} return 'false'; A former Swissair official said the airport scenes in Oscar-winning film "Argo" were a realistic depiction of the airline's unwitting role in the rescue of American diplomats from Tehran … return 'https://www.swissworldcargo.com/o/swc-theme/images'; Swiss WorldCargo offers a comprehensive … isSignedIn: function() { getCDNHost: function() { Liferay.PortletKeys = { getLayoutRelativeURL: function() { Liferay.on( Did you know that profits for your company can rocket upward if you achieve sufficient savings in supply chain costs? return filter; Air freight is known to be the best transport alternative for high-value and low-volume shipments. We make sure that shipments arrive at the right place and the right time – anywhere in the world. return false; var Liferay = Liferay || {}; }, return 'https\x3a\x2f\x2fwww\x2eswissworldcargo\x2ecom\x2fen\x2f'; { return '/o/swc-theme'; return 'https://www.swissworldcargo.com'; return ''; formId: event.formId, 'Form', }, Precious metals and currency, jewellery, clocks and watches, works of art and antiques, sensitive documents and data carriers, rare blood serums and life-saving medicines: we provide special safety containers and security personnel for every valuable delivery that is entrusted to Swiss WorldCargo for transportation. })(window,document,'script','dataLayer','GTM-TS5R6KD'); return false; }, Liferay.Browser = { return '?browserId=other&minifierType=&languageId=en_US&b=7010&t=1594277634540'; return 'https://www.swissworldcargo.com'; return false; isMac: function() { var filter = 'raw'; Liferay.ThemeDisplay = { i['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r; isWindows: function() { You can rely on SWISS quality when we transport your consignment by air or by road. return false; ]; ); getBCP47LanguageId: function() { a = s.createElement(o); return ''; getStaticResourceURLParams: function() { return '83.0'; Swiss Air & Road Cargo AG is Switzerland's leading transport and logistics company providing value-adding services to road transport, air freight, logistics, forwarding and customs. replaceStr: '.js' + instance.getStaticResourceURLParams(), isChrome: function() { Liferay.on( }, return 'en_US'; return '/image'; }, ga('create', 'UA-92030730-1', 'auto'); page: event.page - 1 Liferay.on( new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], }, return '/en/home'; ); getAvailableLangPath: function() { }, var arrayValue = i[r].q || []; Liferay.authToken = 'Y0JktkJo'; 'Form', }, }, } 'ddmFormSubmit', function(event) { isStateMaximized: function() { All rights reserved © Swiss Air & Road Cargo AG. fieldName: event.fieldName, if (window.Analytics) { ); Elegant SWISS Lounges are perfect for spending some time in, and hint at what awaits guests on board: unbeatable comfort combined with award-winning culinary delights and a standard of service that leaves nothing to be desired. filterConfig = { isWebKit: function() { getFilter: function() { // { return false; isGecko: function() { }, [CDATA[ }, getDateFormat: function() { Thanks to our network of own offices and partners in all European countries, we are able to develop high-quality projects on a large scale, fully adapted to the wishes of our customers. } getPathImage: function() { Liferay.currentURLEncoded = '\x252Fen\x252Fhome'; title: event.title Swiss WorldCargo offers a comprehensive range of logistical solutions that include daily lorry connections between the main business centres as well as intelligently networked air cargo services. } SWISS General Cargo offers exactly that. }; window._com_liferay_document_library_analytics_isViewFileEntry = false; Liferay.Data.NAV_SELECTOR_MOBILE = '#navigationCollapse'; getScopeGroupIdOrLiveGroupId: function() { } getPathThemeRoot: function() { title: event.title return false; i[r] = i[r] || function() { return '537.36'; NTLM_AUTH_ENABLED: false, return false; [CDATA[ Find personalised information on your travel preparation here. return '/o/frontend-editor-ckeditor-web'; // ]]> return ''; return '20187'; return true; return '20184'; '&l='+l:'';j.async=true;j.src= Analytics.send( a.src = g; Liferay.Data.isCustomizationView = function() { From menu to seat. // .
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