One morning, while playing "Rita" at the piano, the girlfriend's dog, Lily, comes in and sits by Chico. [7] So began a collaboration that saw Mariscal design all the artwork for Trueba's Calle 54 Records, make animated pop promos for the label, and together create a jazz-music restaurant in Madrid. That being said I feel that the biggest flaw to this book is the music itself. The art is beautiful and uses CGI quite well to bring the world to life, while the great voice-acting brings the characters to life. They even have a hit record, masterminded by a breezy con man named Ramon, who dedicates himself to managing them. I think something was definitely lost w/out the music. Chico, initially nervous, ends up performing the piece with aplomb, to the delight of the band. Their mutual problem is that Chico is unfaithful by nature, and although Rita is the woman he loves, when he's not with the one he loves, he loves the one he's with. Rated NR Pozo war der erste Percussionist, der in einer Jazzband spielte“.[2]. intended for adults; nudity and drug use, American Selfie: One Nation Shoots Itself, Memory House by Brazilian Director Joao Paulo Miranda Maria Wins the Roger Ebert Award at the 56th Chicago International Film Festival, High Powered: Aaron Moorhead and Justin Benson on Synchronic, Highlights from Ebert Symposium on Future of Movie Industry, Ebert Symposium 2020: Part 2 Streaming Today, October 22nd, 2020. February 1st 2012 [6] The story of Chico and Rita is set against backdrops of Havana, New York City, Las Vegas, Los Angeles and Paris in the late 1940s and early 1950s. Me encantaron las ilustraciones, y la ambientación de la música y de la Habana. After the tour, Chico is allowed re-entry into the United States. Music and romantic desire unites them, but their journey – in the tradition of the Latin ballad, the bolero – brings heartache and torment. Disappointed with life, Chico gives up music altogether. Refresh and try again. He goes there and knocks on her door and she reveals that she has stayed for 47 years in the same motel room, working as the motel's housekeeper and waiting for him. You feel the beauty of the cities, the bars, the night life with all the difficulties of the 80’s. In 1975, he won the Pulitzer Prize for distinguished criticism. Chico Y Rita, Fernando Trueba and Javier Mariscal, 2011, La historia de amor de mi vida, musicalizada por Bebo Valdéz. She waits for him outside the bar and demands to know who Lilly is. Rita is a beautiful singer with an extraordinary voice. Luego me enteré que hay una película. Rita desde “Chico y Rita”, una película que vi. None in particular, I learned. Bebo Valdes, Idania Valdes, Estrella Morente, Fernando Trueba, Javier Mariscal, Cristina Huete, Santi Errando, Martin Pope, Michael Rose. Plus it’s one of those rare animated films that’s aimed exclusively at adults (of both genders even). Chico is a young piano player with big dreams. We don't sense the urgency of their passion so much as the finality of their problems. "And in music it's a moment that's fantastic: it's the moment where Cuban musicians go to New York and join the Anglo Saxon jazz musicians. Mariscal's younger brother Tono Errando, with a background in music, film and animation, leads the audio-visual side of the multi-disciplinary creative company, and was chosen to collaborate with Trueba and Mariscal. “Chico and Rita” is a graphic novel based upon an animated feature film recently released and which has also spawned a CD of the music in the story. It's entertaining to watch, and I enjoyed the way they slipped in such real-life figures as Dizzy Gillespie beside the fictional leads. A paparazzo captures the kiss in a photograph that appears in the newspapers. Doch Chico, der die Verhandlungen von der Bar aus beobachtet hatte, hat das nicht mitbekommen, betrinkt sich und zieht sich im Zorn zurück. Rita is a beautiful singer with an extraordinary voice. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. [19], The BBC's Mark Kermode listed the film fifth in his top five films of 2010. August 2012 in den deutschen Kinos angelaufen. This fusion changed the music at that time.". "[29] Cuban pianist, bandleader, composer and arranger of the film Bebo Valdés was living in obscurity in Stockholm, when Trueba reintroduced his playing to an international audience with his film Calle 54, and went on to produce the Grammy-winning Lagrimas Negras album, teaming Valdes with flamenco singer Diego 'el Cigala'. Music and romantic desire unite them, but their journey brings heartache and torment. Una historia increíble de amor, desamor, música y la fantasía que esta novela gráfica transmite desde el primer momento. Der in die Jahre gekommene Jazzpianist Chico Valdés verdient inzwischen seinen Lebensunterhalt als Schuhputzer in Havanna. In 1948, Chico (voice of Eman Xor Ona) is a hotshot jazz pianist living in Havana, where his reputation as a ladies' man nearly outshines his talent at the keyboard. Music, Cuban culture, cities, love their all held in high regard in this book and its wonderful to see it. Chico and Rita are able to connect through their mutual love of music. The team also found pictures taken inside the planes ferrying Americans to the party island. The major theme of this film would be music. She is moved to tears when she learns Chico renamed the song. Kermode Uncut: My Top Five Films of the Year, European Film Award for Best Animated Feature Film, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Festival of European Animated Feature Films and TV Specials, "Chico and Rita wins 2011 European Film Award, earns Best Animated Feature Nomination at Annies 2012", "Animation Chico and Rita wins European film award", "Disney takes 'Chico and Rita' for Spain", "GKids makes splash with two in toon pool", "The Best Annual Latin American Film Festival in London celebrates its 20th edition in November 2010", "The Holland Animation Film Festival 2010: Chico and Rita steal the show", "Falling in love in Havana – and all that jazz", "Estudio Mariscal and Chico & Rita, an animated movie",, Mortadelo and Filemon: Mission Implausible,, Wikipedia articles with plot summary needing attention from September 2015, All Wikipedia articles with plot summary needing attention, Official website different in Wikidata and Wikipedia, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Bradford Animation Festival (UK) on 9 November 2010, London Spanish Film festival on 6 October 2010, London Latin American Film Festival in November 2010, Holland Animation Film Festival in November 2010, Cape Town Design/FilmFest at Design Indaba February 2011, TYPO Berlin 2011 Design Conference on 19 May, Sonoma County Cuban Film Festival, Sebastopol, CA in July 2015, This page was last edited on 13 October 2020, at 00:08.
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