There would be more protection for the consumer. Why would the large meat suppliers be interested in lobbying the government for subsidies for corn? How many public seeds are still produced by universities/the government? What are some of the health issues faced by the chickens as a result of their accelerated growth and confined living conditions? There would be more protection for the consumer. Explain whether this is a good or bad thing. They control more than 80% of the market. Learn food inc with free interactive flashcards. In minorities, 1 out of 2. What was the basis of this opinion? Many of the smaller companies that produced organic and healthier foods have been acquired by larger conglomerate-type companies. People in the government are also in the food industry. What commercial development led to the emergence of the industrial … What type of images are used to sell food? One in _______ Americans born after 2000 will have type 2 diabetes. OK Question Title * 2. View Assignment - Food Inc Video Questions ANSWERS.docx from SCIENCE 111 at Elk Grove High School. Taking antibiotics. 10 terms. contamination, the farmer must prove that he did not violate Monsanto’s What kind of changes can have huge effects on the food system? What specific changes do you think would happen if there was a greater amount of transparency within our food system? They cannot Paying farmers to over grow corn. (used to be slaughtered in 70 days, now it takes only 48 days to raise and kill them). STUDY. Their diet is changed to allow faster and Documentary Questions 1. Kevin Kowalcyk died in 2001 of hemolytic-uremic syndrome caused by eating ground beef contaminated with E. coli O157:H7. The second segment looks at the effects of a … Smithfield and What does he mean by this? supply. Explain why farmers are economically bound to the large meat companies. same bacteria. loss for the food and agriculture industries. Taking antibiotics. Living in own filth. However, PLAY. them alive and make sure they do not die before they are slaughtered. ob_start_detecteda,#logo h1 a,#logo h2 a,.menu li.current-menu-item a,.menu li.current_page_item a,.menu li a:hover,.rhtitle.rhdefaultcolored,span.nmbr{color:#171717}.widget-heading,.post-entry blockquote p,.block-heading,.show-search #searchform input#s{border-color:#171717}#top-search a,.post-share .fa-comments,.pagination a:hover, ul a:hover,.menu ul ul a:hover,.post-share a i:hover,.post-pagination a:hover{background:#171717}body{background:#fff}.rll-youtube-player,[data-lazy-src]{display:none!important}. In minorities? Cows get E. coli which leads to potential problems. cannot process or metabolize so fast. Describe how both the industrialized food system and the government regulatory agencies are behind this problem. Quicker, low wages, and workers were easier to replace. _____________ and how many days does it take now? "Unsanitary" because it's open to the air. This 2009 documentary by Eric Schlosser covers many of the unseen consequences of the industrialized agriculture system. At Smithfield in Tarheel, NC, how many pigs are killed per day? in the consumer, which may prevent them from purchasing such foods, hence, a List two ways that chickens are physically different now than in the 1950s, before the green revolution. Resume Examples. Roundup-Ready soybeans helps the plants grow and resists death of plants. What problem has emerged as a result of feeding corn to cattle instead? What U.S. president took on the beef trust? continue their regular processes without being questioned, as they know these workers Yes, more people will be buying the organic products. business. List them. After year 2000, 1 out of 3. How much influence should business have over government? Unfortunately for What cleanses most of the bacteria out of production line hamburger filler? Using Transitional Words Worksheets; Unhide Worksheet With Vba; Types Of Numbers Super Teacher Worksheets; Two Step Word Problems 2nd Grade Worksheets; Times Tables Worksheets For 7 Year Olds; Times Tables Printable Worksheets Uk; Timeline Of Ww2 Worksheet; Time Zone Math Problems … When you are obese there is large chance of getting diabetes. Where do the large meat packing plants get most of their workers? When you are obese there is large chance of getting diabetes. What regulatory shortcomings that contributed to his death are his mom working to raise awareness of? Paying farmers to over grow corn. Junk foods like How many hogs are slaughtered per year in the Smithfield processing plant in Tar Heel, NC? You have to pay for repercussions, medical costs, and environmental costs. Living in own filth. It is cheap and allows cows to grow fast. About 80% of the beef supply is controlled by only four companies. How many products are found in the average US supermarket? List them. Key Concepts: Terms in this set (42) How many products are found in the average US supermarket? If pollen from a GMO field blows into and pollinated a non-GMO field, does Monsanto have a legal claim? It allows them to power produce corn. In minorities? Why? Investigated for patent infringement. > Questions Answer Key Food Inc Movie Worksheet Answers. have a high or considerable price tag on their organic goods in order for the other slaughterhouses are aware of their injustly behavior and treatment to the Since the Round-Up Ready crop seeds are patented by Monsanto, what happens when a farmer attempts to save his seeds at the end of the season? Explain whether this is a good or bad thing. colon foods, and take other steps to speed up the process, which could How did McDonald brother revolutionize the fast food industry? Why? workforce. Organic food produces are becoming available in places like Wal-Mart. What happens to a farmer who tries to save his own seeds? About 30% of the United States land mass is used to grow corn. What were the results of the bacterial contamination tests that were performed as comparison? How many days does it take to grow a chicken Now? OK Question Title * 5. Explain how consumers can “vote with their wallet” on issues raised in this documentary. What were the advantages of the McDonalds restaurant switching to an assembly-line type operation?
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