This quest allows players to pick individual paths, and each path yields different hats. Armoured Ghost 10 HP (Find Mii) 20 HP (Find Mii II) x9, Armoured Demon 25 HP (Find Mii) 40 HP (Find Mii II) x9. Each time a player reconnects to a previously StreetPassed player, the corresponding fighter increases in strength and level, up to 7. is a link to where the hat is obtained, For "Appears in" I = Find Mii 1, II = Find Mii 2, II* = Find Mii 2 Secret Quest. When StreetPass Quest is first started, a little story is played out about how the chosen Mii is the monarch, then he/she takes a nap. This is a Class A article. Even though they are always found alone, they are unbeatable. For all hats, the player must put forward a minimum of three playthroughs of Streetpass Quest II, and at least ten playthroughs of the Secret Quest. There are also bosses in the game which are the only enemies that have at least 100 HP. Note: When ordering a potion besides a Vial of Valor, one needs to make sure that another hero is behind the one that is ordering the potion, or else, the player will let the potion go to waste. These are liquid enemies that look like they cannot be affected by blades. Uses level down gas, unaffected by sleep, poison, and freezing magic. Some use shields to block sword attacks from Miis that are not the same color as their shield, although offensive magic attacks can damage them with lessened damage. They can earn unique hats by fighting their way through the game's levels and to the boss. Gather heroes either by passing by other 3DS users or by using Play Coins. After Find Mii II is completed for the first time, the player is given the option to begin the Secret Quest, a harder version of Find Mii II with different rooms and enemies. Release Date(s) NA: March 27, 2011 JP: February 26, 2011 EU: March 25, 2011 AU: March 31, 2011 Currently, silver is obtained after traversing rooms 25 and 19 (Requiring two playthroughs), whereas gold is awarded at the end of the second playthrough. In Quest II, players have to save the Monarch yet again, as well as the Monarch's son and daughter (who all share quite the family resemblance) from the Dark Lord and his slimes, ghosts, and other monsters. The two locked paths in the Secret Quest require the silver and gold keys, respectively. Uses reviving magic to revive a defeated monster, -2 damage to sword and magic attacks. High evasive rate, dodges most magic (can be put to sleep or frozen), May catch the first hero in line of guard, making the hero run away; weak to red magic, May catch the first hero in line off guard, uses healing magic, weak to red magic, May catch the first hero in line off guard, weak to red magic, Will catch the first hero in line off guard, weak to red magic. This quest is only playable after players finish the first quest twice. Level 15 Combo Red Magic. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Uses fortifying magic to increase defense. Will catch the first hero encountered off guard, uses level down gas which decreases all heroes' levels by 1 (level 1 heroes unaffected), dispels magic (pink, orange), which ignores bottled barrier. Sword attacks -2 damage, weak to black magic. They can resist certain melee attacks. There are also bosses in the game which are the only enemies that have at least 100 HP. It can be found in the StreetPass Mii Plaza and is one of multiple games in the plaza that make use of the system's StreetPass functionality. Grow after every attack. Due to the game's expansive maps, and certain rooms requiring three playthroughs in order to obtain all of the hats therein, 100% completion requires a significant amount of restarting. Some are easy, some are almost IMPOSSIBLE. Ghosts are not very strong enemies and they don't have many special abilities. Note: Some enemies are immune to certain magic, e.g. Just like the Reapers, even THEY spew gas, Level-Down Gas. Uses curse gas, -1 damage to sword and magic attacks, uses healing magic. When the monarch wakes up, he/she has been captured by Ghosts in a plan crafted by the Dark Lord and calls out for help. Unaffected by blue magic, weak to red magic. Watch out for these undead enemies. If it grows to become the size of the screen, it will end your session. New additions to Quest II include the options to hire Miis previously met, combine two Miis of similar colors to form teams, and purchase various potions. Unaffected by red magic, weak to blue magic. Classification(s) They all keep someone imprisoned. Be on the lookout for Bob the Blob. It is completely up to code, and