Acting in the name of Valentinian, Arbogast was actually subordinate only to Theodosius. ⪠Stilicho: The Half-Barbarian Savior of Rome. His death was officially reported as a suicide but Arbogast, his magister militum, was suspected to have had a hand in it, an accusation found in the writings of Socrates of Constantinople, Orosius, and Zosimus. In Latin, Gallus could mean both an inhabitant of Gaul and a rooster. Theodosius installed Valentinian and his court at Vienne in Gaul, away from Milan and the influence of Ambrose. Listen to the audio pronunciation of Galla (wife of Theodosius I) on pronouncekiwi. [5] However, since Arcadius was only thirteen, that decision could as well have belonged to those who governed in his name. Elen, his wife, and his two daughters were spared. Theodosius granted refuge to the fugitives. * Galla wife of Roman Emperor Theodosius I. Her mother was previously married to Magnentius, a Roman usurper from 350 to 353. They were probably still alive in 392 but not mentioned afterwards. Her father was previously married to Marina Severa. According to Zosimus's account, Justina arranged for Galla to appear weeping before Theodosius and to appeal for his compassion. Rodgers, N., The History and Conquests of Ancient Rome, Hermes House, 2005. Galla had three full-siblings. [… … Wikipedia, Theodosius I — Infobox Roman emperor name =Theodosius I full name =Flavius Theodosius (from birth to accession); Flavius Theodosius Augustus (as emperor) title =Emperor of the Roman Empire caption =Coin featuring Theodosius I reign =August 378 May 15 392… … Wikipedia, Theodosius I — • Roman Emperor (also known as Flavius Theodosius), born in Spain, about 346; died at Milan, 17 January, 395 Catholic Encyclopedia. The only known child of that marriage was Gratian, Western Roman Emperor from 375 to his assassination on 25 August 383. He ruled from his capital at Augusta Treverorum (Treves, Trier) and was able to negotiate his recognition by Valentinian II and Theodosius I, starting from 384. Flavia Galla (died 394) was a Princess of the Western Roman Empire and an Empress of the Roman Empire. Her only brother was Valentinian II. Ambrose and Gregory of Nyssa praise her Christian virtue and comment on her role as "a leader of justice" and "pillar of the Church". In 383, Gratian had died while facing a major revolt under Magnus Maximus. Phot. She predeceased her parents as mentioned in the writings of Gregory of Nyssa. Theodosius installed Valentinian and his court at Vienne in Gaul, away from Milan and the influence of Ambrose. [4], Her two sisters were Grata and Justa. Her father was emperor of the Western Roman Empire from 364 to his death on 17 November 375. "Galla" is the female cognomen for "Gallus". Theodosius I Theodosius I … Catholic encyclopedia, Theodosius I — /thee euh doh shee euhs, sheuhs/ ( the Great )A.D. 346? Under her condition, Theodosius would have to attack Maximus and restore Valentinian II to his throne. Zosimus' explanation, as well as Theodoret's and Rufinus', has been disputed by modern scholars, who believe Theodosius' march against Maximus and union with Galla to be based on calculations of political gain. Theodosius was victorious and gained control of the entire Roman Empire while Arbogast committed suicide and Eugenius was executed. J P de Palmas (Aurejac et Tournemire; Frankish line; The Complete Peerage, Jacquier (Genealogy of Lewis Carroll, Justin Swanstrom, The Royal Families of England Scotland & Wales by Burkes Peerage; Debrett's Peerage & Baronage; Table of descendants French Canadian Genealogical Society; Families of Monfort-sur-Risle & Bertrand de Bricquebec; The Dukes of Normandy, XXXXI), A. Brabant ("Dynastie Montmorency, Michel d'Herbigny), Paul Leportier, Claude Barret, H.R. Conflict between the two emperors began the following year, resulting in the Battle of the Frigidus, on 5â6 September 394. He was at first co-emperor with Gratian from 375 and the only legitimate Western Roman Emperor from 383 to his death by hanging on 15 May 392. In 390, according to Ammianus Marcellinus, Arcadius had her expelled from the Palace. She was the only child who survived to adulthood and later become an Empress. Flavia Galla (died 394) was an empress of the Roman Empire and a princess of the Western Roman Empire. In 387, the truce between Valentinian II and Maximus ended. The source code for the WIKI 2 extension is being checked by specialists of the Mozilla Foundation, Google, and Apple. She was the daughter of Valentinian I and his second wife Justina. The English word games are: The Chronicle of the Roman Emperors: The reign by reign record of