that “Baby on Board” signs and window shades with suction cups were a decapitation hazard in an accident. I think the parents who have them are mean – take the kid off the board and put it in a car seat . , “Certainly most of humanity doesn’t behave consistently with your position.”. You’re okay with modeling to your children that time with them matters more than time alone with your wife or husband? I thought they were gone b/c they could turn into a “dangerous projectile” if you were ever in a car accident. That’s a dead giveaway. Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War 2 – Retribution (2011/RUS/ENG/RePack by R.G Modern) The company’s founder, and sign’s creator, wanted to come up with a way to make the streets safer, so he made a sign with the message of “drive safely.”. I didn’t have children then–I do now, and I still don’t agree with the notion that a child’s life is more important than an adult’s. It is illegal to set a booby trap on one's own property to prevent intruders. The devil’s advocate position regarding first responders should also be noted – the presence of the sign can be misleading if there isn’t actually a child in the car at the time of the accident. Listen now for interviews with the biggest soap stars and all the latest spoilers - available on every major podcast app , It seems like they are always speeding with a “Baby On Board”. If you park like an asshole next to me the chances that I’m going to give two and a half fucks about your car drops exponentially. It wasn’t about how it was unsafe for them, but that the kids didn’t LIKE it. I always got a chuckle because the majority of the ones I saw were on cars that were speeding. Of course, I try not to drive like an asshole even when I’m the only person in the car, but they don’t make “Person who cares about following traffic laws and not recklessly endangering her life or the lives of others just so she can get to her destination two minutes earlier on board” signs, as far as I know. “Woman and children first” is practiced in disasters. oh em gee- that’s actually less paranoid than the reason I was told for the “death to all baby on board signs! And honestly, when I’m driving I just consider those drivers with the “Baby on Board” sign to be sleep deprived and distractable, so I give them a wide berth, just like I do learner drivers . I heard of first responders freaking out because there was a baby on board sign but they could not find the baby near a car crash… people did not take the sign down when baby was not in the car and responders would look all over for a little one thrown from a car. Mursekigsulse The dispenser. Adults and children both have rights, but in most societies there are places that the line inconveniences one or the other. It wasn’t really so much to remind other people not to drive like assholes (as I assume the people who drive like assholes are too selfish to care about anyone else on the road, adult or child), although if it did discourage crappy driving, that would’ve been a nice bonus. @enyawface – if the seat is also thrown from the car…it’s a backup. There is a “child first” reason to do that in the sense Donna means it — remember that every with a child in it also has an adult in it, so the implication is that the mere presence of the child ups your concern for life and safety in general. This would, in essence, still draw the potential kidnapper’s attention. Капитан Габриель Ангелос верит в Диомеда, отправив под его командование несколько своих десантников. The belief that men could take care of themselves and women and children could not was actually the driving force behind this. Perhaps a “Stop driving like an asshole, please” sign would be a better idea! – enjoying life with our children are LAZY. Why is the greater sacrifice more appropriate than the easier one? A Baby on Board sign is attached to the window by suction cup or, apparently, license plate by magnet. The “decapitation” story was much more than a month ago, but it was covered here. That’s not where most first responders would look for a baby so a bright yellow sign that indicates that there might be a baby in the car makes me feel better in the event of an accident. As Pentamom said, the problem isn’t with asking people to drive safely. So now, do you fear EVERYONE? So the next time you see one of those ridiculous signs, just remember it’s there for your safety, not the safety of the baby. “Children feed first in famine, they are celebrated and used as a measure of the health of the community. My wife and I spotted one yesterday here in Southern California. I haven’t seen one in a long time. I take it most parents would choose their child’s over their own. Replaced by those (equally tacky) family stickers where each person in the family has a sticker. I think that the BOB sign was replaced by those family of stick figures decals (Mommy, Daddy, 2 kids and which sometimes incude a cat or a dog). lol. A mother is no more entitled to ask someone (via sign or otherwise) to be more careful in their driving than a