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While there are certainly some similarities between eating a whole-food, plant-based diet and being vegan, there are some differences as well. We’re sure you’ve got plenty of questions about the move to a whole-food, plant-based diet, and we’re here to help. Whole plant foods contain all the essential nutrients (with the exception of vitamin B12) we need. If you’re looking for a way to make grocery shopping and meal preparation easier, check out, . Once you get started, it’ll be easier to keep going. Once you have a taste for this nutritious and delicious plant-based diet, we’ve got the tools to take things to the next level. We promised this would be easy! means food that comes from plants and doesn’t include animal ingredients such as meat, milk, eggs, or honey. You can usually find fruit and dishes made with pasta, rice, and potatoes wherever you are. came on time. There are plenty of other foods you can also enjoy— including nuts, seeds, tofu, tempeh, whole-grain flour and breads, and plant-based milks. Among these books are Forks Over Knives, How Not to Die, Animalkind, The Engine 2 Diet, Living the Farm Sanctuary Life, Rescue Dogs, Mercy for Animals, and Eat for the Planet. If you’re looking for a way to make grocery shopping and meal preparation easier, check out  Forks Meal Planner. You can get some B12 from fortified foods such as plant-based milks and breakfast cereals, but the best source is a simple B12 supplement. Forks Over Knives founder Brian Wendel has some good tips too. Forks Over Knives’ online cooking course will help you learn new techniques, flavors, and skills to live your very best life. He encourages people to “not sweat the small stuff” and to look at the big picture instead: “Focus on the big changes like switching from meat, milk, and eggs to whole plant foods. That being said, FOK teaches the gold standard plant-based diet, which is completely free of animal products and therefore vegan. 7 Ways Milk and Dairy Products are Making You Sick. A whole-food, plant-based diet is based on the following principles: A whole-food, plant-based diet lets you meet your nutritional needs by focusing on natural, minimally-processed plant foods. From creamy classics to spicy delights, try these. That being said, FOK teaches the gold standard plant-based diet, which is completely free of animal products and therefore vegan. Download our practical guide to long-term success. These benefits include: We promised this would be easy! Eat a whole-foods, plant-based diet—it could … It also has some recipes and helps to help with the transition. Thank you! The Forks Over Knives Plan: How to Transition to the Life-Saving, Whole-Food, Plant-Based Diet. For more delicious meal ideas, Once you have a taste for this nutritious and delicious plant-based diet, we’ve got the tools to take things to the next level. First of all, you can check out our entire archive of whole-food, plant-based diet recipes. You have been successfully subscribed. We’ll answer your questions, provide helpful advice, and share the techniques you need. Whole-food, plant-based eating is cheaper than you think. From the creators of the groundbreaking documentary comes the New York Times bestselling diet plan Sanjay Gupta called “the prescription you need to live a long, healthy life”—a plan to transition to a delicious whole-foods, plant-based diet in just twenty-eight days.The trailblazing film Forks Over Knives helped spark a medical and nutritional revolution. You can easily experiment with giving some of your own favorite recipes a plant-based makeover. cant wait to read... อ่านความคิดเห็นฉบับเต็ม, From the creators of the groundbreaking documentary comes the, Alona Pulde, MD, is a family practitioner specializing in nutritional and lifestyle medicine in Los Angeles. “Take care of your body. As Dr. Craig McDougall says, “Once you have more energy, have lost some weight, or your stomach pain has disappeared, then it’s easier to continue eating healthfully.


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