Jungler, Support, Pusher. You want some kind of disable as your position 4 because you don't have too much stun other than your centaur creeps. DOTA 2 Chen Holy Knight. Holy Persuasion : +4 unités enchantées max. - you can call your ally with Divine Favor so your core can split push or jungle and you can call them just before you fight As support Everyone loves (or hates) it. ACTIVE Find top Chen build guides by DotA 2 players. Headdress because it gets amplified by Divine Favor Starting item: headress + Tango (+ Observer Ward/branch/sentry/ Tango/ Faerie Fire) Hellbear have aoe slow, also attack speed aura. 273. Early game: stick, basilius, buckler, or RUSH MEKANSM Also very high attack damage (45-50). Satyr have spammable aoe nuke, and health regen aura. Edit source History Talk (0) Share. Just disable your enemy and right click them. Chen The Holy Knight - Last hit and deny. Type 530. Secretly strong because you can have a secret Assault Cuirass+ Shiva's Guard armor aura for your team. Usually it is the ranged lane creeps. - you can use this on the enemy when they are diving or tanking tower hits to surprise them with nonsense amount of tower damage - Move your units together, don't micro it like starcraft unless you can Ogre's frost shield adds tons of armor and slows attackers. Intelligence21 (+2.8). I like micro heroes like chen, visage, np, etc Intelligence - You can stack/pull camps with your creeps while you're doing something else. - Lifestealer Agility15 (+2.1) - Group them and put them in a safe place when the fight begins https://dota2.gamepedia.com/Armor#Armor_types Leveled Stats L1 / 15 / 25. - falls off late game, Skills Join the leading DOTA 2 community.Create and share Hero Guides and Builds. - when you level up your skill or upgrade it with talent, the existing creeps doesn't get their bonus stats updated, so you need to capture new creeps to get the bonus. Early game: SINGLE. - get creeps with active abilities to help you gank/kill Prioritize Divine Favor when your lane partner needs that juicy heal Also at lategame you can't really use your creeps because they melt easily. Fanatically devoted to his cause, his followers come from every race, every background, and will stop at nothing to see the Scourge destroyed. - Underlord - Use the creeps to harass enemy heroes or you can use it to pull while you're harassing yeah i know it suck, pls volvo Great if your team have no stun and the enemy have that pesky cm/oracle/wd. https://dota2.gamepedia.com/Chen Sight Range. - you can pair Penitence with Death Ward or Mass Serpent Ward, or any summons like Summon Familiars for some sick machine gun play Be a healing slave. Good for farming, pushing, and fighting. Penitence and Tag Team is secretly strong when paired together because you can drop more punches into the enemy with that attack speed boost. Copyright © 2019 DOTAFire | All Rights Reserved.
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