The line snapped, no drag slippage, beast. I spooled it with 12 pound Seaguar Invisx fluorocarbon and tied on a 1/4 ounce bullet weight and swivel for cast testing. Unless I get something better than this mediocre explanation from Fishing 13 then it’s going back. (Photo: 13 Fishing Fate Black (Green) Rod / Jason Sealock) The 13 Fishing Fate Black rods were some of the more hotly anticipated new rods announced last year. The powers and actions are a little on the heavier side as a result as well. It’s not a good look for me. I appreciate his feedback and taking the time to add some more to the discussion. They hadn’t noticed it in their own reels so I was an outlier. The Concept Z didn’t free spool much at all. The reels seem louder than my traditional ball bearing reels. 13 Fishing constructed the blanks from Japanese 30-Ton HTC3 Low resin materials and covered them in a radioactive green paint. I’ve gotten over the spool test and can definitely say if you want a reel that can throw for distance, this is a good bet and it won’t break the bank. This medium speed gear ratio is probably the best for an all-purpose setup and can be used for a number of techniques such as spinner, swim and jerkbaits as well as topwater lures and crankbaits by adjusting your retrieve speed on the rotations. All of the rods have decent tip action, but the backbone is what will attract most anglers. The Fate Black rods would fall in the heavier blank category to me. By Jason Sealock •Aug 15, 2018. If you are fishing heavy grass or cover and need to get the lure back quicker then the 7:3:1 ratio will retrieve 28.9” of line per turn. For my field test, I paired a Concept A 6.6 Right Hand retrieve with a 7′ G Loomis E6X crankbait rod. I have fished the Fate Black rods in a variety of techniques. Heck, the Concept Z isn’t even the most expensive reel in the 13 Fishing lineup. Gear Review: AFTCO Women’s Hydronaut Jacket, Gear Review: ZMan ChatterBait JackHammer Stealth Blade. I don’t know about the noise. But I like that with this $99 rod, I can throw it in the bed of my truck and leave it. I still always seal my cork handles with something like U-40 Cork Sealant to assure longevity of the cork. Gear Review: AFTCO Women’s Hydronaut Jacket, Gear Review: ZMan ChatterBait JackHammer Stealth Blade. It put up a good fight but I was able to control the fish at all times. 6-keys: sports/wired2fish//// REVIEW: 13 Fishing Concept Z Baitcasting Reel I first saw the Concept Z in person at a local tackle shop, Tightlines PFT in Killeen , last week. For the Shimano fans out there make sure that you look at both the Shimano Curado I for about $20 less and then the Shimano Curado 70 for about $20 more. They feature 30-ton Japanese HTC3 blanks, Evolve seamless reel seats, tangle-free guides, and Portugese cork handles. I like others make hundreds of casts during a fishing outing and no way can tolerate that noise. Freshwater and Saltwater Capable – 13 Fishing has made this baitcaster for saltwater as well as freshwater fishing by using durable components and a great finish process. I’m still on the fence on the Concept Z. It was fine out the box then after 1 hook set on a 3-4lb bass the reel became noisier than a freight train. I think your missing the entire point of the Concept Z, as I don’t see much reference to it in the review. of Fish Stopping Bulldog Drag – The Bulldog drag system is smooth and strong from the start with minimal noticeable variation during a run. The CZBs are completely different, not something you are used to using, and not something you have ever experienced. I was pretty rough on them intentionally, banging them on tree branches, swinging fish, dropping them on my boat deck and more to see how much abuse they could handle. The retrieve was smooth and quiet but on the cast I heard a fairly loud whirring. vs. 6.8 oz. Uses would be the same as the 7:3:1 just at a slightly faster retrieve rate. Your email address will not be published. Introduction: 13 Fishing started as a rod maker and in the span of just a few years has transformed into a vertically integrated fishing tackle brand, adding components, reels, and lures to their lineup. Clicking on the reel in of line….and the high pitched whine on each cast. With impressive power packed into a low profile baitcasting platform, the A3 draws its strength from the H.A.M. More and more research the technology started to make more sense. Total Score: 8.38 - GREAT. crankbait. It holds the reel foot tight with no flexing or sliding. I don’t have an engineer’s grasp of it but I do know it casts a long way. The cork grips are very comfortable, and the hook keeper makes getting your rods ready to move quick and painless.
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