person. This disease is caused by three species of nematodes found in South America, the Caribbean, Africa, Asia and the islands of the Western Pacific. The bacteria can also live in contaminated brackish (slightly salty) water and infect shellfish. Some diseases begin with flu-like symptoms but later progress to more severe symptoms, such as schistosomiasis. The number of cases of Buruli ulcer is uncertain, but it occurs in 30 countries in sub-Saharan Africa, North and South America, Australia, and Asia. However, thanks to efforts from the WHO and nonprofit organizations, six of these neglected tropical diseases are now “under control” per WHO guidelines. If a person contacts the water (e.g., swimming, bathing), the larvae are able to penetrate skin and grow in the blood vessels. Most cases are reported in children younger than 15 but it may occur at any age.


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