This animated film was shot in Portland, Oregon. Based on elements from the stories of Mark Twain, this feature-length Claymation fantasy follows the adventures of Tom Sawyer, Becky Thatcher and Huck Finn as they stowaway aboard the interplanetary balloon of Mark Twain. Twain, disgusted with the human race, is intent upon finding Halley's Comet and crashing into it, achieving his "destiny." We shot the film in a converted house that had a barbershop in front of it, so we called it the Barbershop Studio. It received a limited theatrical release in May 1985. The film features a series of vignettes extracted from several of Mark Twain's works, built around a plot that features Twain's attempts to keep his "appointment" with Halley's … When he was asked about the rumours of this film being made by a 17-person crew,[3] Vinton stated: Well it’s all true, though that’s probably exaggerating a bit. Worried that this goal will end in their deaths, the trio learn to fly the ship while conspiring to sabotage the voyage. It was released on DVD in January 2006. After discovering the truth behind Twain's journey, the trio recognize their folly, and the group navigates storms and treacherous skies with the help of a mysterious dark figure who turns out to be Mark Twain's dark side.
It was released on DVD in January 2006. Seventeen or so represents the full-time staff and then freelance people came and went, plus you have musical talent and writing talent and things that go beyond that number. and Other Sketches, The £1,000,000 Bank Note and Other New Stories, The Curious Republic of Gondour and Other Whimsical Sketches, A Salutation Speech From the Nineteenth Century to the Twentieth, The Private History of a Campaign That Failed,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles with plot summary needing attention from May 2020, All Wikipedia articles with plot summary needing attention, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 17 October 2020, at 20:01. The high-ceiling basement was conveniently connected to a four thousand square foot studio that we built in the back, and that basement was where the animators and sculptors worked on the characters. It received a limited theatrical release in May 1985. [10], The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County, "Movie Review - - SCREEN: 'ADVENTURES OF MARK TWAIN", "The Films of 1985: The Adventures of Mark Twain -", "Feat of Clay: The Forgotten 'Adventures of Mark Twain", "DVD Review – 'The Adventures Of Mark Twain' - Collider", "Mark Twain, a Biography, Chapter 282 "Personal Memoranda, "Mark Twain, a Biography, Chapter 293 "The Return to the Invisible, "The Adventures of Mark Twain (1985) - Rotten Tomatoes", "The Adventures of Mark Twain Movie Review - Common Sense Media", A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, Some Learned Fables for Good Old Boys and Girls, Mark Twain's (Burlesque) Autobiography and First Romance, A True Story and the Recent Carnival of Crime, Punch, Brothers, Punch! The Adventures of Mark Twain (released in the United Kingdom as Comet Quest) is a 1985 American stop motion claymation fantasy film directed by Will Vinton and starring James Whitmore. [3], On Rotten Tomatoes it has a score of 80% based on reviews from five critics, with an average rating of 7/10. Upon discovery, they find that Mark Twain intends to pilot the airship to meet Halley's Comet. The two Twains merge and fly off to meet the comet, leaving the airship in the hands of the youngsters. It is coming again next year (1910), and I expect to go out with it. The concept was inspired by a famous quote by the author: "I came in with Halley's Comet in 1835. [9] On Common Sense Media it has 3/5 stars. The Adventures of Mark Twain is a 1985 American stop motion claymation fantasy film directed by Will Vinton and starring James Whitmore. It will be the greatest disappointment of my life if I don't go out with Halley's Comet. So, yes, we spent a lot of time in the basement! The bedrooms and things were editing rooms and offices. After having a bout of one-upmanship, Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn, and Becky Thatcher sneak aboard an airship piloted by Mark Twain in an attempt to become famous aeronauts. [5], The film features a series of vignettes extracted from several of Mark Twain's works, built around a plot that features Twain's attempts to keep his "appointment" with Halley's Comet. The Almighty has said, no doubt: 'Now here are these two unaccountable freaks; they came in together, they must go out together. References are made to his other works, including "The Damned Human Race". Twain and three children, Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn and Becky Thatcher, travel on an airship between various adventures.[6]. '"[7], Twain died on April 21, 1910, one day after Halley's Comet reached perihelion in 1910.[8]. Included are sketches taken from The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Mysterious Stranger, "The Diaries of Adam and Eve (Letters from the Earth)", "Captain Stormfield's Visit to Heaven" and a rendering of Twain's first story, "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County".
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