arifin putra menikah
- Starring as Marwan (Supporting Actor), Directed by Robby Ertanto Soediskam, 2011 Bersabarlah Cinta Since then Arifin has played in various movies like ‘Negeri Van Oranje’ (2015), ‘Sabtu Bersama Bapak’ (2016) and ‘The Professionals’ (late 2016). Arifin spent the earliest years of his life in Germany before migrating to his mother's homeland, Indonesia, at the age of three – albeit reluctantly. After a 7 year TV career young Arifin had his film debut in ‘Lost In Love’ (2008). His sister Sari played a big role in bringing Arifin’s charm and happier personality back on track, just in time for a cover boy competition held by a well-known teen magazine in 2000 and a music program host competition famously known as MTV VJ Hunt, in 2003. Di film Hanum & Rangga, Arifin Putra dituntut menjadi atasan yang bengis dan kejam tapi tetap disukai penonton. He is particularly drawn to roles that challenge his comfort zone, as first seen in Macabre and subsequently in Berandal. Arifin's venture onto the silver screen began in 2008 with Lost in Love, the sequel to teen romance flick Eiffel I’m in Love (2003). In Lost in Love, his character was required to speak in French, English and Indonesian interchangeably. Tinggal di apartemen atau rumah, bukan penghalang bagi Anda untuk hijaukan rumah. This is apparent in his deliberate choice of film roles. The show aired in 26 countries all across the Asia Pacific region. by Bill C. Davis, Sakti Aktor Studio, Starring as Mark Dolson, 2005 Lone Star Berita Arifin Putra Sebut Teror di Selandia Baru Serangan Kemanusiaan. Arifin won the IMA and Piala Maya Awards in the category of Best Supporting Role, respectively, for his portrayal of Uco. Pastinya juga untuk mempersiapkan diri menjadi suami dan ayah terbaik bagi keluarganya. Directed by the Mo Brothers, by Nation Pictures Starring as Adam (Supporting Actor), 2008 Lost in Love  - Starring as Asep (Main Actor), Directed by Billy Christian, 2011 Foxtrot 6 Izin Nikah Saat memutuskan untuk menikah, Putra sulung Arifin Ilham, Alvin masih berusia 17 tahun, sementara istrinya berusia 20 tahun, sementara sesuai dengan anjuran yang ditetapkan pemerintah bahwa batas usia pria menikah adalah 25 tahun dan perempuan 21 tahun. In the first year of living in Indonesia, for instance, he insisted on speaking in his native German tongue rather than in Bahasa Indonesia. - By Letto, Main Talent, 2004 Kisah Kasih Di Sekolah Menurutnya, menikah bukan lomba cepat-cepatan melainkan lama-lamaan. A romantic comedy where he played Alex, a love interest whose nationality is a mystery. Artis Indonesia, Arifin Putra, menginginkan masyarakat peduli dengan dugong dan lamun atau rumput yang tumbuh di laut. Ia berperan sebagai Surya, pria tampan yang disibukkan oleh bisnis keluarga. What could possibly go wrong? Di film karya Farisha Latjuba itu, ia memerankan karakter bernama Surya, tunangan dari Yasnina (Atiqah Hasiholan). He also starred in the 2009 Indonesian horror film, Rumah Dara (released internationally as Macabre). Namun dia punya alasan tersendiri. Sebelum mulai syuting, pria berdarah Jerman ini melakukan. Directed by Endri Pelita, by Falcon Pictures Starring as Banjar (Supporting Actor), 2014 Supernova He also collaborated with HBO Asia on its first original TV Series dubbed ‘Halfworlds’ and in 2017 Arifin will reprise his role as Barata in Season 2. “Ya, itu sih seru. Aktor Arifin Putra dan Daniel Mananta kompak dalam unggahannya di Instagram. "Habis pengajian bulanan, lalu siangnya lamaran. Arifin Putra mengaku telah lama menjalankan pola hidup mematikan energi yang tidak terpakai itu