non-mother. With the sticky fingerprints on the window, cornflakes on the back seat and smily faces drawn in the condensation, i’ve never felt the need for one of the plaque thingies to let people know who was on board…, I guess there is just no way to keep our children safe. For instance, children have to go to school but may avoid prison for some indiscresions that an adult would serve time for committing. Do you really expect first responders will not look in the front seat of the car well enough to notice something as large as a baby if there’s no sign there? The idea that these were for emergency personnel is silly. Kick off each morning with coffee and the Daily Brief (BYO coffee). The "Baby on board" sign was originally introduced to help emergency services look for a baby or small child in the event of the vehicle in question being involved in an accident. “On the other side, Donna, how can you ask others to sacrifice to feed your child in a famine but not to drive more carefully because they might harm a child? Baby on Board Signs are FAB, I Love them Go to the range is Incredible and the service second to none. PottyMouthMommy, you are kidding. Should retail for about 20 bucks and will be installed along with your car seat. I am Safety Driver”. in this way, the little sign that you all get so het up about just plays a role in reducing stress and road rage. There’s no “child first” in the sense you mean it reason to drive *more* carefully in the presence of a child in another vehicle than you otherwise would, unless driving to work is considered some kind of survival situation where you’d otherwise have little regard for safety. Feel free to contact me to talk about it if you want. No sure but i hate it. They’re scared to death of lawsuits. What's this charge from Amazon FreeTime Unltd 866-216-1072? Hey Readers — Just got this sociologically stimulating note and wanted to post it for us to chew on. You forgot that the window ones could become projectiles and injury the baby hence the move to bumper ones. I see you live in Acton. The seat must face backwards. ?” Most ridiculous, obnoxious signs ever. The song was written by Homer Simpson in a flashback to 1985 when Marge bought a sign, hoping it would stop people from "intentionally ramming our car". I think we can agree there is a line that is drawn on the side of children. I’m SO glad they’re gone. But instead of discrediting the natural force of Child First thinking, why not harness it towards living better lives ourselves and challenging ourselves to create a society that strives to be better in the future…for our children. Аполлон Диомед пытался очистить субсектор Аврелия от оставшейся заразы Черного Легиона. They’re quite trendy in London at the moment for some reason. If, perchance, a car accident is so severe that the tethers and harnesses holding in the carseat to the vehicle are broken allowing the carseat to be thrown from the vehicle, what are the chances that the Baby on Board sign is still nicely secured to the car? There are times when protecting the interests of adults impacts children and protecting the interests of children impacts adults. Can someone make sure these people put a sign in their back window that says: I drive safer around you if you have a baby on board? Back in 1986 or 1987, shortly after I got my license and my first car, I bought two joke signs. The trend has run its course. My mom gave me one that said “Awsome!” (It was the 80s.) It was a fad that came and went. This was one of the first indicia of child-first thinking that has gripped the western world and careened it into helicopter world. I’m not judging anyone, at least I hope not, but I think the whole co-sleeping thing is often-times about that. Ubooly “the toy industry is broken and doesn’t care about your kid”, Geomag GREEN LINE Color Magnetic Building Set review, Back to in person school, thoughts on this, Parents who fled public virtual schools in Nashville for private finding out they’re now paying for virtuals schools, Disney+ coming to Assistant-enabled small screens, GoCube, a smart Rubik’s cube that teaches,, How to add Google Play to your Amazon Fire Kids edition. Plus I saw a woman with one of these in her window this morning and she was smoking. As usual (there are exceptions), once again I agree very much with Donna. Although, there were times I’ve found it ironic that some of the craziest drivers I’ve seen had those signs hanging from their rear window. They are still very much in evidence here in Melbourne, Australia. I wonder in it’s heyday how many times people searched for a child and couldn’t find them. In almost every society, the young are cared for by the community. It should not matter whether a child is in the car, a parent is in the car or a single person is in the car. Paranoid dummies. lol. But that is not what the signs meant to be for. Other drivers might not see the baby in the back and think you were abusing carpool privileges (as if driving around your baby was “carpooling”!).
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