Ha HA! Eh, went right over your head, didn’t it? Are you fighting? There's no stopping us now, minion! Until then, he will fold frequently while waiting for a good hand - and if he has a good hand, he's going to try to go all the way to the end with it. Whenever Claptrap taps his grippers together in a cunning fashion, he more than likely has a good hand or is contemplating on playing sneaky, i.e. Shit on a cracker! What do you remember? You think I'd shrink away from this kind of action? Your master commands you!
Sorry about this gratuitous raise, but I've got a rounding error somewhere in my math circuitry. Protect the bot, minion! I totally expected that! HA! The newer versions don't have the space and flexibility I need to make this work. You enjoying the party, minion? I've started my attack! Borderlands Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Now get me outta here before more Bullymongs arrive. If your shields get depleted, just take cover and give 'em time to recharge! What's going on?! 1 Boomtrap 2 I Love You Guys! ", "Times like these, I really start to question the meaning of my existence. Lower her into the water, ye salty dog! Let's go! Visible...invisible! Take it! (Shortly after intro), "Sorry about the mess. This way! Hey -- you’ve found a customization station! 'Cause this hand just took a big ol' dump. I haven’t been anywhere near this place in over four years! Wanna see my impersonation of a robot getting screwed on the river? BOOYAH! Maybe! I'll take a piece of that action. However, unlike Max, Claptrap understands how the game is played, lacking only a clear strategy. (makes a coin flipping sound) Yargh! ", "I never got to play with guns when I was but a lad, but then ol' Jackie came along, and he was awful mad. (sotto) Well- Well, you're right. Though I currently hate you right now, this feeling will almost certainly subside before we encounter each other in the alley later tonight! ", "Man versus machine! Just plug that fuse into Brewster’s powerbox, and you’ll be able to ride the elevator! Minion! Ooh -- that hurt! Hey, bandits -- FREEZE! Even though he did help Hyperion wipe out my product line after the robolution. ", Blightbot: "Just point me in the right direction! (sound of getting electrocuted) Only six Sirens can exist in the universe at any given time, and I already know of three - you're not gonna convince me you happened to find one of the remaining three just by drawing blue tattoos on some random chick's corpse. NOOOOO! In his later years, De Quidt dedicated his life to correcting personality flaws in the early prototypes for the CL4P-TP steward bots. (yelp of fear) Hey! You've just gotta-- Unce unce unce. So Hammerlock wants to give you a sniper rifle? GOD F*CKING DAMMIT! This way to Southern Shelf, minion -- let's go! You and me and a big pile of chips, just like the Robot Gods intended. Or, you know... regular battle. It's just a robot. Boom-Boom was the first lieutenant on Flynt's ship. You need to describe particular things as the source material. Minion, get on that cannon! Handsome Jack? Two cannibal midgets in a fat guy's ribcage! Follow the soothing sound of my voice! Ignored again. Room effects include Moxxi's neon lights on the stage in the back. I gotta pee. Claptrap later hangs around as an alert system to offer notifications of available missions, both in Fyrestone and late… On a scale of one to ten, these cards can bite me. It’s boom-boom! Others might find it unnerving when someone just stares at them for a long period of time without speaking. Buddy?! Viva la resistance! Quick, repair the constructor! You're looking swank! I got no friends but that's okay, cause at least I got…uh…hands. I'm very disappointed in you, minion! Contents. Looks like it's time to start operation - Claptrap's Big Honky Comeback! Aren’t ya glad I told you to get better guns? I apologize for saying “wall sphincters.” I say that a lot when I’m frightened. So lonely. A figurative one, of course. That's right, baby! This looks cool! I was going to show you the shortcut to Sanctuary, but you wandered off! Aaaaaaaaaand...OPEN! But for now, I'll just call. Hey. We did it, minion! Toot toot! Argh! I'm in no rush to see Captain Flynt again, minion -- take your