feng shui meaning of broken glass
Hence, we use the right mix of Innovation in Technology, Artificial Intelligence and Human Touch to provide you exactly what you are looking for. The space is a challenge becuase it is so small, but I am excited for that. Well, it’s not really very new; built in 1961 with one previous owner who died in the house. Pingback: GIVING UP THE GHOST | Feng Shui By Fishgirl, I have had the shatterd glass thing going on lately and it is quite exposive actually. Here’s what I do: https://fengshuibyfishgirl.com/tag/space-clearing/, If you have found my help in answering your questions today useful, please note there is a Donations button on my front page where you can make a donation to Feng Shui By Fishgirl in any amount via PayPal. SHA SHA SHA SHATTERED: Can feng shui stop the breaking glasses? Ltd. Advaita Developers and Promoters Pvt. 2 weeks ago the back window was broken out of my car and last week I broke a mirror. fishgirl. 6. Introducing "One Thing": A New Video Series, The Spruce Gardening & Plant Care Review Board, The Spruce Renovations and Repair Review Board. In the process of clearing out our flat I whilst cleaning tired to move the glass dining table which shattered in into tiny pieces, Hi I would like to ask what’s the meaning I have wine glass in front of me because we’re having a dinner. If you have a vehicle with a cracked windshield/window, replace it immediately because it may lead to accidents and high maintenance cost. Banging into things and knocking them over could simply be a result of the space being too tiny. Not at any particular time of day, but it never happens at night for some reason. Yes there could be too much qi energy. Best of luck to you, Fishgirl, Thank you very much for replying back Fishgirl. The law of reciprocation is a very powerful tool…..helps you to be mindful ofyourprosperity insteadof coming from a place of lack ( ” im notin a financial position” is a negative message to the universe while giving whatyou can, even a dollar, shows respect for all concerned). Yes, I believe the incidents are most likely related to your beloved pet’s passing. It seems like the cats wouldn’t have mad such a clean break. You might discover a ghost of someone who died in the house or the house could have been built over a Native American graveyard…anything is possible but no need to despair. As far as I recall it has mostly been clear glass, drinking glasses, wine glasses, even bowls. If it doesn’t after Katy. with a sage smudger to banish residual energy from the previous tenants and that should calm the qi down. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to constitute legal advice, solicitations, marketing, offer for sale, invitation to offer, invitation to acquire by the developer/builder or any other entity. I’m sorry about all the questions. I’d have to do a complete feng shui analysis for you (that I can do for you via off-site consultation if you decide to do it) in order to accurately diagnose your problem. Never look at yourself in a cracked mirror; this act symbolizes an upcoming problem. Try again later. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Can we do it ourselves? Do not leave them Ltd. 6 tips to evade negative effects of broken glass. Sometimes children will be the way the spirits will come in because children are more open and don’t have defenses up. Replace this glass immediately. For example, if your face looks thin/fat/distorted or the level of the floor does not appear to be flat, it is time to change the mirror. In case you are unable to do so, fix it temporarily with the help of a white tape. I don’t know if it is your dog’s spirit that is causing this…it is just as likely that the buildup of your sorrow is creating a negative or slightly capricious energy around you that leads you to break the glass. Just replace them quickly and if that still worries you, then you need to make a symbolic gesture of putting the broken pieces back again. Thanks for posting to my blog. Best, Through research and synchronicity–and oddly enough my own dreams and the dream of an overnight guest– I discovered and confirmed at the library that the original use of the building was a bootleg saloon back in the roaring twenties during prohibition. Hi Fishgirl, Tell your friends about my blog. I would begin by asking you detailed questions about your life and your habits and about the house and how you arrived there, I would examine the floorplan and photos you give me, and then I would give you a written assessment along with plans to solve the feng shui problems you are having. Jean, Jean, The old superstition that breaking a mirror brings bad luck is because some believed that there is a distortion of energy that causes a broken or bruised surface. I have also heard my name being whispered in my ear. Feed back ????. Please help. That’s a good place to begin your research. I am not in a financial position to have a professional deal with this – any advise , tools for me to us …. Yes, there are space clearing methods that can be done. Spirits will often seek out those that are sensitive to knowing their presence or seeing them. Woke up this morning and found the bowl broken in two equal parts as if some one slashed a sword thorught it.. anyone have any suggestion as to what it could mean. I locked myself out of the house , I have many times crawled in through the window and no problem . 5. If you have a site we could do a link exchange, too. 3. Any recommendations or resources for learning more about cleansing/smudging? If a windowpane breaks or cracks suddenly, it may indicate a problem created by your relative. This time it shattered . Light a candle. The area used to be a farm and other than the previous owner dying, nothing i know of has happened on the land, except for finding the neighbors dead bunny rabbit while i was gardening. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Some people use glue to put the broken pieces of the crystal together, while some decide to discard the crystal. I’d try space clearing It could be just a crack in the glass that finally gave way. You will want to fully concentrate on banishing all the energy that does not belong to you and your Thanks for your advice. Do you know what the history of the house is? Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. I’m glad you are hiring a pro. Filed under Feng Shui, Healing Energy, Qi, Tagged as breaking glass, broken glasses--coincidence or ghost?, energy, fear, Feng Shui, Feng Shui By Fishgirl, home, occult, portals, protecting oneself, shattering glasses, smudgesticks, space clearing, supernatural. My wife is pregnant in her 7,5 month and since, say, two month, we break every day glasses in the whole appartement. I have 2 cats and its possible that they may be responsible for some of it, but I am almost never around to see it break until its already broken. So yesterday my maintenance man installed a door on my bedroom. Thanks Hello- IE: others could live in your house and may never have the same problems you do because they are “immune” / unconscious and unreachable. The details displayed on the website are for informational purposes only. I can feel when something is going to happen and I have been geting better at this lately. This week I have a problem with glass breaking in different parts of the house and even in someone else’s house when we were collecting something, a frame got smashed. Replace mirrors that do not show exact and proper reflections. If your dog’s spirit is there, too, it will help them cross over to the other side. I have been in the process (psychically and spiritually) of letting go of the old and starting anew and manifesting good. So, I have had an interesting problem since we moved in. I hope this finds you well. It started happening more recently, and seems to only be happening to me in the home. ( Log Out /  Namaste, then later that night my boyfriend and i were moving the tiny futon I was borrowing and in the process it broke too! It’s in the kitchen which happens to be in the Marriage corner of the house – feng shui. Use your own judgment depending on the severity of the damage to your feng shui crystal. If you have a vehicle with a cracked windshield/window, replace it immediately because it may lead … I don’t consider myself psychic, but I am a scorpio who is pretty intune with certain intuitions. Set the intention as you cleanse– you can banish all energy that doesn’t belong in your home (say this out loud) and also say “I bless (name your pet) and send love and light to (your pet) so they can find their way to their rightful place”.


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