ananda buddhism
But above all, he also had the duties of a good secretary, namely the smooth communication between the thousands of monks and the Master. Pukkusa started his conversation with the statement how astounding it was, what a deep peace those could achieve who had gone forth into homelessness. 82,000 Teachings from the Buddha He practiced the four foundations of mindfulness, a way which came most natural to him according to his tendencies. [24] The holy monks realized the depth of their master's meditation, sat down and entered in the same absorption. Jataka 421. When he asked her compassionately for the reason of her sorrow, she replied that the Master had three times rejected her request for the establishment of an order of nuns. The kingdom was divided up, and Ananda was called King One Coin. Beyond that, there are several conflicting stories. The Buddha affirmed this. He knew that his wide knowledge of the Buddha-word would not make Ananda negligent in his practice. He had however not the status of being a "refuge" as the Buddha had been, nor was he his deputy. Could it be that Ananda was too much absorbed in the pleasant feeling of being at that moment in so close companionship with the Buddha, in that enchanting evening hour in the peaceful scenic environment of the sala forest? With these few words a strong reproach was uttered. He did this by strengthening diplomatic relations with foreign countries, particularly India, where he is recorded to have sent a mission (around 1095 CE) to the Mahabodhi Temple at Bodhgaya to carry out restorations to the temple which marks the spot where Buddha attained enlightenment. Another report says that Ananda once saw the famous Brahman Janussoni (MN 4; MN 27; MN 99; AN 2.15; etc. In any case, the Buddha now dismissed the idea of remaining alive throughout the aeon. Then the Awakened One went with a large company of monks to Vesali. The monks also praised Ananda, that he had restored peace through gentle means (J 92). Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree.... Scripture, the revered texts, or Holy Writ, of the world’s religions. According to the Vinaya Pitaka texts, he persuaded the Buddha, much against the Buddha’s own inclination, to allow women to become nuns. After the Exalted One had spoken these last words, he entered into the four jhanas and the formless spheres of meditation absorption, until he attained the stage of cessation of perception and feeling. Ananda was born as the son of a king and the Bodhisatta as the son of the priest at court. All four Buddha images are standing on lotus pedestals, depicting particular mudras (hand gesture) and facing the four cardinal directions: Kassapa (south facing), Kakusandha (north facing), Konagamana (east facing) and Sakyamuni (west facing). If one looks at these five qualities, one receives a vivid picture of Ananda. But now that had been accomplished, Mara declared, and it was time to fulfill his promise. He heard the people exclaim that the chariot of the priest of King Pasenadi's court was the most beautiful and best of all. i want to be clear if i will be welcome when i approach ananda to learn kriya yoga. He takes a particular interest in the history of the Indian subcontinent, the legacy of Hindu-Buddhist culture in Southeast Asia and UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the region. If monks live in the right way, then the world will never be devoid of arahants, or true saints. Tricycle is a nonprofit that depends on reader support. According to the Vinaya Pitaka texts, he persuaded the Buddha, much against the Buddha’s own inclination, to allow women to become nuns. His life remains a model of the path of devotion and service. After the discourse was over, a headstrong nun accused Kassapa that only he had been talking and had not let the wise Ananda utter a single word. At Vesali he became ill with a deadly disease. Ananda was said to be a modest, quiet man who was completely devoted to the Buddha. One can only accept the fact that it is our own doing which brought us into an age in which the person who could have kept the Awakened One alive to this day was blinded by Mara and remained silent. There is hardly an English word, which can do full justice to his position. When the king of Magadha and the princes of Vesali heard that Ananda would soon die, they hurried to him from both directions to bid him farewell. For this reason, the Buddha stipulated eight conditions, which were so selected that only the best women would agree to abide by them. In the few instances when Ananda's past lives in the deva and brahma worlds are mentioned, it always related to those lives in which he held the position of a main helper and adjutant of Sakka; particularly as the heavenly charioteer Matali (in four cases, Jataka stories 31, 249, 535, and 541) or as a deva such as the heavenly architect Vissakamma (J 489) or the rain-god Pajjuna (J 75) or the five-crested celestial musician Pañcasikha (J 450). The monk Channa was plagued with doubts about the Dhamma. While others were mentioned only because of one superior quality, (except two monks who possessed two such qualities) Ananda was the one amongst the seventy-five pre-eminent disciples who excelled in five abilities. This was meant by Kassapa to be a reproach that Ananda had been overzealous in his teaching, and had overlooked the danger of personal attachment. When they arrived at the Awakened One, he dwelt in imperturbable meditation. Again the Buddha disagreed: it was profound, but very difficult to penetrate. With these seven qualities, said the Buddha, one could expect prosperity for the Vajjians, not decline. But here too he would accept their verdict. Sin embargo, fue mucho más que un sirviente y su relación con Buda llegó a ser la de una estrecha amistad. Guided by his guru, the venerable monk Shin Arahan, Anawratha vigorously promoted Theravada Buddhism throughout his empire. When the date set for the council came closer, Anuruddha suggested that his brother Ananda should only be admitted if he had overcome the last taints and had become an arahant. It would have been the most appropriate with respect to distance as well as suitability. A similar incident had happened earlier in the land of the Mallas where a well had been stopped up. Hence, even when his recitation was interrupted by a question, he was able to resume the recital exactly at the point where he had broken off. Whoever could not be trained in this way would be considered as dead in the Order: he would not be spoken to, whatever he did. Ananda asked what were the purposes and blessings of virtue. The Buddha replied, “If you wish to honor the Dhamma, householder, go and honor Ananda, the guardian of the Dhamma.”. That such a monk should attain at will the bliss of renunciation, the bliss of solitude, the bliss of tranquility, the bliss of awakening, in their totality, that is impossible. It was, she said, as if the needle salesman had tried to sell his wares in the presence of the needle manufacturer. So it was done, and the jewel thief, alone in the tent, let the jewel drop into the pot. He heard the people exclaim that the brahmin’s chariot was the most beautiful of all. And King Pasenadi said that Ananda's words had been well-founded (MN 90). He continued the temple-building work of his father and consolidated Bagan’s dominant geopolitical position in the region. He has heard much truth and that means that he has erased all untruth in himself. One special occasion for a discourse was that the Buddha had smiled when he had came to a certain locality. Therefore the Buddha gave this very emphatic injunction concerning the danger of mundane gregariousness for the monk: A monk does not deserve praise who enjoys socializing, who finds contentment in it, enjoys togetherness, is pleased with it. When Ananda became aware of what was going on in his companion, he spoke to him in verse, because Vangisa, the poet in the Sangha, had voiced his request also in verse. In the nineteenth century, guided by Xuanxang’s descriptions and confirmed by inscriptions on the Ashokan pillars, the lost sites were rediscovered by the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI). This story has Ananda pleading with a reluctant Buddha to ordain his stepmother and aunt, Pajapati, and the women who had walked with her to become the Buddha's disciples. So it came about that the bones of the Buddha were divided into eight parts. It is remarkable that of all the monks only Sariputta and Ananda received an honorary title from the Buddha: Sariputta was called the Commander-in-Chief of the Dhamma (dhamma-senapati) and Ananda its Guardian.


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