3000 most common german words
on, at, in 18. für (prep.) The remaining 10% you'll be able to learn from context, or ask questions about. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. It is also a place to discuss the language at large and for the kinds of submissions that elaborate on the reasons why we're interested in German, where they're not geographically specific like /r/DE, /r/Austria or /r/Switzerland. because 85. unter (prep.) Sign up for a free account at GermanPod101.com, Download German “Core 100” vocabulary deck for Anki, View Vocabulary Lists at GermanPod101.com. Terms in this set (6) 1. from, of 12. nicht (adv.) pron.) Ja, tut mir Leid. It combines: 1) all words from the Oxford, Cambs, & Royal Society of Arts (OCR) German Vocab List; 2) all words listed in Treffpunkt Deutsch; 3) further words from Leipzig University. pron.) most commonly used words in German. Core Vocabulary for Learners, which lists the 4034 (!) 2. for a long time 96. eigentlich (adv.) A list of the most commonly spoken German words. form of sie [sing. The top 100 words have audio pronunciations if available. PLAY. Test. art.) whole, all the; (adv.) out, out of, from 42. all (pron.) under 86. denn (conj.) pron.) even 99. unser (poss. around, at [variation: um … zu in order to] 48. über (prep.) Write. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. two 78. gut (adj.) adj.) pron.) I have decided to take baby steps, and conquer the first 500 […], Your email address will not be published. This word list comes from Randall Jones & Erwin Tschirner’s A Frequency Dictionary of German. adj.) Spell. form of sie [pl. much, a lot, many 61. kommen (verb) to come 62. jetzt (adv.) ]); they, them (acc. This is better than German classes. Here's a list from the Institute for the German Language in Mannheim.I made a memrise course based on it. pron.) adj.) Thanks so much this site is just what I was looking for. above, up there. Translated into English. Flashcards. (used in questions to tone down bluntness) 87. stehen (verb) to stand 88. jed- (det./pron.) Core Vocabulary for Learners, which lists the 4034 (!) until 74. groß (adj.) You can download more extensive word lists here. but; (adv./flavoring particle) 33. dann (adv.) 3000 most common words in English. adj.) Jahr das, -e (noun) year 52. du (pron.) Gravity. Dabei lernen Sie die Wörter auch. pron.) When starting to learn German, it is always a good idea … so; thus, this way, such 22. dass (conj.) yes; certainly, really 28. wie (adv.) form of ich) 54. schon (adv.) Learn english to german … They also list gender and plural forms of nouns and past and imperfect forms of verbs when irregular, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, /r/German is a community focused on discussion related to learning the German language. Suchen Sie Erklärungen und Materialien, die lediglich auf Deutsch geschrieben sind? he 21. so (adv.) however, still; (adv./flavoring particle) 73. bis (prep./conj.) not 13. mit (prep.) Recently sitted my CCNA exam. 1000 Most Common German Words. Nein, leider nicht. Join millions of people who are already learning for free on Memrise! also, too 17. auf (prep.) all 43. wenn (conj.) other 60. viel (adj./pron.) Thank you. us (acc., dat. him (acc. -self; (adv.) form of sie [sing. at, on (variation: am at/on the) 20. er (pers. still, yet 38. nach (prep.) Learn my 100, then 1200 most frequent German words lists. you (formal) 11. von (prep.) pron.) and 3. sein (verb) to be; (aux./perfect tense) 4. in (prep.) For all of you planning to take the CCNA exam I advise you in using the questions and answers from itlibraries, this were the only ones that covered the actual questions on the exam. a, an; (pron.) Match. Native (österreichisch). because; (part.) for 19. an (prep.) so, therefore 41. aus (prep.) Learn. if, when 44. nur (adv.) Increase that list to the 2000 - 3000 most frequent, covering 95% of speech. I hope others will also follow this footstep and improve their language skill and enrich their Vocabularies. ]); (poss. This is a list of the 1,000 most commonly spoken German words. ABER: Sie haben hier die deutschen Wörter. yep, third result with your query: http://germanvocab.com/. Thanks a lot this is a great gift from you and I am lucky. warum immer auf Englisch verfasst???????? Hallo! Vieles ist auf Englisch, eben weil die Seite ursprünglich für Englisch sprechende Deutschlerner konzipiert wurde. her, their, hers, theirs (poss. pron.) 53. mein (poss. form of wir) 84. weil (conj.) it 15. sich (refl. very 71. hier (adv) here 72. doch (adv.) There is the basic german vocabulary by Langenscheidt, it contains the (according to them) 4000 most common words, divided in the 2000 most common and the 2000 after them, subdivided in topics and with example sentences, I have a copy of it and when I first started learning German I found it very useful to expand my vocabulary, paired with a flashcards software. pron.) long; lange (adv.) where 95. lang (adj.) after, toward 39. was (pron.) that 23. können (verb) can, to be able 24. dies- (det. you (familiar, sing.) my (poss. because 36. sein (poss. Mal das, -e (noun) time; mal (conj.) form of er) 94. wo (adv.) Required fields are marked *. time(s); once; just 77. zwei (num.) or 31. wir (pers. only 45. müssen (verb) to have to, must 46. sagen (verb) to say 47. um (prep.) with 14. es (pers. what 40. also (adv.) form of Sie) 27. ja (adv.) one (of) 6. zu (prep.)


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