mendukung Eath Hour dan membuka kebun hidroponik. Fokus Ramai Pelanggaran Protokol Kesehatan, Perpu Pilkada 2020 Ditunggu 2 jam lalu. Ayah satu ini mengenang saat mendiang ayahnya memintanya untuk menikah. Instagram. Arifin was first offered the role back in 2009, but due to financing issues the movie was delayed and he had to wait until 2012 for the movie to start production and finally make its way to cinemas in 2014. Arifin plays Adam, the cold-blooded son of Dara, who kills his prey without mercy. After landing his first major television role as a nerdy high school student on the national TV series "Kisah Kasih di Sekolah" (lit. Directed by Rudi Soedjarwo, by Keana Production Starring as Arief (Supporting Actor), 2010 Rumah Dara  - Best Supporting Actor for The Raid 2, 2015 IMA Arifin completed his primary and secondary education at the German International School in Jakarta, Indonesia. He endured three months of intense training in preparation for the physically demanding role and combed through various mafia movies to gain a deep understanding of his character in the film. menjadi salah satu pemeran di film ‘Mantan Manten’. - Starring as Yudha, Sinemart Pictures, RCTI, 2009 Setinggi Bintang #BAIMWONG #ASMIRANDAH #SINETRON Arifin Putra (Kevin) batal nikahi istrinya karna pingsan gugup dan punya penyakit kronis. Putra Arifin Scheunemann (born 1 May 1987), known professionally as Arifin Putra, is a German-born Indonesian actor. In 2000, Arifin tagged along with his sister to a television commercial shoot and was offered to be an extra, which he accepted on this occasion. Bagaimana kisahnya? Pernikahan Anak Ustaz Arifin Ilham Sabtu (6/8) Agustus kemarin, putra Ustaz Arifin Ilham yang bernama Muhammad Alvin Faiz resmi menikah di usianya yang masih 17 tahun. 17 Maret … Directed by Gareth Evans, by Merantau Films Starring as Uco (Supporting Actor)Â, 2014 Yasmine: The Final Fist  Arifin Putra di preskon film ‘Mantan Manten’. - Starring as Daniel, Sinemart Pictures, SCTV, 2003 Senandung Masa Puber   - Finalist, 2000 Finalist Aneka Magazine Coverboy 2000 His international recognition is largely attributed to his role in the Indonesian action film The Raid 2: Berandal, which was released in the United States and other major markets around the world. Having overcome this obstacle, Arifin readily embraced the challenge of performing his stunts in Berandal without a double. “Yang utama, paham sama karakter dan ceritanya. He caught the attention of avid moviegoers and film critics. He honed his skills for 1,5 years, performing plays primarily in English, while acting in Bahasa Indonesia on screen. Jangan pula menikah karena alasan usia, seperti karyawan mengebut penyelesaian laporan gara-gara dikejar tenggat. Alvin Faiz mengatakan Arifin Ilham sudah memilihkan calon istri, yakni Larissa Chou. Jika sang kembaran Marcel sudah menikah, maka lain halnya dengan Mischa Chandrawinata yang masih fokus karir di usia 33 tahunnya. Arifin Putra was born Putra Arifin Scheunemann on May 1st, 1987, in Mainz, Germany, before moving to Jakarta, Indonesia at the tender age of 3. Foto: Ronny/kumparan. Tapi, juga tentunya bikin deg-degan. His next big project, Supernova: Ksatria, Putri dan Bintang Jatuh premiered in December 2014. Bermula dari kebiasaannya mengolah limbah buah dan sayuran yang ia konsumsi, Arifin Putra berhasil membuat sendiri kompos padat dan cair. Tapi Thomas tetap mengusirnya. Ia menceritakan bagaimana proses putranya dan Larissa menikah, dan alasan keduanya menjadi suami istri. Saat pandemi seperti sekarang ini penggunaan masker adalah hal yang wajib dilakukan. Despite being unsuccessful in that particular competition, one thing led to another for Arifin, and so began his acting career. He hopes one day to be able to help raise awareness about renewable energy, for Indonesia’s potential in this area is huge but remains mostly untapped. Pribadi Aulia yang tertutup menyebabkannya tak banyak teman. 