cinder in a sentence
There was burnt brick with black cinders and ashes on top. Pompeii was merely covered with a bed of lighter substances, cinders, small stones and ashes, which fell in a dry state, while at Herculaneum the same substances, being drenched with water, hardened into a sort of tuf a, which in places is 65 ft. Beyond this, wrought iron, and certain classes of steel which then were important, necessarily contained much slag or " cinder," because they were made by welding together pasty particles of metal in a bath of slag, without subsequent fusion. Cinders have been and are still much favoured for this purpose. Some stars simply fade like cooling cinders when they have exhausted all the thermonuclear reactions which had made them shine through their lifetime. If the ore is in pieces of the size of a walnut Or upwards, it is roasted in plain" kilns "or" burners,"provided with a grating of suitable construction for the removal of the cinders, with a side door in the upper part for charging in the fresh ore on the top of the partially burned ore, and with an arch-shaped roof, from which the burnergas is carried away in a flue common to a whole set of kilns. All Rights Reserved. I like my steak burnt to a cinder on the outside and blood red and juicy inside. But Ahab's glance was averted; like a blighted fruit tree he shook, and cast his last, cinderedapple to the soil. Cinderella’s nickname came from the cinder ashes that covered her face while stoking the fire. 13.4), being thrown into a lofty tower full of cinders. 68 sentence examples: 1. Vesuvius (q.v. But they are weak, and modern experience goes to show that a strong concrete is the best, and that probably materials like broken clamp bricks or burnt clay, which are porous and yet strong, are far better than cinders as a fireproof aggregate. into rough 80-16 balls, each like a sponge of metallic iron particles with its pores filled with the still molten cinder. of Mauna Loa, and blending with it in an intervening plateau, is Mauna Kea (" White Mountain," so named from the snow on its summit), with a much smaller base but with steeper slopes and a crowning cinder cone 13,823 ft. . As the iron oxide is stirred into the molten metal laboriously by the workman or "puddler " with his hook or "rabble," it oxidizes the silicon to silica and the phosphorus to phosphoric acid, and unites with both these products, forming with them a basic iron silicate rich in phosphorus, called " puddling " or " tap cinder.". Cinders. How to use cinder in a sentence. Sentence with the word cinder To remedy this inconvenience, they make use of another material which they call cinder , it being nothing else but the refuse of the ore after the melting hath been extracted, which, being melted with the other in due quantity, gives it that excellent temper of toughness for which this iron is preferred before any other that is brought from foreign parts. It used to be enclosed by railings and thicker hedges and had a second grandstand and a cinder athletics track. Rats, too, can gnaw through lead sheathing, With the boiler and storage tanks removed from the, Finally in the back straight, he settled down, and he beat a steady cadence down the, Small vesicular pieces of volcanic material, scoria, collect around the vent to form a, Some of these cones are now barely recognisable, having been excavated for the volcanic, He had the entire floor finished, it was plywood nailed onto a two-by-four frame supported by a sturdy, Although the lobby and studio were lost, some of the 60-seat theatre was preserved in the, In our house, this kind of texture has been sprayed over a, She parked her Ford Ranger on the west side of the small, half, However, some problems can arise if the wall is made of brick or, She is walking me through the skeleton of the future clinic, which is being built, I found myself on my room's balcony, which is separated from the other balconies by a barrier no thicker than a, Dry, sweet-smelling woods that hide the square, Barbecue food has that odd combination of being burnt to a, Wildlife and vegetation on the surrounding islands vaporized, birds burnt to a, A playground helicopter ride in Lions Riverside Park was burnt to a, The four shop tracks had a coaling plant, sand house and, The concrete balcony stairs, however, were constructed of poorly consolidated, We are going a roundabout way to the village via an abandoned rail line with a, Eventually we find a new little bike path of dirt and, Gas-rich lavas, particularly those that are of high viscosity, form large quantities of cinders and ash which collect in a, One day when I was growing up, a train went by and a, You need three different types of sugar to interfere with crystal formation when making good, If you're not up for the entire trail, you can hike a short distance and still get to see panoramic views of, Relative strangers offer up curious nuggets of information, like, And then, once they'd turned their backs for a minute to do something else, we could see my pizza catch fire and eventually blacken to a, The fire was quickly extinguished, but the motorcycle was reduced to a smoking, unsalvageable, The story opens with an appearance from the Brothers Grimm, asking an elderly woman to verify the story of a, At that moment, three or four shots rang out almost simultaneously, echoing throughout the, We are going a roundabout way to the village via a quiet length of top road and track and then an abandoned rail line of, Instead, North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service said a faulty, Five miles north, Nokuthula Dube, 22, her two daughters and two orphaned relatives are squatting in an unfinished two-room house of, The neighborhoods are populated with old, dilapidated houses with overgrown lawns full of, The first time I went abroad it was to Crete, and I got burnt to a, I have a question concerning the interior of my 1950's, Sunset Crater Volcano, one of the nearly six hundred, The road continues 35 miles northwest past, We started off high in the hills overlooking Ponta Delgada at a, After an explosion, tephra settles to the ground around the volcano's vent, forming the steep, loosely arranged sides of a, I've seen and shot samples from both worlds, although I haven't personally used the company's barrels to pound, They live in a harsh landscape of eroded mesas just east of the raw lava flows and, These lenses evolve at the top towards a high-temperature, It is a gigantic classic shield volcano, and the broad landscape of its summit is an alpine desert composed of, Its slopes are an angular patchwork of snowfields, lava-strewn plains, basalt pinnacles, and looming, Cinder cone volcanoes arise from solid lava fragments thrown out to form a, The animal was seen Saturday evening near the summit of Pilot Butte, a 500-foot-tall extinct, There was still some slag left in the puddle balls, so while they were still hot they would be shingled to remove the remaining slag and. cinder blocks, rough boards, or wire fence. lime of the limestone and the ash of the fuel to form a complex molten silicate called the " cinder " or " slag." Under these acts a sanitary authority is authorized to take proceedings to restrain interference with the due flow of a stream or the pollution of its waters by throwing into it the solid refuse of any manufactory or quarry, or any rubbish or cinders, or any other waste or any putrid solid matter. But as he rode out to view the ruins his horse plunged on the burning cinders and inflicted on him an internal injury. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. It chanced that I walked that way across the fields the following night, about the same hour, and hearing a low moaning at this spot, I drew near in the dark, and discovered the only survivor of the family that I know, the heir of both its virtues and its vices, who alone was interested in this burning, lying on his stomach and looking over the cellar wall at the still smouldering cinders beneath, muttering to himself, as is his wont. A few persons reside on the little island Allegranza, a mass of lava and cinders ejected at various times from a now extinct volcano, the crater of which has still a well-defined edge. Most of the pyrites consumed in the United Kingdom come from Spain; this Spanish pyrites generally (not always) contains enough copper (say 3 or 4%) to make its extraction from the residues ("cinders) a paying process, and this of course cheapens the price of the sulphur to the acid manufacturer. One glowing cinder was all that remained of the once burning fire. But this basicity implies that for each part of the silica or silicic acid which inevitably results from the oxidation of the silicon of the pig iron, the cinder shall contain some three parts of iron oxide, itself a valuable and expensive substance.


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