blackthorn city walkthrough
The password is: The cave between two ponds will open and you can battle Keldeo. Battle though as series of 8 trainers. Head into the lab and? Go to the big shiny blue building in the north-west corner of the city. Surf over the water go north then west then south and then west once more where you will push a boulder and head outside. He'll go away. Then hit the southern one to the south. The ladder to the south brings you back to the Gym entrance. The building next to the house sells some healing items and herbs. On the first floor, there are Head on over to the gym to battle Percy who will give you the waterfall HM after you beat him. Blackthorn City first appeared in Beauty is Skin Deep. Go north then east and south to the exit and the next city. Teach rock climb to one of your pokemon and climb on up, head north and go down the ladder. the center. Jump on the left one to pick up a shiny stone and go back. Snowboarder Erik: Lv33 Glaceon, Lv33 Froslass. If you need to go out to heal then take on Flo (be careful I hear she has great insurance(all her Pokemon have Ice Beam)). The path is pretty straightforward for the next two battles. Snowboarder Ronald: Lv31 Piloswine, Lv31 Swinub. Go south three and west eight. Head up and west to the beach and surf over to the little area with the item. Stratus from Geminite Village. She will then introduce you to Professor Sycamore and tells you that he's from Kalos. For this part you need to go back down the ladder then back up so he moves out of the way. Go over the next few bridges. After the battle, Terry will give you TM28 DIG. Head on back. Go north where you should be at a grunt running around and she has three HitmonX's, Follow the path and go down two steps to the next hole and head north jump into the teleporter and the next one. Congratulations on your 3rd badge! Blake will run into you saying someone kidnapped the Foreman in Gemenite Village and then he will run off, follow the path into the city.A, Greminite River wild Pokemon: Joltik, Gible, Nidoran, Yanma, Buizel, Squirtle, Bulbasaur. Head east of New Bark Town and go south to the checkpoint. Well, after getting your seventh (second to last) badge, you have a smile on your face, and is about to go to the next city. Walkthrough Tunod League. It's the building to the right of where you come in. Congratulations on your second badge! In Better Eight Than Never, Clair and Ash restarted their battle, and Ash managed to earn his Rising Bad… Pikachu! The two snowboarders will reset once you run back in town so you pick up the zinc and carbos follow the path and surf over to Icicle Tunnel! There is poison ivy in the way and your Pokémon will become poisoned if you step on it. Head on inside and battle the trainers if you want, if not head all the way north to start your gym battle. Shinx level 14 (glazed version) / Electrike level 14 (blazed glazed version), Trainer 2: Larvitar level 18 & Golett level 18, Trainer 3: Dewott level 19 & Prinplup level 20, Trainer 4: Ivysaur level 20 & Roselia level 21, Trainer 5: Sneasel level 21 & Cloyster level 22, Hitmonlee lvl 22, Hitmonchan lvl 22, and Hitmontop lvl 22, Machamp lvl 25 then Conkeldurr lvl 25 (glazed version), Electabuzz lvl 23 then magmar Lvl 24 (blazed glazed version), Ivysaur lv 35 - Bayleef lv 35 - Grovyle lv 35, Floatzel 35 - Glaceon 36 - Leafeon 35 - Gabite 36, Magnemite 36 - Manectric 36 - Magneton 36 - Raichu 36 - Rotom 36, Onix 36 - Sandslash 36 - Steelix 36 - Lairon 36 - Rhydon 36 - Rhyperior 36, Tyranitar level 40 (Glazed version)/ Almardo level 40 (Blazed glazed version). Upon arriving, you will come across Chelle who is fighting a man with a Jolteon. Head back and you both will sail back to Serenity Isle where Blake will give you the Seaspray ticket. Enter the right entrance to the cave. Head on out and stock up on supplies. Remember to train! Sexton will tell you to not look behind the tombstone to the far south east. Don't mind it for now and continue walking. The Blackthorn City Gym is the final gym of the Johto region. This will give you needed space later for other orbs. This Walkthrough helped me a lot during this covid time! Then head south into Espo Forest! - axejr 4(mm)/12(dd)/2020(yyy), "Thanks guys for taking your time in making this walkthrough, it helped me a lot and I wouldn't have completed the game without this." After some text you both will get teleported back to your universe and Blake will tell you that Northcoast Town is just up ahead. TELEPORT BACK TO EVERGREEN. Picnicker Klaus & Firebreather Barry: Lv35 Arcanine, Lv35 Ninetails, Lv35 Houndoom, Lv35 Magcargo. You can buy berries in the building next to the gym. Go all the way to west and you can find mystic water sitting next to the second to last generator on the left. Continue forward through the next checkpoint which will check for your dirt badge, follow the path to the next arc which will check for your crest badge and continue to the next one for the stem badge. Head back and go north on the sidewalk. Surf over to the western path follow it and go up the ladder to get another super repel it will come to the other ladder.


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