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I love the last kiss. and "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth." It would explain why Chief Kang wanted to sponsor him and become his mother figure to replace the one she couldn't get justice for. var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
Tae-il joins them as they spy on the bookstore from afar, and then Gook suddenly gets a bright idea and asks Tae-il for his jacket. Seo Yi-Sook is the name of the actress playing the character Chief Kang Seok-Soon. It’s crazy. since his brother died, it's most likely his gay partner. Because that's the root to how the Pan Seok and Ji Yong relationship started. Surely Dae-gu could have looked beyond who Ki-jae's parents were to offer him some form of support. I have never seen LSG better and I think he has really matured as an actor. The team is completely unprepared to speak to him, but Dae-gu does anyway. 8) How did Pan-seok find Dau Gu - with his adorable hat and stun gun? And as girlfriday mentioned, even Park Jung-Min did such a good job as little Ji Kook that I’d even love to watch couple of episodes entirely dedicated to him. He states that he had only deceived her in order for her to divorce Ji-il, not for her to kill anyone. One of the thugs stands beside him with a gun pointed at his head. I did watch Cityhall and still didn't didn't understand their appreciation of him. happily investigating the case of the missing chickens. This is one of the most natural kissing I've seen in kdramas. I missed the funny scenes in last 10 episode, maybe!
Dae-gu brings up Pan-seok’s final disciplinary hearing tomorrow, and they sigh wondering if they’ll really lose their team leader like this. And that was a seriously good kiss. Thankfully Dae-gu isn’t about to let the moment pass without getting his kiss, and turns her face toward him to pepper her with kisses. While he is her father, the inheritance is hers.) I would love to watch a whole series on Cha Seung Won playing country cop chasing chicken thieves. Even Gook, Ta-ill, Chief Kang, Chief Toad, Boots, Go-Ara Mom character, Little Eun dae gu and Little Su soon. You are awesome! I wish we got to see Dae-gu being a hyung to the kid even if he wasn't related to him at all; I felt that story remained unfinished. 2. what was Sa Kyung's answer for why she divorced Pan Seok? If that air was cleared, I would expect to see more bromance, as girlfriday mentioned, I too really wanted to spend more time on Pan seok - Ji Yong relationship. So I was (absolutely not) crazy and went through a bunch of episodes trying to find good uninterrupted stretches of them, and I am here to share. 3. did Tae Il reconcile with his dad? Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. After nearly three months this show is at its end. Thankfully, EDG makes it with their super adorable kiss that I can remember for a long time after the drama. He knocks out the thugs and points a gun at Yoo, and Dae-gu uses the moment to fight him for the gun. He grabs a few business cards off the street then stands next to Lawyer Kim’s car wiping at the smudges on the window, and the sister naturally assumes Gook is his chauffer. All I can say it you just can't hate this show. Can' t wait for your next project. Assemblyman Yoo comes home to the news that they’re now penniless, which is pretty satisfying, and daddy and daughter blame each other for ruining their lives. }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Ready or not, it’s time for the rookies to graduate and find out whether they’ll sink or swim. I actually don’t have too many qualms about the story events that happened in the finale, but my problems with it echo the problems I had with the series as a whole—that is, the show didn’t play to its strengths. var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
It is the legendary policeman and the respectable boss to the team, his priority is always his utmost attempt to detective job. I vote for Season 2. While the last couple of episodes felt tedious at times, I did really love this episode. He’s so natural that it doesn’t feel like he’s acting, and it makes me want to see him do comedy all the time. After a short conversation, Assemblyman Yoo tells the gangsters to get rid of both Soo-sun and Dae-gu. The reporters ask about Chief Kang’s relationship to Assemblyman Yoo, and all Pan-seok says is that it needs to be investigated. I absolutely loved the ensemble cast. Why the straw hat? };
It wasn’t the smoothest ride, but You’re All Surrounded wins some points for consistency and heart, and for some truly endearing characters that I’ll probably remember long after the story’s been wiped from my brain. And I am glad Panseok went back to the simple life! Besides my original love for Seung Gi, the rest of the cast will forever be in my good books from now on. There was a man that Tae-Il was like GO AWAY!!! And the kiss at the end? Jiyong's mum died cos BirkinBitch killed her with a vase when she was overwhelmed by anger (she thought Jiyong was the love child of her husband and Jiyong's mum), which was not true because Mdm Yoo/BirkinBitch was misled into thinking that JY was the love child. Bromance doesn't need a hug but romance really needs a kiss. 2. I wanted the case to end already so we could more time with the characters. The end just sealed that and I want to see them again going to visit PS! He’s stopped at a red light down the street, when Dae-gu suddenly appears in his rearview mirror waving his notebook and running to catch up. And I have my own questions... why was Ki-jae even in this show? I’m planning to do GC later, anyhow. Soo-sun threatens to kill Dae-gu if he ever does that again, and the two unites in yet another hug. You will receive a link to create a new password via email. didn't rewind to confirm though. That is what a sunbae and adult is supposed to do.” He doesn’t make excuses for his actions, and says he’ll accept whatever punishment they see fit. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. =D. Another Plus is the OST, which always felt so poignant. He gives the order to take care of them both and starts to walk out. I don't understand why, if he was going to be a part of the plot, he didn't get to end up with Dae-gu as a "brother" real or otherwise. I do not remember any other drama that is similar in cast, story or comedy, so that is definitely a plus. Soo Sun: 99468591, Evidence Room Kiss Props to her for finding emotion and effectively translating it across the small screen. We catch up to his press conference, where he puts in a rousing performance as the contrite father who acknowledges his mistakes, crocodile tears to boot. Tae-il chased his wife but she always love her ex-husband only. And the same goes to seo pan suk and Ji Yong's closing scene. *sob*. I love Chief Kang's character here, and the actor too. But in the last episode--I was surprised to find that I did. The goodbye between Dae Gu and Pan Seok was sad and sooo awesome at the same time. Ji-yong-ah, I love you. Its been a long time since a drama did that to me. Good thing I didn't follow the drama..had all my expectations up since I wanted to see go ara after 1997 and the older lead..but seung gi annoy me from the beginning and since I never care for him in Gu family book, my girl friend is a nine tail fox and my 2 hearts(mostly my favorite cause of ha ji won) and alwaya playing a douce bag that becomes more human as the show continues did me in after the first episode.. The words gets to Ae-yeon and she confronts her father about his deception. Gook finds the cell phone and leaves the bookstore. (Okay, this just hit me, they should all be cast in a Korean remake of 12 Angry Men (and Women). Idk, but I love him anyway! were better. js.src = "//";
( Log Out / But CSW cycling with no hands, I shall remember forever. It’s a pity that in YAS Oh Yoon-Ah’s talents for balancing comedy and drama were simply squandered. I love your comments and agree with most of yours. That's what I cared about. When she left him after their son's death, he didn't reach to keep her back.
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