This is everything good. [16], Odenkirk met David Cross at Ben Stiller; shortly afterward, the pair began performing live sketch shows, which eventually evolved into Mr. Show with Bob and David. I got the script and my first instinct on it was “please don’t ruin the movie I loved,” and I would say by about page eight or nine of reading of the script, I felt, oh man, this is great. I had performances I did. He appeared as a guest star in three episodes of the second season, and eventually became a series regular for the seasons after and remained on the show until its final season. “In ‘Fargo,’ you have a Marge Gunderson, and you have a Peter Stormare, and one is so clearly all good, and the other is so clearly evil,” Hawley said. In 2015, he and David Cross reunited, along with the rest of the Mr. Show cast, for W/ Bob & David on Netflix. [11] Other influences included radio personality Steve Dahl, SCTV, Steve Martin's Let's Get Small, Woody Allen, The Credibility Gap, and Bob and Ray. Season 3 pits another police chief, Gloria Burgle (Carrie Coon), against the nasty corporate entity known as V.M. [28], Odenkirk has expressed interest in doing more seasons. Nothing discourages her.”. for Adult Swim, starring as Cal Mackenzie-Goldberg a "two-bit movie mogul and head of Cal-Gold Pictures as he leads a collection of crazy, fame-hungry strivers chasing Hollywood dreams".", "SIU gives honorary degree to actor Bob Odenkirk", "Bob Odenkirk Laments 'SNL' Stints: "I Was a Dick" to Lorne Michaels", "Bob Odenkirk on 'Better Call Saul': "It's Total Drama, "Better Call Saul's Bob Odenkirk: Key TV moments from Breaking Bad star", "Four comics face reality: Could Bob Odenkirk, Norm Macdonald, Phil Hendrie and Joe Rogan have picked a worse time to try to become sitcom stars? Ethnic slurs consistently fly from one character to the next, sometimes out of fraternal love, sometimes out of the most deep-seated hate. Odenkirk attended Naperville North High School and graduated at 16, he was "tired of high school", and because he had enough credits, he was able to leave high school when he was still a junior. I don’t want to put those images in an audience’s head if I don’t have to,” Hawley said. Odenkirk was hired as a writer at Saturday Night Live in 1987 and worked there through 1991. Bob Odenkirk: I wouldn’t say I approach them differently, but they’re pretty fundamentally different. And so I think I’ve been very lucky, but I got to keep that in mind and not get deluded and think and forget that this is just a special case for these great, great projects. Odenkirk was hired as a writer at Saturday Night Live in 1987 and worked there through 1991. Most prominent is Odis Weff (Jack Huston), a WWII veteran and detective in the Kansas City P.D. [9] After a year,[8] he went to Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, then transferred to Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, Illinois, "honing his sketch-writing and performance skills with live shows on both colleges' radio stations. I know that he changed things in later episodes and he was writing Episode 8, 9, and 10 when we were shooting the first couple and so maybe I did spin the character; I don’t know. Interviews with leading film and TV creators about their process and craft. Robert John Odenkirk was born in Berwyn, Illinois, to Barbara (Baier) and Walter Odenkirk, who worked in printing. His ancestry includes German and Irish. I’m going to give you the name of one of them because he’s a great guy and he’s in every episode that I’m in. Bob Odenkirk: I think that it’s heightened. Odenkirk also appeared in and directed a number of the sketches on the show as well. There are so many decisions that law enforcement officers have to make and the incident and the situation changes so much from moment to moment and day to day. But if you’re telling a story about Black people and immigrants, that is not necessarily their experience of the moral spectrum.”, Jack Huston as Detective Odis Weff in “Fargo”. New episodes will air each week at 10 p.m. Sign Up: Stay on top of the latest breaking film and TV news! But the thing is, like I just told the last interviewer, when things get dark around me in character, I find moments to play things to make things funny. Odenkirk executive produced the sketch comedy show The Birthday Boys which starred the comedy group of the same name. Because I think for me show business was an impossibility when I was in college, it was just something that I didn’t even consider until my last year of college, even though I’d been writing comedy and performing every single day in college. You’re such an accomplished comedy performer, a sketch performer with such a long resume doing that kind of work; and now you have this whole second career as an actor in dramas, or at least dramas that have some comedic elements, Fargo would be an example, Breaking Bad obviously. Bob Odenkirk: I will just say I hope I did a good job. He’s in all these sketch shows and then they click on that and watch that, so that’s pretty great, especially since Mr. Show cannot be seen anywhere except illegally on YouTube. Odenkirk was born in Berwyn, Illinois, then raised in Naperville. [11], In 1991, Odenkirk was hired to write for the TV show Get a Life, which starred Late Night with David Letterman alumnus Chris Elliott. Bob Odenkirk: Wow, that’s a good question. They took all the great vibe from the movie. He also co-hosted comedy-sketch series Mr. Show along with David Cross. Hawley said you won’t find a scene where Chris Rock’s character, Loy Cannon, is pulled over by the cops and harassed, demeaned, or worse. "Why Monday's 'Better Call Saul' Opening Made Bob Odenkirk Say "Hooray! “This was a girl who saw something, and her moral character wouldn’t allow her to just ignore it, even though — given her station in life as a young biracial girl of 1950 — she knew that she had no power, and no one in authority would really listen to her. But it also had its negative sides to it and I think that a realistic, an ability to be real about your chances and about what people do to make it in any business is helpful to a college kid to make good choices. Bob Odenkirk: No. “I would say not only is she inherently good, but she has to be good, as well,” Crutchfield said in an interview. Sure, there were also doofus cops (like Bob Odenkirk’s … [14] He wrote for The Dennis Miller Show. The pilot can be seen on Adult Swim's website.[22]. And then all I can say is I hope I did a good job. I have a lot of respect for officers and what they go through. Odenkirk said his strongest comedic influence was Monty Python's Flying Circus, primarily due to its combination of cerebral and simple humor. Fargo airs Tuesday nights at 10 p.m. on FX. I think one of the things I would say is I always try to see my character’s side of whatever is happening, whether it’s “Saul Goodman” on Breaking Bad or in this case “Bill Oswalt,” who is as you can see not helping “Molly” with her investigation, but who has I think a laudable point of view. “One, her mom instills morals in her. I really take them apart, so really I approach these shows purely as an actor and it’s been refreshing and a new way to look at acting. Or, as Hawley put it: “We’re not breaking new ground, necessarily, in telling a story set in the Jim Crow era in which there is racism and xenophobia, right?”. “That’s what stuck with me. Was there anything really challenging for you while you were filming? “I did not want to create moments of racism to make a point or to create any artificial drama. [4] He also performed at the Improv Olympic alongside notable comedians Chris Farley and Tim Meadows. Typically, that truth extends to a simple form of symbolism. I don’t know whether I’m titillated by that or I think it’s a useful quality. The series was commissioned by Netflix with the first season having been released in November 2015, featuring four, 30 minute-long episodes along with an hour-long behind the scenes special. If you think back to when we started, both Louie and I, the kind of show he’s doing now there was definitely no place on TV for that; nowhere, not even HBO. It’s not strong all the time and it’s like it can be very strong on some words and then it can kind of be gone completely on other words or even a sentence and so that’s a tough one to do.
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