should require very little editing. They are the biggest enemies in the series. Hired heroes are either cats or dogs, depending on what pet animal the player says he or she prefers. These are the bosses of the game. Find Mii 1's start screen. They have a chance of scaring off the first hero in line so be careful. D&D Beyond WARNING! Players then have to go through many stages, battling various ghosts and demons by collecting "heroes" through StreetPass or purchasing them for 2 Play Coins. For 2 Play Coins, the user can hire a single hero (level 1-2). You can find a map of Find Mii 2 here: There are a total of three "Locked" paths, one in StreetPass Quest II and two in the Secret Quest. Good luck fighting the tough enemies. Will catch the first hero encountered off guard. The locked path in StreetPass Quest II is opened by the bronze key, obtained after beating it twice. Unaffected by level 1 heroes. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. 3DS Keys There are a total of three "Locked" paths, one in StreetPass Quest II and two in the Secret Quest . In order to save the royal family, the heroes must battle both old and new enemies. Each hero can either attack with their sword, or cast magic depending on their clothing color. This game uses Play Coins This game uses StreetPass Credits • Gallery • Cheats • Videos • Soundtrack. Do not look at them in the eye of they will scare you and give you nightmares forever. To break a ghost's shield, you will need someone of the same. Good luck fighting the tough enemies. Uses barrier gas to make it impossible to use magic, -1 damage to sword and magic attacks. Also, they are the main type of enemy in Find Mii. Knights are a little tougher than ghosts. Blood Ghosts are invulnerable to red magic and Blue Ghosts are immune to blue magic. Uses curse gas which has a high chance of making the hero lose its turn while trying to attack. Prior to this, earning the gold key would require the player to traverse the Secret Quest with a very small number of adventurers. There are 26 types of enemies and 88 unique enemies in the Find Mii Series. There are 26 types of enemies and 88 unique enemies in the Find Mii Series. They can resist certain melee and magic attacks. The quest is finished once the Dark Lord is vanquished. Sword attacks -1 damage. Power Potion - Boosts your heroes' levels (20 Play Coins). -1 damage to sword attacks. The following is a list of hats in StreetPass Quest/Find Mii. Vial of Valor - Calls back 3 heroes who have left (8 Play Coins). Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Ghost 7 HP (Find Mii) 10 HP (Find Mii II) x7. Some are easy, some are almost IMPOSSIBLE. Note: Enemies can sometimes avoid attacks. They are undead enemies that spew gas to corrupt the area and all the trespassers. These giants are MUCH stronger enemies that can handle stronger melee attacks. Rampaging Mummy in the Diabolical Altar: Front after clearing the Shrine Of Shadows will get you the Silver Key. With it, players can go on an adventure and save their Mii. Ghosts. Uses fortifying magic to increase defense. As of the April 2015 update, players can see where the Hats they have not obtained are located in-game, by holding X whenever they can see the Map), * indicates a hat that is found during the first playthrough of Find Mii, ** indicates a hat that is found during the second playthrough of Find Mii, *** indicates a hat that is found during Find Mii II, **** indicates a hat that is found during a secret quest in Find Mii II, (?) Platform(s) After the Ultimate Ghost is vanquished, the player receives the Regal Crown. They are the main type of enemy in find Mii II. Note: The Rampaging Mummy CAN be killed in one hit. After Find Mii II is completed for the first time, the player is given the option to begin the Secret Quest, a harder version of Find Mii II with different rooms and enemies. Dispelling Draft - Blows away gas spewed by enemies (2 Play Coins). Bottled Barrier - Nullifies enemy magic (2 Play Coins). StreetPass Quest (known in America as Find Mii) is a game that comes pre-installed with every Nintendo 3DS system. A replay of the quest again unlocks the Ultimate Helmet and the second quest. A lot of the time, they are found underground. However, they are weak to light. Note: The Dispelling Drafts and the Bottled Barriers do sometimes fail and nothing will happen. In Quest 1, the Monarch (chosen Mii) is in their castle, when they are captured by ghosts and locked into a cage. StreetPass Quest/Find Mii
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