precious book author
Fair copy. De revolutionibus orbium coelestium, libri V. Nuremberg: Johann Petreius, 1543", "Sale 9058: The Archimedes Palimpsest : Lot 1: Archimedes (ca. Illuminated Manuscript on Vellum. Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies. $9.99. One of 119 complete copies known to exist. Illuminated missal in use at Sherborne Abbey. $9.99. One of 119 complete copies known to exist. Third issue of the First Folio edition. London: Printed by Isaac Iaggard, and Ed. Basel: Johannes Oporinus, June 1543", "Autograph Draft Manuscript of her Unfinished Novel 'The Watsons, "Apple computer contract and dissolution of contract signed by Jobs, Wozniak and Wayne (3 documents)", "Sale 1057 : Collection Michel Wittock: quatrième partie - De Marius-Michel à Jean de Gonet / Jean-Joseph Tessier et La Description de l'Égypte Lot 80: Description de l'Égypte ou Recueil des observations et des recherches qui ont été faites en Egypte pendant l'expédition de l'armée française. Autograph manuscript of chapter of Ulysses with additions, revisions and reworkings by Joyce in the margins. Signed Yahya Bin Muhammad Inn 'Umar, Probably Mesopotamia. Copy originally owned by Robert Edwards, then by George Shuckburgh-Evelyn (1751–1804). Copy from the Library of Abel E. Berland; originally owned by Allen Puleston, then by the Dryden baronets of Canons Ashby. Subsequently purchased for an unknown amount by the Green Collection and donated to the Museum of the Bible, Illuminated by Simon Bening. Paris, 1425-1435", "du Châtelet, Émilie. The Canterbury Tales. Precious Moments. Published according to the true Original copies. Comment: All items inspected and guaranteed. Purchased by an anonymous private collector. Waldseemüller map printed in gores format to be made into globe, United States Declaration of Independence, Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories & Tragedies, John Crichton-Stuart, 4th Marquess of Bute, Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, Prelude, Fugue and Allegro for lute or keyboard in E flat major, Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History, Letter from Szilard and Einstein to President Roosevelt, Algernon Percy, 4th Duke of Northumberland, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, Un coup de dés jamais n'abolira le hasard, List of most expensive artworks by living artists, "$35 million Book of Mormon manuscript sale called the 'biggest game-changer in Mormon history, "Chinese calligraphy letter sets new auction record", "Eleventh-century Chinese letter – just 124 characters long – sells for $32m", "Bill Gates on giving away his fortune - and Mark Zuckerberg's engagement? Mainz: Peter Schoeffer, 7 September 1470", "Books, Manuscripts and Photographs, including nine manuscripts by Andre Breton from the Simone Collinet Collection 202 Poisson soluble. The complete working manuscript for the song "American Pie", with numerous revisions and unpublished deleted sections. Believed to be the only surviving work by the Song dynasty scholar; written on the back of a sheet of paper used for woodblock printing. Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies, edited by John Heminge (d. 1630) and Henry Condell (d. 1627). Previously owned by Charles de Noailles. 1297 exemplification of the 1216 charter, held by the Brudenell family and later the Perot Foundation. One of seven copies handwritten and illustrated by J. K. Rowling. Purchased by Gérard Lhéritier for the Musée des Lettres et Manuscrits. This is a list of printed books, manuscripts, letters, music scores, comic books, maps and other documents which have sold for more than US$1 million. Exposition abrégée du système du monde selon les principes de Monsieur Newton, incluse dans le second tome des Principes mathématiques de la philosophie naturelle d'Isaac Newton. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica. Originally made for Marie de Balsac. Limited edition copy on Japan vellum signed by Curtis. February 1, 1865. Blount, I. Smithweeke, and W. Aspley, 1623", "The Francis Crick 'Secret of Life' Letter: A remarkable letter to his son, revealing one of the most important scientific discoveries of the 20th century", "Medieval manuscript lost to the North East can now be seen again", "Music and Continental Books and Manuscripts : Lot 36: Mahler, Gustav The Autograph Manuscript of the Second Symphony ("The Resurrection"), the Complete Work in Five Movements", "Sale 1561: John James Audubon's Birds of America", "Redoute Watercolors Auctioned to Syndicate", "Gutenberg Bible Is Sold for Record $4.9 Million", "English Literature, History, Fine Bindings, Private Press and Children's Books, Including the First Folio of Shakespeare : Lot 95: Shakespeare, William. Walford, Printers to the Royal Society, at the Prince's Arms in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1704", "Arts of the Islamic World 34 'Ali Ibn al-'Abbas al-Majusi (latinised as 'Haly Abbas', d.circa 995 AD), Kitab kamil al-sina'ah al-tibbiyah ('The Complete Book of the Medical Art'), Iraq or Western Persia, Fars, probably Shiraz, last quarter 10th Century AD", "Saxton, Christopher (c. 1542-c. 1610). Illuminated breviary originally owned by William Monypenny. Only surviving copy of the first map to use the name "America" and showing that the Americas were separated from Asia by the Pacific Ocean. Purchased by the Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas at Austin. Liber Insularum Archipelagi. Illuminated Manuscript on Vellum, in Latin. Third issue of the First Folio edition. Purchased by Stephan Loewentheil. [août-septembre 1924]", "An Illustrated and Illuminated Leaf from the Shah Isma'il II Shahnameh: The party after homage paid to Kay Khosraw by nobles following his enthronement, ascribed to the artist Burji, Qazvin, Persia, Safavid, circa 1577", "Property from the collection of Robert S Pirie volumes I & II: Books and Manuscripts : Lot 918: Newton, Isaac Opticks: Or, a Treatise of the Reflexions, Refractions, Inflexions and Colours of Light. Purchased by Maggs Bros. Purchased by London art dealer, Michael Tollemache. The Joy of Easter book. First edition copy originally owned by Lewis Carroll (1832–1898). Letter explaining "the secret of life" written more than a month before the public announcement of DNA.


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