Namesake of Sunday. Balder (Norse), Baldaeg (Anglo-Saxon) – God of light, purity, immortality. Twin sister of Freyr/Ing, daughter of Njord. Could also be Nerthus. Perhaps the most famous is the Egyptian Sun-god Ra, who was the lord of time. Norse/Germanic Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Saturn is the ruler of time yes but also of sorrow, hardship, lack and many othe nasties, however rulers have a spectrum of rulership, Saturn is not always a baddy. Father of twins Freyja/Fréo and Freyr/Ing. (The deities of the Anglo-Saxons). ‘The Blacksmith’. It is predominantly these Germanic and Norse gods that have lived on today in the days of the week, which are outlined below. Could also be Rheda/Hretha. World’s Oldest Surviving Amphitheater Preserved at Pompeii, Competing for the Title of the Oldest House in England - Luddesdown Court and Saltford Manor, A New Japanese Emperor Takes To The Chrysanthemum Throne. List of Anglo-Saxon Deities List of Germanic Deities The deities of the Anglo-Saxons Various Wikipedia sources. Medieval Icelanders were fascinated by genealogy, not only because, as emigrants, Legendary heroes who have inspired us through the ages, The Truth Behind 5 Disney Movies That Are Based On Real Histories, 8 Notorious Vikings Who Left Their Bloody Marks on History, The Perplexing Horned Helmet of Henry VIII, The Great Boat of Khufu: The ‘Black Box’ to the Construction of the Pyramids. Some artifacts seem to be easy to misunderstand or are not well understood at all and this leads to wild theories. The Vanir are mostly associated with fertility, presiding over the earth and sea, and the natural forces of the world, including magic, and the ability to see the future. This is a modern interpretation in order to show the superiority of todays religion and to castigate the previous Pagan religion. Associated with Frigg and Freyja. To my ancestors the movement of the planets allowed them to predict when to migrate further south to find food and warmth. Could also be Njord. Associated with Týr/Tiw. Joi - (from latin Iovis) - (Thursday) Somebody at some time in the past messed it all up, deliberately. Son of Odin and Jord, husband of Sif. [citation needed]. Hel, Hella (Norse) – Goddess of the dead and underworld, ruler of the Land of Mist, Helheim. Modern Germanic Pagans or Heathens, as they prefer to call themselves, worship the old Germanic gods, especially Thor and Odin as well as Germanic nature spirits such as Elves and Trolls. Wife of Odin/Wōden. ‘All Father’. Namesake of Sunday. Daughter of Loki. Norse deities can be divided into two major groups; the Aesir and the Vanir. Associated with Ullr and Njord. This article contains a comprehensive list of Germanic deities outside the numerous Germanic Matres and Matronae inscriptions from the 1st to 5th century CE. Frigg (Norse), Frige (Anglo-Saxon) – Goddess of love, marriage, motherhood and the household. Go through the months and related them to numbers starting with Aries as number 1 and one ends up with Sept = 7, Oct = 8, Nov = 9, Dec = 10. He is usually shown with only one hand. In ancient Mesopotamia, astrologers assigned each day of the week the name of a god. Gefion, Gefjon (Norse) – Goddess of plenty, agriculture, and the plough. from the BBC "Why are there seven days in a week". We’re the only Pop Archaeology site combining scientific research with out-of-the-box perspectives. ‘The Lord’. Fulla (Norse, Anglo-Saxon) – Goddess of plenty, and the moon. The Vikings’ next step out into the Atlantic – the discovery and settlement of Iceland – is one of the best documented events of the Viking Age. Grimm called Holda the North German aspect of Berchta, the Southern German goddess. Associated with Skadi. Messiah on Temple Mount: Are We Nearing the End of Time? Jord/Jörð, Fjörgyn, Hlóðyn (Norse), Eorðe (Anglo-Saxon) – Goddess of the earth, Earth Mother. Nerthus/Nerðus, Hertha (Anglo-Saxon) – Goddess of the earth and fertility, Earth Mother. The goal of Ancient Origins is to highlight recent archaeological discoveries, peer-reviewed academic research and evidence, as well as offering alternative viewpoints and explanations of science, archaeology, mythology, religion and history around the globe. Germanic paganism refers to the ethnic religion practiced by the Germanic peoples from the Iron Age until Christianisation during the Middle Ages. Proto-Germanic reconstructions marked with an asterisk. 750-1050)-language text, Articles containing Proto-Germanic-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2007, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 27 September 2020, at 18:34. Could also be Rheda/Hretha.
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