Pokémon holding the Misty Seed item have their Special Defense boosted 1 stage. Terrain normally lasts for 5 turns regardless of how it is created, but if the Pokémon with that move or Ability held a Terrain Extender when the terrain was put into effect, it lasts 8 turns. Natural objects disappear and cannot be destroyed while terrain is in effect. Use of the move Electric Terrain
Pokémon holding the Psychic Seed item have their Special Defense boosted 1 stage. Use of the move Psychic Terrain
The move Terrain Pulse becomes Grass-type and doubles power. Power of moves Earthquake, Bulldoze & Magnitude is reduced by 50%
Terrain can be removed using certain moves. Use of the Max Move Max Lightning
The Wild Area areas of Axew's Eye, Bridge Field, Dappled Grove, Dusty Bowl, East Lake Axewell, Giant's Cap, Giant's Mirror, Giant's Seat, Hammerlocke Hills, Lake of Outrage, Motostoke Riverbank, North Lake Miloch, Rolling Fields, South Lake Miloch, Stony Wilderness, Watchtower Ruins & West Lake Axewell will sometimes have the weather Fog which activates Misty Terrain. with weather. If the Pokémon is on the ground, it will not be affected by moves with a Speed Priority of 1 or higher. Explorers of Time & Explorers of Darkness, Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon - Ultra Adventures, https://pokemon.fandom.com/wiki/Terrain_Seeds?oldid=1317690. it is not grounded or in the semi-invulnerable turn of a move). If the Pokémon is on the ground, it will recover 1/16th of its Hit Points each turn
Use of the Max Move Max Overgrowth
The mechanic was introduced in Generation VI. Terrain Seeds are held items introduced in Generation VII. When a Pokémon is holding a Seed while its namesake Terrain move is in effect, the Seed is consumed, and a stat, being either Defense or Sp. The item will activate regardless of whether or not the Pokémon is grounded. If the Pokémon is on the ground, it will wake up from Sleep, and be unable to fall asleep
The move Terrain Pulse becomes Fairy-type and doubles power. The ability Surge Surfer activates, causing the Pokémon's Speed to double. A Pokémon activates the ability Electric Surge
This page was last edited on 5 October 2020, at 07:08. Effects:
The move Expanding Force increases in power by 50% and damages all opponents. Activation Means:
The move Nature Power becomes Moon Blast
The Psychic Seed is consumed even if the holder is not otherwise affected by the terrain (i.e. Pokémon holding the Grassy Seed item have their Defense boosted 1 stage. You can now also extend Terrain by using the new hold item, the Terrain Extender which extends the terrain from 5 turns to 8 turns when activated. The move Nature Power becomes Thunderbolt
During this time, various additional effects can be in place. From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia. Effect. In Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon it could be removed with the Z-Move Splintered Stormshards. Psychic Terrain can be invoked by a certain Z-Move as well. The item is then consumed. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The move Nature Power becomes Psychic
A Pokémon activates the ability Grassy Surge. Terrain (Japanese: フィールド field) is a type of field effect in the Pokémon games that affects Pokémon on the ground. Activation Means:
Use of the Max Move Max Mindstorm
The move Nature Power becomes Energy Ball
If a Pokémon is Flying-type, or is off the ground, then it will not be affected by the special effects. Effects:
Pokémon Battle TrozeiPokémon Link: Battle, Mystery Dungeon: Blazing, Stormy & Light Adventure Squad, Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Time & Darkness, Black: Victini & ReshiramWhite: Victini & Zekrom. Def, is boosted by one stage. Only one type of terrain may be present at a time, with any new terrain put in place overwriting the previous terrain. Completion of Mew's Special Z-Move, Genesis Supernova
Only one type of terrain may be present at a time, with any new terrain put in place overwriting the previous terrain. Use of the Max Move Max Starfall
The item is then consumed. Activation Means:
