divergent summary
Lake Michigan appears to be mostly dried up. He comes out of his trance and stops the computer program. At this point, they officially begin a secret relationship. Taking Tris aside, her mother asks about her rankings and tells her to convince Caleb to research the simulation serum. These notes were contributed by members of the GradeSaver community. The novel opens with Beatrices mother cutting her hair. She again talks with Tori, who tells Tris that Dauntless leaders killed her brother when they learned he was Divergent. Afterward, Eric congratulates her on passing the test and informs her that all Dauntless members must be fitted with a tracking device. There, she has a confrontation with Erudite leader Jeanine Matthews, who Tris suspects of colluding with Dauntless to kill the Divergent. The following day, all the families of sixteen-year-olds attend the Choosing Ceremony. For Beatrice Prior, it's difficult. In the dystopian Chicago, the population is divided into up to five factions namely; Abnegation, Amity, Candor, Dauntless and finally Erudite. But when Eric tries to "accidentally" kill Tobias, the two fight back and are taken to Erudite headquarters, where Jeanine takes Tobias in for simulation testing and sends Tris, who was shot in the shoulder and therefore of no use to her, to be executed. She is warned to never tell anyone of her results - it is dangerous to be Divergent. After the test, she will attend the Choosing Ceremony, where she must decide whether to stay in her family’s faction or leave it behind. Die Bürger von Chicago leben nach dem letzten großen Krieg in einer Gesellschaft, die in fünf Fraktionen unterteilt ist. There, she discovers Tobias is also awake, meaning he’s Divergent too. The government hoards these people, as they do not fit into the society. Al is devastated with what he's done, and kills himself as a result. Tobias can do the same, and they find each other in the crowd while pretending to be sleepwalking just like the others. Divergent is set in future Chicago, through the eyes of a sixteen year old girl named Beatrice. Synopsis Each faction has a different “persona” and a different role in the city. Competition, Groups, and Rivalries . Tris forces Peter to lead them to the control room, and her father is killed in the process of helping her. Fear, Bravery, and Maturity. Tris manages to flee by the help of her Divergent mother, though her mom dies as well as her having to kill one of her close friends. She goes to Erudite to pass on her mother's instructions to Caleb. After this test, Beatrice has to choose whether to leave her family or stay. She tries to keep her Divergence a secret, but throughout her vigorous training, she reveals to the trainer, Four, her ability to manipulate the test and that she is Divergent. Divergent is set in future Chicago, through the eyes of a sixteen year old girl named Beatrice. Tris vows to succeed and performs well on the first day of stage one, which involves shooting guns at targets. Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. this section. and in-depth analyses of Themes; Style; Quotes. She finds her father and brother hiding with other Abnegation members, including Marcus, Tobias’s father. She is on the verge of her Choosing Ceremony, which is when the citizens are divided into factions depending on their main aptitude out of five. He has discovered that Erudite is planning a war against Abnegation, though he’s not sure how Dauntless is involved. Trying to ignore her feelings, she goes in for her aptitude test, which is administered by a Dauntless woman named Tori. The protagonist and narrator is a sixteen-year-old girl from Abnegation named Beatrice Prior. Women and Sexuality. Beatrice’s entire family is shocked when Caleb picks Erudite. Peter, however, is unsatisfied with his second place finish, and that night he stabs the first place initiate, Edward, in the eye, forcing him to leave initiation. Tori warns her not to tell anyone, and Beatrice returns home wondering what her results mean. When she uncovers a conspiracy to eliminate all Divergents, she teams with the mysterious Four (Theo James) to find out what makes the powers-that-be so frightened of them.. Taglines She has a strong desire to join Dauntless, the faction whose members value bravery. She's extremely successful and ranks first, becoming an official member of Dauntless. FB facebook TW Tweet. You can help us out by revising, improving and updating She slaps him and leaves the Dauntless compound to see her brother Caleb in Erudite. Beatrice is sure that her brother Caleb will stay in Abnegation, which values selflessness and humility above all else, but she is conflicted. The Question and Answer section for Divergent (2014 Film) is a great That night, everyone in Dauntless wakes up in a sleepwalking trance except Tris; she can resist the simulation because she's Divergent. Later that day, Al admits that he likes Tris as more than a friend, but she cannot return the sentiment. The next day, Eric tells the trainees that initiation consists of a three-stage ranking process. In this movie, there are unexpected romances, tough battles, and extreme bravery shown through Tris that she didn't know she had in her. After Tris’s first simulation, Four informs her she was able to escape the test much faster than anyone else. Tris, being a Divergent, is immune, but has to act as she is one of them to not be killed. Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Study Guide of “Divergent” by Veronica Roth. Visit BN.com to buy new and used textbooks, and check out our award-winning NOOK tablets and eReaders. Peter and his friends Molly and Drew continue to torment Tris. She finds Tobias, still under the influence of Jeanine’s serum, manning the computer program. After another trip to the tattoo parlor, she flirts with a drunken Four. Darum wird die Geschichte von "Die Bestimmung - Divergent" wohl nie zu Ende erzählt werden. The city has been split into five factions: Abnegation, Dauntless, Erudite, Amity, and Candor. Tris's dad is shot and dies along the way. Still, she is stressed about the tests and angry at Peter, who’s been distributing Erudite reports accusing Abnegation of corruption. Tris learns that Abnegation members are now prohibited from entering Erudite. Each faction places value solely on a specific virtue, which its members work to cultivate throughout their lives. A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality study guides that feature detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, quotes, and essay topics. At his funeral, Eric calls him brave, making Tris angry. When they arrive at Abnegation, the Dauntless begin shooting everyone in sight. When she discovers a plot to destroy Divergents, Tris and the mysterious Four must find out what makes Divergents dangerous before it's too late. This is a book by Veronica Roth that explores a dystopian theme based in Chicago. Back at Dauntless, when Eric threatens her with punishment for leaving, she and Tobias pretend she was sulking because Tobias rejected her. GradeSaver, 3 June 2019 Web. All sixteen-year-olds were subjected to an aptitude test that was used to categorize them into the different factions. Not affiliated with Harvard College. Overview Divergent is the first installment in a science-fiction trilogy, and is narrated by a 16 year old girl called Beatrice Prior. The novel Divergent features a post-apocalyptic version of Chicago and follows Beatrice "Tris" Prior as she explores her identity within a society that defines its citizens by their social and personality-related affiliation with five factions, which removes the threat of anyone exercising inde… She knows they must be lying, and that Erudite will use this serum as a simulation to get Dauntless to fight Abnegation for them. Parents Guide. In a world divided by factions based on virtues, Tris learns she's Divergent and won't fit in. will review the submission and either publish your submission or provide feedback. The novel opens with Beatrice’s mother cutting her hair. Tori injects Beatrice with a serum that initiates a series of simulations to which Beatrice must respond. One of the boys gropes her chest, and Peter nearly drops her over the edge before Four rescues her. Visiting Day arrives, and Tris's mother comes to visit her in her new faction.


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