News and commentary from a Biblical world view on current events, top stories, social trends and political and religious events. Rome is the same power that claims they have the authority to change God’s 10 Commandment moral law. Given the COVID-19 outbreak, the new petitions from the pope include specific intentions for caretakers, patients, and people who've died or are mourning a loss. And what doctrines have changed in Rome since the early days when she began incorporating all the pagan customs into the church? Pope Francis is asking Catholics all around the world to join him in praying the rosary, along with two prayers, to be "united" and "overcome" the coronavirus pandemic together. I ask him to defend us from the evil one and banish him,” he … And can those teachings be sustained by the Scriptures? Luther’s battle was not so much with the rank and file members of the church. All rights reserved. October 22, 2020 ICYMI: Bloomberg: Senators Ask Pope Francis to Press China on Religious Freedoms. The letter comes as the Vatican begins negotiations with the Chinese Communist Party over renewing an agreement over the appointment of bishops in the country. Pope Francis is asking Catholics all around the world to join him in praying the rosary, along with two prayers, to be "united" and "overcome" the coronavirus pandemic together. “Antichrist” is just another term used to describe the worthless “sons of Belial” (1 Samuel 2:12) who were desecrating the temple of God. The term “antichrist” is a biblical characterization. Putin: Russia-China Military Alliance Can't Be Ruled Out... Fox News: Hunter Biden Docs Don't Show Direct Link to Joe, But Tough... Half of Pennsylvania's Requested Mail-in Ballots Cast, Al-Qaida's No. Would Martin Luther support Pope Francis’ veneration of Brother Sun, Brother Wind, Brother Fire, Sister Moon, Sister Water and Mother Earth? Market data provided by Factset. Pope Francis preaches at a Mass for the Vatican Gendarmerie Sept. 26, 2020. Biden’s Drive-In Rally Mocked in North Carolina: Trump Updat... Peru Congress Sets Impeachment, Pension Vote for Oct. 31. Our only concern for the positions held by Luther on the Antichrist or on any other Protestant teaching is this: Are they true? The lobbying has generated pushback from influential Vatican officials, with Cardinal Oscar Andres Rodriguez Maradiaga, who coordinates a papal commission on Church reform, telling daily la Repubblica that the U.S. “must not interfere in our relations with China.”. López Obrador said the Spanish crown, Spain’s government and the Vatican should apologise to native people for the “most reprehensible atrocities” committed after Spanish conquistadors arrived in Mexico in 1521. It is similar to the “false apostles” (2 Corinthians 11:13) who were deceiving the church of God. Millions of sincere Christians gave their lives for the Protestant faith during the Roman Catholic Inquisition for refusing to compromise God’s word. God put that word in the Bible to be applied. “I would not say anything, I would just like give him a hug.”. Social Media Buzz: Trump Casts Ballot, SpaceX Launch, McBrok... Trump Ramps Up Rallies, Bucking Health Guidelines on Virus, Photographer: Lisa Maree Williams/Getty Images. The document also calls upon Protestants and Catholics to apologize for the mutual hostilities throughout history. -- When Pope Francis arrives at Joint Base Andrews outside Washington D.C. next week -– he’ll be greeted by President Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama and also some lucky students from Sacred Heart, a catholic school in the nation’s capital. Have a confidential tip for our reporters? Francis’s highly anticipated tour of the United States includes an address to Congress, a visit to the White House, and also stops at the National Mall, and St. Matthews Cathedral. Catholic and Protestant academics published a document urging the Vatican to lift Martin Luther’s excommunication and the Lutheran World Federation to revoke Luther’s condemnation of the Pope as “Antichrist”. . Vatican II officially opened ecumenical dialog between Protestants and Catholics in 1962. Pope Francis is asking Catholics all around the world to join him in praying the rosary, along with two prayers, to be "united" and "overcome" the coronavirus pandemic together. Amy Kellogg reports from Florence, Italy. In the same way, as Martin Luther grew in his understanding and appreciation of the Gospel and the Scriptures, he also grew in his recognition that the Papacy was the Antichrist. WASHINGTON – As reported by Bloomberg News, U.S. If the Pope is not the Antichrist, why leave the community of the Roman Catholic Church? The Vatican released the pope's request for the month of May in a letter published on the feast of St. Mark the Evangelist on Friday. Francis is proposing two new prayers "to the Blessed Virgin Mary, which can be recited at the end of the rosary," according to Vatican News. The Antichrist also describes the same “beast” power that will revive persecution in these last days (Revelation 13:15). Available for everyone, funded by readers. What right do we have to be separated, if the reasons for being a Protestant no longer exist? Can we afford to betray those who gave their lives for our historic faith? 24/7 coverage of breaking news and live events. Catholic School Students Get to Find Out Students at Sacred Heart School in Washington, D.C. share their thoughts on the Pope ahead of his arrival next week. American. The antichrist is another title for the “man of sin” who sits in a temple thinking that he is God (2 Thessalonians 2:3, 4). President Donald Trump signed into law legislation this year that requires him to sanction officials found responsible for oppression of Uighurs and members of other Muslim minority groups. None; not even one! For Luther, everything was under the judgment of the Scriptures, and he would use the scriptures to judge the church, the church’s teaching and even the pope. Powered and implemented by FactSet Digital Solutions. ©2020 FOX News Network, LLC. Senators Ask Pope Francis to Press China on Religious Freedoms By . © 2020 Guardian News & Media Limited or its affiliated companies. Before it's here, it's on the Bloomberg Terminal. [1], [2], [3], Filed Under: Churches, Interfaith, Pope Francis Tagged With: churches, Interfaith, Pope Francis, © 2014-2020 Advent Messenger | All Rights Reserved,,,, Fratelli Tutti: Ganoune Diop Praises Pope Francis’ Encyclical, The United Nations Praises Pope Francis for Endorsing the Homosexual Agenda. CARDINAL DOLAN SAYS HE ADMIRES TRUMP'S LEADERSHIP ON HELPING RELIGIOUS COMMUNITY RECOVER FROM CORONAVIRUS. Pope Francis delivers his blessing from the window of his private library overlooking St. Peter's Square, at the Vatican, Sunday, March 22, 2020. This new ecumenical document would eliminate the “buffers” that prevent Protestants and Catholics from mutually recognizing each other as churches. Latest News About Pope Francis. U.S. Pompeo Lobbies Vatican on Religious Freedom Amid China Spat, “We ask that Your Holiness challenge the leadership of the People’s Republic of China, as you have challenged leaders around the globe,” Young and Kaine wrote. All rights reserved. Senators Todd Young (R-Ind.) Why can’t we see this? Daniel Flatley, October 19, 2020, 10:40 AM EDT Pope Francis Photographer: Lisa Maree Williams/Getty Images. He rejected the claims of the Papacy and its authority. Luther’s battle was with the “ex cathedra” or the seat/chair of the papacy which states that papal proclamations “ex cathedra” are preserved by the Holy Spirit from any possibility of error. Last modified on Mon 12 Oct 2020 04.37 BST. Students at Sacred Heart School in Washington, D.C. share their thoughts on the Pope ahead of his arrival next week. He also published a critique of the agreement in a religious magazine. October 22, 2020 / by Robert Shine, Managing Editor Would Martin Luther embrace the modern-day Papacy with its unbiblical promotion of pantheism and Mother Earth worship? . For the full text of the two prayers, click here. This new ecumenical gesture on the part of modern-day Protestants and Catholics is for this generation. What should concern us is not whether this message is considered loving or not.
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