the rulers of Imperial Rome (1995) by Chris Scarre gives her name as Galla Placidia Valentiniana or… … Wikipedia, We are using cookies for the best presentation of our site. Sozomen was less certain and mentioned both versions of how Valentinian II died. The association through word play would much later inspire the Gallic rooster, a national symbol of France. Among people born in 374, Galla ranks 3. Since Arcadius was only thirteen, the decision could as well belong to those who governed in his name. Zosimus reports her mourning over the death of her brother in 392. Letters must be adjacent and longer words score better. Galla herself is hovever identified as an Arian in the Chronicon Paschale. Rodgers,N.,The History and Conquests of Ancient Rome,Hermes House,2005. [5] According to Socrates both remained unmarried. Whatever the politics or motivations, the public issue was increasingly scandalous public sexual caresses from her own brother Honorius. Her father was previously married to Marina Severa. Constantius became emperor in 421 , but died shortly afterwards. She had spent much time in the household of Stilicho the Vandal and his wife Serena . | Galla had three full-siblings. He quotes her saying that "To distribute money belongs to the imperial dignity, but I offer up for the imperial dignity itself personal service to the Giver.". According to Zosimus, she died in childbirth within the same year, the exact date not known. Teodosio la pidió como esposa y restableció a Valentiniano en Occidente. Sources [S400] AUREJAC.GED,, (Internet.). Galla had accompanied them. Jump to: navigation, search. [4]. Valentinian II's territory was effectively limited to Italia, ruling from Mediolanum (modern Milan).[4]. Theodosius and Galla had three children [ [ David Woods , "Theodosius I (379-395 A.D.)"] ] who were:*Gratian, a son. Zosimus' explanation, as well as Theodoret's and Rufinus', has been disputed by modern scholars, who believe Theodosius' march against Maximus and union with Galla to be based on calculations of political gain. Galla (wife of Theodosius I). Valentinian II's territory was effectively limited to Italia, ruling from Mediolanum (modern Milan).[4]. Her death is mentioned by (among others) Claudian, Zosimus, Philostorgius and Joannes Zonaras. Biblioth. Among politicians, Galla ranks 6,181 out of 14,801. In 387, the truce between Valentinian II and Maximus ended. [6], Little is known on Galla and her full name is unknown. Valentinian and Justina fled their capital for Thessaloniki, capital of the Praetorian prefecture of Illyricum and at the time the chosen residence of Theodosius. [5] On August 22 of the same year, Arbogast declared Eugenius as an emperor without the approval of Theodosius. The condition for Galla's marriage had been met. *John, A son. Theodoret reports on her works of charity, personally tending to the disabled. Sozomen reports her preventing a conference between Theodosius and Eunomius of Cyzicus who served as figurehead of Anomoeanism, a distinct sect of Arians. Her father was previously married to Marina Severa. Galla (died 394) was a Princess of the Western Roman Empire and an Empress of the Roman Empire. Theodosius was victorious and gained control of the entire Roman Empire while Arbogast committed suicide and Eugenius was executed. According to the Chronicon Paschale, the palatium Flaccillianum of Constantinople was named in her honor. Their secold son Honorius was born on 9 September 384. has at times been suggested as a third son. Born in 388, died young. Gala (Galla, fallecida en 394) fue una princesa del Imperio Romano de Occidente y emperatriz del Imperio Romano. Acting in the name of Valentinian, Arbogast was actually subordinate only to Theodosius. The area of Valentinian II had effectively been limited to Italia, ruling from Mediolanum (modern Milan). His wife Elen and two daughters were spared. Justina used this to her advantage, setting a condition for the marriage agreement to be sealed. Theodosius was victorious while Arbogast committed suicide and Eugenius was executed. Moser (Burke Peerage), O.Guionneau, L.B. AWTP: "The Ancestry of Overmire Tifft Richardson Bradford Reed" Larry Overmire Daughter of Valentinian I, Roman Emperor and Flavia Justina Tillemont suggested that the marriage took place in 386, prior to the beginning of hostilities. [6] Since Arcadius was only thirteen, the decision could as well belong to those who governed in his name. Justina's condition for the marriage had been met, however she died the same year, unable to witness the result of her efforts.
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