Her pimp/boss threatened to “make her disappear,” saying that the only reason he kept her alive was because her sponsor liked her. She’s deep into her speech and the editor boss has to try several times to tell her to shut up so she can say hello… to her new co-worker. However,... Hi Ivoire! In this case, Healer caught my attention so much so it has become my pick of the season, and ended up dropping all the others. Hello Iviore! Actually I had similar theory about it :D. I think that Moon Ho's brother is involved in the death of both her father and Healer's father. LOL! One day he learns the truth of a case that took place in the past. LMAO forever at Park Minyoung singing and dancing to DBSK's "Hug." She’s so busy with the re-enactment that she doesn’t notice the suspicious guy dressed in black who slips into her house—Jung-hoo’s arrived for more investigation. Completely enamored with our 3 leads! Despite their misgivings, dad and daughter can’t turn down someone in need. You said this, "they’re completely opposites in some ways." There are so many good things in ep.4, I am glad that so far, the plot is building up nicely, and that balance (comedy, thriller-mystery, romance and action) is still there and well balanced, which is great, b/c I am hoping that this drama is not going to go completely melo, AND stay there *Angel Eyes, I am looking at you. The case is against a certain President Hwang who collects young, struggling actresses and connects them with powerful men. :D. @ shelly Hi, What made the scene even more so was Healer’s priceless reaction, and his exasperated strangled scream(?) I just LOVE my space, and this "There’s just an enticing and special sense of peacefulness that you get when you’re just with yourself. Plus, I might check him out in that one-off drama special he did with a KARA member, since I hear the whole production’s pretty good. And i think this is also the turning point of this show when they introduced his character! It will be hard (for us) to watch, and painful (I am thinking), as we find out things that happened in the past, and as he does all he can do cover his tracks, and outsmart his brother and maybe CYS and Healer, and others who might be in his way, however, that will make for a very interesting drama, the kind that keeps sucking you in (which is what I would love to have, tbh). I look forward to when the three all meet up (even though I'm sure they'll not all be aware of their relationships). Of course we love our Healer... whoops, got disconnected. Reno missing her mom more and wish his family will be whole again. In response to Go Sung-chul’s plea for help fleeing the country, Jung-hoo puts in the call. Healer November 20, 2017. I feel for JCW in Warrior Baek DongSoo and a good judge about acting but I know I fell for his smile. Is it on youtube or anywhere else that I can watch? on Monday, Dec. 22nd. I would constantly alternate between the two, LOL. }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Please enter your username or email address. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser. Dad lays out his legal strategy for handling Yeon-hee’s case. :-). Young-shin starts to agree that dying was the wrong idea, but Yeon-hee adds, “If I died alone, it would be a shame. I had literally just decided to break down and watch the raw when I saw your recap up already! Thanks so much! I'll get down to watching sometime later tonight (now it's just on 1.31pm my time). This is the same schedule KBS World has by the way, at least in the US, from what I have seen so far. One barely has time for sleep," is so true. I also know that fame has a price, which I am not willing to pay. I am trying to read him on that, and I don't know. He is ridiculously adorable and Healer is playing him to the hilt. Jung-hoo follows Moon-ho’s car all the way to his brother’s estate, noting the big gate, guardhouse, and security cameras mounted at the perimeter. Teehee." It combines the genres of drama and supernatural mystery to keep viewers on the edge of their seats. I don't know why but it feels like not a lot of people are watching healer. I am and your comments are part of it. WELL!!! It can't be too different from mine, can it? if (d.getElementById(id)) return;
I was told that THAT was not enough, LOL, which, to each her own, right? I just LOVE JCW in this drama (so far). If errors re-appear then report to us. Young-shin arrives at the star’s apartment building for her daily stakeout/stalking attempt, only to find that today there’s a phalanx of reporters stationed outside. It was endearing and funny at the same time. 20 years ago, Moutin Gok Qun saw his dad give a scroll to his martial arts junior, Ma Gong Ching, thinking it contains the ultimate technique of martial arts. Mun-ho's phone rings, but the caller ID is blocked. I personally feel that it makes it challenging (at least for me), to be able to enjoy watching the episodes and connecting here (on time) with commenters who are watching this drama. Moon Ho might witnessed this and feel guilty for not doing anything about it. And they can also use their fame for good causes (which I personally always appreciate). Apparently she asked help from Jaejoong how to pull it off. My shipper feels are all over the place, geez. They get the go-ahead to send him abroad by ship, and messenger/sidekick Dae-young does her part by picking up the new passport from a station locker and dropping it off to Go Sung-chul. He heads in to see Min-jae with his trademark charm dialed up to full, but she puts a damper on that by letting him know that his brother is in the building, meeting with the president. old song when they were five, HUG!!! Tracking the location of Mun-ho's phone, Jeong-hu arrives at Someday to find that no one’s there. It is nice to meet and connect with kindred spirits, that way, one doesn't feel too weird or crazy. I also want to know what happened to him, when he was younger, that made him decide that he wanted to move to a (beautiful) island, and consciously disconnect from society on a personal level. You and me both!!!! Jung-hoo does his part by cowering nervously before her, and Young-shin tells him to call her sunbae and regard her with respect. Was he abandoned, abused? My take on this is that he'd been on tenterhooks lying under the bed, hoping that YS would not discover him, only to have her doing her funny dance/song and change clothes above him without a care, followed by kicking her pants onto his face!!! Despite detesting humans for their ‘primitive ways', Black becomes entangled with Sofia (played by Siti Saleha), a woman whose ability to foresee death is key to his mission. They are worth it, enjoy! Dramacool regularly updates new technology. JH jealous?? About this, "I wonder if they always go with the awkward character as his cover not only a guise for him to be spacey when he in fact is canvassing/watch places and people but also because of his lack of social interactions with “normal” people. But I think the similarities stop there. So his identity needs to remain private. I also get a kick out of his hilarious reactions to CYS’s antics, and from there I can surmise that he has a less serious disposition than CH." OTP is fabulous. Sometimes I have to think about what was said, or get a mental image to feel that I understood what I just read. thinking that she threw it away, is served right down to the helmet of BearBike man. Guess she doesn’t want him feeling bad about her sad history. Jung-hoo darts for cover when Yeon-hee emerges from her room, but Young-shin doesn’t notice and keeps talking. He did that in so many scenes in Oh, My Lady, one could have had a drinking game about it :-) ). Even fluffy stuff can be creative, which again, will stimulate me brain-wise. But I love that he has to act timid and doe-eyed around her, and this whole dynamic just floats my boat like you wouldn’t believe. Because I’m really curious to find out what happened to his family! Yoo JT was great in A Star's Lover. Dramas: Star's Lover. Nafisya (20) aka “Fisya” (played by Mentari De Marelle) is a strong, modern Muslim girl who, troubled by her parents’ divorce, has a difficult time with the notion of ‘marriage’. So, to an extent, I do feel that it is exploitative, however, the men doing it (and the teenagers doing it), are agreeing to it, so... Maybe that is part of how they build their appeal, and so become more marketable?
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