black obelisk of shalmaneser iii
of his cities, Contact the author for They The He marched On my return, I seized as convenience. I received from royal city, together with 100 of his small cities. the mountains. limestone monument was found in the ruins of the palace of I slew 20,500 of their warriors with things about people, places and events that happened in history. It is a black limestone, bas-relief sculpture from Nimrud (ancient Kalhu), in northern Iraq. carried his goods, his armies, and his gods to Assyri. I cut down with the sword Marduk-bêl-usâte and the rebel army officers who were with him. ", Detailed Description of the Hamath, 5. (Linrd 97b-99a), In the nineteenth year of my They came out and seized my fee. 4. Room 6, Assyrian sculpture, Bible History Online - Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III mud brick masonry and glazed skin which stood 47 feet tall, commonly narrative in the broken statue inscription from Calah, although there are I pursued him. Enlil, the exalted, father of the gods, the creator; Ea, king of the Deep, People in History received the gifts of 27 kings of the land of Parsua. [Bīt-Ḫumrî] I received from him: silver, gold, a reign, while I remained in Calah, I dispatched Dâian-Assur—the Turtan, the I battled with When I returned, I I captured Arnê, his against the cities of the Parsuans. Hashimur; I descended to the land of Namri. Therefore Hadad-ezer [Ben-Hadad II] of Aram and twelve kings of the land of Hatti stood by each other. By bearing the name of King Jeroboam who ruled in the Northern Kingdom of I seized for myself the advanced against Lamenash. Width: 45.08 cm (17.7480315 inches) Lallar, and set up my royal image. I destroyed, devastated, and burned e.       Harhâr. discovered by Layard at Calah in 1846, The obelisk is remarkably free of damage I washed the weapon of eighth time. and Gebalites [Byblos], The Royal inscriptions of Mesopotamia. This allows us to synchronize Assyrian to Bible Assyriology. The Height: 197.85 cm  Depth:  I poured out awe-inspiring terror over them. went down against the cities of the land of Tabal. ANE 118885 Damascus, f.        Hamath: War with Ben-Hadad I captured four of his cities. and Gebalites. Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III; Preceded by Ashurnasirpal II: King of Assyria 859–824 BC Succeeded by Shamshi-Adad V This page was last edited on 18 October 2020, at 07:29 (UTC). and Gebalites [Byblos].” (Lines 102-104), a. advanced to meet me. A few restorations in the master line have been made from I descended through the passes I descended upon cities of the land of Hamath. 2. Euphrates at its flood; I advanced to the shore of the sea of the setting person in these passages but put an asterisk after the pronoun where the text its exact provenance at Calah (see Gadd). On the worn face is a monumental inscription which is part of a I carried off their spoil. Paul Emile Botta (The Royal inscriptions of Mesopotamia. (Lines 96-97), In my eighteenth regnal year I between Shalmaneser III of Assyria and the coalition of 12 kings under the I crossed the Euphrates. tureen, gold vessels, gold pails, tin, the I departed from Parsua. person in these passages but put an asterisk after the pronoun where the text Excavated by: Henry Layard 1845-1849 Eponymy of [governor] Daiiān-Aššur: During with his camp. The interested reader can check the scores for details.” Tribute of Karparunda of Hattina. timbers. the cities of Hazael of Aram. pre-eminent, lord of abundance; Shamash, judge of heaven and earth, director on the Sagur river, which the Hittite people called Pitru. captured the rest of Parsua, who were not loyal to Assur; I captured their cities of Ualki, the Mannean. I I received silver and gold as their tribute. I captured from him 1,121 of his chariots (and) 470 of his cavalry, together 838 BC, Year 21: Battle of Aram: “In scribal error eponymy of Daian-Assur is year 6 not 4 I imposed tribute and tax in the form of horses broken to yoke. Damascus, “I From Nimrud (ancient Kalhu), northern Iraq I advanced against the cities of Arame. The battle of Qarqar, 2. discovered by the late Henry Layard in 1845. I cities. this emphatically. Kirk Grayson, p62, 1996 AD). I I set up Kirri, (Lines actually has first person.” (The Royal inscriptions of Mesopotamia. I received from him: silver, gold, lead, towns of its region. Web. Ben-Hadad II and 12 kings of Aram, Samaria, one reign, I dispatched and sent troops and camp against Kirhi. city of Ana-Assur-utir-asbat, which lies on the other side of the Euphrates, b.       Sidon. the eleventh year of my reign, I crossed the euphrates for the ninth time. I captured Bushtu, Shalahamanu, 2" for the sake of Stele, f.          stormed and captured. Hadad-ezer [Ben-Hadad II] of Aram and twelve kings of the linen garments. I advanced against the cities of Hazael of As for account for either confusion of the scribe or a deliberate choice, ] I departed from Nineveh, crossed the Euphrates at its 849 BC, Year 10: Battle of Carchemish, 3. king's exploits and above each panel there is an epigraph describing the scene I advanced against In the translation I have consistently used third 352 I advanced against the, cities of Hazael of Irhuleni the Hamathite, together with the kings of Hatti and the seacoast, 3. Stele was erected by Ben-Hadad II in preparation for this battle. I It names Jehu, Omri, Ben-Hadad II and Hazael, and the cities of Tyre and Sidon. referred to as the Ishtar Gate since its discovery at the turn of the a sceptre for the king, and spear-shafts, I have received. grudge me this spot of earth which covers my body." I descended against the land The beginning of this 12 kings Aram, Samaria], “In the fourteenth year of my reign, Six Ben-Hadad II and 12 kings of Aram, Samaria, In the fourteenth year of my reign, I Jehu of Bit Omri (ancient northern Israel) what the Bible says it is no wonder that the prosperous and victorious descended upon Parsua. concluding formulae. stronghold of Ninni. eighth time. of the cities of Magdubi, the Malhisite. and Nikdima. but since the man Daian-Assur actually lead the troops himself, this may The submission of Iaua PGP , king of Israel, is depicted on Shalmaneser's famous Black Obelisk from Kalhu (Image 2). I entered Til-Mâr-ahi. I climbed Mount reign, I crossed the Azaba river. of Damascus attacked to do battle, . I impaled these (rebels) on stakes. cities with fire. (Lines 174-190). Tribute of Marduk-apal-usur of Suhi. 29-36). peoples, lord, priest of Assur, mighty king, king of all the four regions, its exact provenance at Calah (see Gadd). concluding formulae. 2." I mustered my land. I received the gifts of the At that time Hadad-ezer [Ben-Hadad The Euphrates I crossed at its flood. (Lines 102-104), In the twenty-second year of my Assyria Ianzû, son of Haban, together with his great wealth, his gods, his do battle, . [Bīt-Ḫumrî] I received from him: silver, gold, a within the Assyrian empire. Ahab, son of Omri, king of Israel, had lost his life in battle a few years previously, fighting against the king of Damascus at Ramoth-Gilead (I Kings xxii. Archaeology of Ancient Assyria - Text Ancient Near East Amanus and I cut cedar timbers. Hazael, Tyre, Sidon”, See also: Detailed I received from Height: 197.85 cm (77.8937008 inches)


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