15 April 2019 14:19 WIB. Immediately following the events of the original, The Raid 2 tracks Officer Rama as he is pressured to join an anti-corruption task force to guarantee protection for his wife and child. Di sini, hubungan kita unik dan. Aktor Arifin Putra menjadi salah satu pemeran di film ‘Mantan Manten’. 2016 The Professionals (Coming December 2016) Directed by Monty tiwa, by Maxima Pictures Starring as Satya (Supporting Actor), 2015 Negeri Van Oranje Di usia ke-31 tahun Arifin Putra belum memutuskan untuk menikah. English. Tidak banyak yang tahu bahwa Arifin Putra dulunya bercita-cita menjadi pegawai bank. Five strangers become best friends by chance, when they meet at a train station during a storm. Pada film produksi Visinema Pictures itu, pria berumur 31 tahun ini harus melakukan adegan menikah. A story of a father learning to let go, a son struggling to be a father and yet another son fearing to become a father. Sinopsis 'SI MANIS JEMBATAN ANCOL', Teror Balas Dendam Korban Pembunuhan di Masa … Putra sulung Ustaz Arifin Ilham yaitu Muhammad Alvin Faiz memilih untuk menikah di usianya yang masih cukup belia yaitu 17 tahun. Aulia akhirnya tinggal di panti asuhan. From a career standpoint one of Arifin’s dearest ambitions is to put the Indonesian movie industry on par with other global players. His father is an exporter of dried flowers and landscaping specialist in Jakarta, Indonesia, while his mother runs her own catering business. The film adaptation of Dewi ‘Dee’ Lestari’s bestselling novel of the same title is based on the first installation of the Supernova series. Directed by Rizal Mantovani, by Soraya Intercine Films Starring as Reuben (Supporting Actor), 2014 The Raid 2: Berandal His movie ‘The Raid 2: Berandal’ (2014) is proof of that. At the end of the shoot, Arifin found himself motivated by the fact that he could earn a bit of extra pocket money while having fun. As a teenager, though, he eventually decided to turn in his German citizenship and take on Indonesian citizenship. In the same year, he was a finalist in a cover boy competition hosted by a popular Indonesian teen magazine. Arifin also enjoys various water sports, swimming, go-karting, cycling, writing scripts and sampling new cuisine. Kecuali Kevin (Arifin Putra) yang bisa meluluhkan hati Aulia.Yuk tonton terus Sinetron Kau Masih Kekasihku hanya di Channel Youtube Full Drama Indonesia!Jangan lupa juga like, comment, subscribe, dan share ke semua social media kalian. "Kalau untuk nikah sih enggak ada target. Johandi Yahya (International) +62 815 9090909, Copyright © 2016 | Design by Stella Widjaja. TEMPO.CO, Jakarta- Muhammad Alvin Faiz, putra sulung ustad Arifin Ilham mulai memahami alasan ayahnya menikahkannya pada 2019 saat usianya baru 17 tahun. In Berandal, Arifin portrays the son of Jakarta's most notorious mob boss who is engulfed in his ambitions. “Biasanya aku karakternya selalu yang marah-marah, bacok-bacok orang gitu kan, sempat dibilang. (terima) banget, nurut, pokoknya, apa kata orang tua diikutin deh,” tutur Arifin. Jadi, kalau suatu saat nanti memang calon (istri)nya ada (darah) Jawanya kan sudah tahu,” ucap. Namun dia punya alasan tersendiri. Dia berbagi pandangan soal pernikahan.


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