Since humans are so bad and animals are innocent, i want to see how trusting you will be coming in contact with 3 lions who aren't even hungry. The Bored Panda iOS app is live! The suckers took a firm hold, leaving the woman screaming in pain as she tried to remove them. It is still an interesting part of Korean culture which is why I decided to upload this Video. SUBSCRIBE for more Videos every week! And as for violence against humans, they run them over with tanks. You are okay with cutting the tentacles off of a living, conscious octopus, so after you watch, tell me how you feel about cutting off the leg of a living, conscious dog. To be mad at humans for doing what nature intended is being mad at nature itself. Being angry at humans for eating other animals is energy draining. I am very against eating live animals, exactly why I don't eat any sea food in most cases. No, because I'm not convinced they are conscious enough to appreciate it. A cow can be trained to herd other cows and even close the gates after a certain time. at least kill it so that it doesn't suffer unnecessarily, imagine a giant grabbed you and started ripping off your arms and legs and then eating them one by one. How much of it, I'm not sure. You are literally talking about torturing a living animal, cutting off it's limbs one by one, and eating them as it watches. This is specifically repulsive, and quite barbaric as well. Nope, would disturbed me WAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY too much. I prefer chopped up. The comments below have been moderated in advance. The vlogger, known as “seaside girl Little Seven,” is a popular user on the Chinese social media platform Kuaishou. The woman screamed in pain as she desperately attempted to remove the animal's tentacles from her skin. Of course she shouldn't. No, you said people who eat meat are not good people, not that you have a higher morale. @Ummmmmmm222 YOU do not kill in cold blood if YOU are a good person. If they killed the octopus first then I wouldn't care, but the kept it alive just to inflict pain by cutting off it's legs. I'm Spanish, and I think bull fighting is a horrendous example of extreme animal cruelty. The treat others how you would want to be treated philosophy equals veganism. Any country that says it's normal to cause a living creature stress or pain is not one I'd want to be involved with. I would NOT have live octopus. The octopus apparently tried to defend itself by sticking to her face with its suckers. You can eat nothing but bread and butter and i wouldn't care, im just telling you about some unconventional things is all. Eating Show Mukbang Asmr [Eating pork belly, octopus, spicy food, grilled chicken legs, conch meat, spicy enoki mushrooms, foods such as Tuituole, all kinds of wonderful food] Eating Show Mukbang Asmr. You also ignored that point i made about plants also having some form of intelligence. Published: 01:33 AEDT, 8 May 2019 | Updated: 00:18 AEDT, 10 May 2019. The video went from trending on Chinese social media platforms to going viral worldwide. Would you eat one cooked? And the thing is dying either way -- you know. :-(. I personally would never cook or eat anything alive. In the case of humans, the only reason why we have evolved the way we did is probably because of climate change and being out of the rainforests. Ironically, her latest octopus video - albeit unexpected - has become a trending topic on China's social media platforms. Cute baby animals Videos Compilation cute moment of the animals #2, Adaptive Extreme Sports – Rock Climbing (Wheelchair user) (Paraplegic), Cute baby animals Videos Compilation cute moment of the animals – Soo Cute! Maybe I'll try cutting up a live human too, and if you have a problem with that then you're just being a drama queen. but that is just here in the United States. No different than shooting a cow in the head or chopping off the head of a chicken. I've heard that dog tastes very good, similar to beef in many ways.It's not about what I like or dislike, it's about whether or not you're torturing the animal. Then she realised the octopus had sucked onto her face so hard it left a small bloody wound on her cheek. End of. 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Just fuck right off. Like seriously, research it. 4 ay önce | 13 views. I tried ALIVE OCTOPUS in Korea and had to go to the emergency room. You don't need to eat animals to live a healthy life. To survive, whether you like it or not means that you have to kill to eat. drama queen lol, Guys if you never tried it before and you see these kind of videos, it’s not the first impression. No why would I we've got two viruses because of this stupid shit. Why a vote for Freedom and Donald J Trump and against Socialism will save America! Obesity, lazyness, spolit rotten, gun crazy, mass shootings at schools, armed teachers, cops being killed, the list goes on and on. @devilman666 Maybe. Pigs are still extremely smart, and cows are arguably smarter than dogs. #octopus Part of the Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday & Metro Media Group. It's just fucked up, it's literal torture. 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A Chinese live-streaming host has been left horrified by an octopus while trying to film herself eating the eight-armed creature alive. Rokas is a writer at Bored Panda with a BA in Communication. Bored Panda works better on our iPhone app. Understand these countries have history ect, however when will they realize creatures have feelings too. But despite how short her career is, Seaside Girl Little Seven has already complained about not getting enough attention. I like it. Seaside Girl Little Seven lives in the city of Lianyungang and loves seafood, according to her Kuaishou account. Live Octopus is a Korean delicacy but can be dangerous! Same goes for dog, same goes for octopus. Fight boredom with iPhones and iPads here. I was cringing, shutting my eyes, biting my hand and waving my phone away (that I’m watching this on) with my other hand! Sorry but absolutely no sympathy whatsoever. But even with the humane factors aside, I genuinely do prefer it killed (ideally in a very swift and human way) and chopped up. Eating an octopus live is inhumane - as is boiling crabs alive. #OurBluePlanet | BBC Earth, Призраки.Привидения.Духи.Фантомы./Ghost caught on camera/videos de fantasmas/echte geister videos, AWW Animals SOO Cute! We're asking people to rethink comments that seem similar to others that have been reported or downvoted, By using our services you agree to our use of cookies to improve your visit. The video blogger lives in the city of Lianyungang and loves eating seafood, according to information on her Kuaishou account. When she finally removed the octopus from her face, it left a small gash on her cheek. Thats the point. True, but the more complex an organism is the more work your body has to do to digest it. Valerie Page ... She's Chinese, not Japanese you dummy. You'll be alright. Lol, Dude that's fucking sick what the hell is wrong with you? Yeah, just no. A Korean ASMR YouTuber who goes by the name Ssoyoung has challenged herself to eat an entire live octopus. What I have a problem with, is causing unneccessary pain for the animal, just put it out of it's misery first. You do not get to deem which life is more important than others. One thing is for sure though, you are not exempt for being "bad" for the vulgar and hateful language.
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