Pokémon holding the Electric Seed item have their Defense boosted 1 stage. Weather can also still be in effect at the same time as Terrain. As of Pokémon Sword & Shield, the Terrain can also be removed using the move Defog and the move Steel Roller. If the Pokémon is on the ground, the Pokémon's Electric-type move power will be boosted 30% as of Pokémon Sword & Shield. The Wild Area areas of Axew's Eye, Bridge Field, Dappled Grove, Dusty Bowl, East Lake Axewell, Giant's Cap, Giant's Mirror, Giant's Seat, Hammerlocke Hills, Lake of Outrage, Motostoke Riverbank, North Lake Miloch, Rolling Fields, South Lake Miloch, Stony Wilderness, Watchtower Ruins & West Lake Axewell will sometimes have the weather Thunderstorm which activates Electric Terrain. Terrain (Japanese: フィールド field) is a type of field effect in the Pokémon games that affects Pokémon on the ground.The mechanic was introduced in Generation VI.In battle, there is often no initial terrain, but it can be changed by Pokémon's moves and Abilities. Following on from the introduction of Weather moves in Pokémon Gold & Silver, Pokémon X & Y has introduced a variety of new moves, essentially called Terrain moves. Pokémon Sun & Moon pushed Terrain even further by adding a new terrain. Pokémon Sun & Moon pushed Terrain even further by adding a new terrain, You can now also extend Terrain by using the new hold item, the Terrain Extender which extends the terrain from 5 turns to 8 turns when activated. Use of the move Grassy Terrain
Activation Means:
Use of the move Misty Terrain
Lowers the target's, Power is increased and hits all opposing Pokémon if used on Psychic Terrain, Restores up to ⅔ of the target's maximum HP if used on Grassy Terrain, Base power is increased by 50% if used on Misty Terrain, Power doubles when the target is on Electric Terrain, Power doubles and changes type depending on the terrain, While Electric Terrain is active, doubles the, Psychic Terrain is the only terrain to not be introduced in. If the Pokémon is on the ground, its Grass-type moves will be boosted 30% as of Pokémon Sword & Shield. A terrain can be removed using any of the following moves. Each terrain has a corresponding move, Max Move, and Ability that will create it. The move Misty Explosion increases in power by 50%
Some moves can have their effects changed depending on the terrain. The move Terrain Pulse becomes Psychic-type and doubles power. These effects vary depending upon which terrain move was utilised, and whether or not the Pokémon is actually on the ground. These moves will alter the terrain of the battlefield for 5 turns. This does not affect moves with increased priority that the user uses on itself or moves that effect the field
Pokémon Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Pokémon with the Grass Pelt ability gain a Defense boost of 50%
This works akin to the Damp Rock etc. Certain Abilities are activated under certain terrains. When a Pokémon is holding a Seed while its namesake Terrain move is in effect, the Seed is consumed, and a stat, being either Defense or Sp. The move Terrain Pulse becomes Electric-type and doubles power. Def, is boosted by one stage. If the Pokémon is on the ground, the Pokémon's Psychic-type move power will be boosted 30% as of Pokémon Sword & Shield. There are four types of terrain: Electric Terrain, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, and Psychic Terrain. If a Pokémon is holding a Psychic Seed while the field is Psychic Terrain, it consumes the Psychic Seed and its Special Defense is increased by one stage. The item is then consumed. A Pokémon activates the ability Misty Surge
50% before. The item is then consumed. 50% before. In battle, there is often no initial terrain, but it can be changed by Pokémon's moves and Abilities. If a Pokémon is holding one of these four held items when the appropriate terrain is created, or switches in while the appropriate terrain is in effect, the item will be consumed and boost one of the holder's stats by one stage. The move Grassy Gliade now has a Speed Priority of 1. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/w/index.php?title=Terrain&oldid=3256016, Generation VIII onwards only. Like other stat-boosting items, it would not be activated if the holder already has +6 stages (-6 if the holder's ability is Contrary) on that stat. Pokémon that are in the semi-invulnerable turn of a move are considered to not be on the ground for the purposes of terrain. Like other stat-boosting items, it would not be activated if the holder already has +6 stages (-6 if the holder's ability is Contrary) on that stat. We're updating our policies! If the Pokémon is on the ground, it will not be able to be affected by a status condition
Terrain causes moves that vary with environment to ignore the current location and determine their effect based on the terrain, regardless of whether the move's user is on the ground. 50% before. Effects:
Please read the. If the Pokémon is on the ground, and so is its target, their Dragon-type moves are reduced in power by 50%
If a Pokémon is Flying-type, or is off the ground, then it will not be affected by the special effects. A Pokémon activates the ability Psychic Surge. Terrain Seeds are held items introduced in Generation VII.
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