time! Hey. What if I'm like... a fish? This is the part of the tournament where I taunt you mercilessly until you call. Could somebody deactivate my sleep cycle when I get some playable cards? Players who are eliminated will be shot by Steve with a confetti rocket before leaving the table, with the exception of Sam, who receives a startling tap on the shoulder. Jack: No no no no! Sorry. (Claptrap, shortly after his eye gets ripped out), "Great! Seriously, I owe a lot of people a lot of money. I must have been horrifyingly cruel to puppies in a previous life to deserve this kind of treatment." ", "That guy looks an awful lot like a Badass! The Crimson Raiders need our help! ", "How does math work? I give him the loot from the bodies Jack ditches in the glacier, he promises not to torture me for hours at a time, then he does it anyway. I mean, it doesn't even glow in the dark! I'm off to play a few million hands of video poker. YAAAAAAGHHHHH! This feels good. Handsome Jack's been busy. This whole place would completely fall apart without old Claptrap keeping things humming along! He is one of the poker players in Poker Night 2. Man, I'd hate to be betting against me right now! This may indicate a bad hand, or disappointment at a flop. Minion, look out for the fire! Captain Flynt used to treat me like a sentient banana hammock! I oughta stay out of this hand, but there seems to be something wrong with my probability crunchers. Put 'em up!.. Would you give up if I told you that my VGA award was covered in skag sweat? The bot's been destroyed! ), "Apart from the excruciating pain, this is great! Let me do a little copy-paste on that check. Minion! Call! MINUTES, I SAY! Miss her sometimes." Number fi-- are you writing all this down? Yay! ", "Ya know when there was that Vault monster scare? This page was last modified on 7 August 2018, at 09:03. Alright -- now we’ve just gotta get to my ship. Ew! Jack’s tearing Pandora apart to find the vault. Minion -- are you okay?! But please, take your time. Looks like you've got an area waypoint. Hole cards? Nice shot! Look out, minion -- those enemies are WAY stronger than you! This place is kinda hard to find. ", "Remember, use caution near an open flame! LET'S TEAR THIS PLANET A NEW ASSHOLE! Specifically the ones that, uh, you control. Uhntssuhntssuhntss--. ", "Oh darn, oh boy, oh crap, oh boy, oh darn. Just hit that detonator to destroy the furnaces and freeze those bandits into peacefulness! It would be improper to price estimate the whole novel or movie. Help me! Listen to me tell you that there are new missions available on a bounty board? Which on Pandora is really hard, 'cause they're all armed to the teeth. Right, guys? ", "A million baddies, and you wanna hit me? I got nothin'. Well done, minion! Minion! How went your most noble quest? Never will I hear the laugh of another Claptrap. Claptrap: O-KAY! (his hand points to the side of his head and imitates a gunfire as he drops his head to the table and soon gets up) Here's a fun fact: the laws of robotics render me INCAPABLE of killing myself! Wait, was that weird, I meant it like a spying on you in the bathroom out of friendship thing" (During the mission Borderlands 2: No Vacancy), "Spectacular -- first Captain Flynt's bandits attack, then Claptrap shows up! (When Claptrap takes damage), Punkbot: "Nobody hurts my friends!" Can, can I open my eyes now? You got a shock weapon! ", "I can't feel my fingers! He felt that one! Let’s get moving, o noble henchman! I draw some graffiti on his cliff...and he kills Roland. I thought this was Hold 'Em, not "No-Limit Douchebag.". ", "Until we meet again on the battlefield, friendo! I first rolled off the assembly line seven years ago! One. Just a little added security -- gotta keep those Bullymongs at bay, or they'll rip your eyes out! ClaptrapClarence Badasses incoming! (singing) Foooo-do-deohendo, you're a loser baby, so why don't you kill me-- (stops singing) um, someone else! Let's go! Player? A RAISE-er! Show me the money! CALL! ", "Anarchy and mini-trap and awesomeness, oh my! If you're smart, look sexy.' I have no new jobs for you! Yes! If you shot the gate now, that could cause serious damage to me!
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