is aj alvin's son
So I think he's Alvin's. who was born in Lakewood California on April 30, 1984. Ela utiliza uma rocha ali perto para golpear o zumbi na cabeça três vezes, matando-o. And I think you’re forgetting he was born into the apocalypse and looks nothing like Carver at all. Kenny and Jane start arguing on finding the safest location, the fight between them gets heated ,suddenly Kenny makes a hard brake to prevent hiting the cars and debris blocking the way. Clem used to be lighter, but now she is darker. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Clementine is left alone wandering aimlessly with walkers near her until she reaches a stop where Kenny was hiding in. And keep that hair short... Press J to jump to the feed. Clementine sai para ajudar Kenny, mas o carro não funciona, e ele pede para que ela volte para dentro. Its really up to you what you think the baby is. Kenny and Jane return, assuring the station is safe where the group spends the night. Caso Clementine ficou apenas com AJ no final da segunda temporada, um diferente flashback ocorrerá. Depois de procurar por alguma ameaça com Jane, Kenny volta para junto do grupo e avisa que o lugar está livre, não antes de mandar Arvo ter suas mãos amarradas. If Clementine Shoots Kenny: Clementine will shoot Kenny before he stabs Jane. 5 anos (The Walking Dead: The Final Season). His relationship with Clementine and him saving her at the end just ... makes me feel like he is smart and kind hearted enough to be Alvin's son. She is the wife of Alvin, mother of Alvin Jr., and a member of the Cabin Group. Caso Clementine tenha ficado com Kenny e AJ no final da segunda temporada, um diferente flashback ocorrerá. Then, there was this whole debate on wether AJ’s father was either Alvin or Carver. Clementine is on the ground with a gun next to her must choose whether to kill Kenny or let Jane die. (opcional), Clem afugenta os sobreviventes. Clementine feeds him with the baby formula and worries that there's not much left. Only because they have similar shaped noses. Ruzek is a police officer in the intelligence unit of the Chicago Police Department.He has also made recurring appearances in Chicago Fire.. Ruzek's parents divorced when he was a child, and he would split time between his father in Beverly and mother in Canaryville. All newborn baby's come out white short after birth. Clementine acorda e vê Mike falando com Arvo sobre como Kenny cruzou a linha, criando uma amizade entre os dois. Ela o faz e, após eliminar o primeiro zumbi, o segundo o ataca e os dois rolam vala abaixo. Repentinamente, em outra porta do trailer, ouve-se uma voz feminina pedindo por ajuda. (opcional), Clementine e AJ ficam em Wellington e observam Kenny ir embora. i've always been wondering bout dat ever since i started play'n S2 o_0. Ela ajuda a garota a manter a porta fechada e tapá-la com um pedaço de madeira. Repentinamente, um zumbi se aproxima do grupo e Clementine exclama, assustada. Moving. O flashback tomará lugar após o banimento de Clementine da New Frontier, quando injetou ou tentou injetar um remédio que poderia salvar AJ. As AJ reaches toddler status, his behavior remains almost the same. [spoilers for twd last season] [duh] Just like in the 21title. Se Clementine ficou com Jane no final, ela, Clementine e AJ estarão nos limites da Howe's Hardware, com AJ nos braços de Clementine. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. The soundbyte is meant to be a medley of memorable sports and talk radio moments in the Jungle's 15 year history. I don't think anyone knows for sure. When the group travel to the town across the river, he is being held by his gravely ill mother Rebecca who soon rests up at the side of the road. He's pretty dark skinned to be carver's. I always assumed it was Alvin's. He takes after Alvin more than he does Carver, so I'm guessing Alvin. Ela nota que o coelho não foi longe e decide deixar AJ a salvo dentro de um carro para poder caçá-lo. Typically interracial children have a lighter skin tone. Even Africans. Clementine pode concordar ou ficar reticente. Ao levantá-lo da bolsa, Ava diz que David insistiu que Clementine ficasse com o desenho que AJ fez logo que foi tirado dela. We might see when AJ is a little older. He's obviously not a 6 year old survivor raised in a post-apocalyptic world!"). It was about 2 years ago and his words aren't official, but I took it from here and always assumed that AJ is gonna show some carverness in the future. Ao começarem, dois zumbis surgem na sua frente. They are both dead so what's the point? It's still on the skeptical area of the Theory Bar. John Henry Alvin (November 24, 1948 – February 6, 2008) was an American cinematic artist and painter who illustrated many movie posters. O bebê, então, está nas mãos de Bonnie. O filho de Rebecca foi trazido ao mundo com a ajuda de Kenny no deck de observação do Parker's Run. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. He also looks more like Alvin in general. Terms of Service / Privacy Policy. Unfortunately, Carver seems to be his biological dad, while Alvin Sr. is his spiritual dad and namesake. So he probably is Alvin's. Clementine recobra os sentidos pouco tempo depois. Ela entra, vê o trailer vazio, senta na cama e começa a chorar baixinho. All of them are dead. Leve seus fandoms favoritos com você e fique por dentro de tudo. Mike who is carrying AJ will run after Kenny to make sure he doesn't do anything bad to Arvo.


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