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Oh, I don't know. Cal Hockley | Occupation Ooga! NC (vo): Does it ever seem like he's looking at this thing? Cette section est vide, insuffisamment détaillée ou incomplète. NC (vo): ...where the Better Call Saul storyline is going to fit in. Monkeybone obtains the Oneirix and puts it inside stuffed monkey toys of himself (Monkeybone) so that those who touch them will be infected and given nightmares. Jon PollNicholas C. SmithMark Warner Polyphemus | This is Death's bailiwick. But admit it, you were starting to IMDb that! Monkeybone est un film américain réalisé par Henry Selick en 2001, combinant les prises de vues réelles et l'animation image par image. Queen of Hearts | This place is called DownTown, where people go when they're in comas that's apparently ran on people's nightmares. Farley Flavors | Ted Maltin | NC: (holds up hands) Okay, advice, by the way... Don't have a background that's more interesting than your foreground. Language Channel Awesome is a FANDOM TV Community. Kimmy: (claps her hands) Doctor, hey! Razor and Tazer | It's what Henry Selick said after every rewrite. NC: Yeah, it's dark, but only funny if we understand why. (laughs). (Lying on a bed unconscious, Stu sinks down slowly as if he were in a coffin at a funeral). Kingsman Villains | Rasputin | Function: view, File: /home/ah0ejbmyowku/public_html/index.php When do I get to go home? Dr. Frank-N-Furter | NC: (looking up from the paper) This is another excuse to do weird stuff again, isn't it? Nix all the actors and just leave... NC (vo): ...a 360-camera in the middle of a set. NC: Maybe [Michael] Keaton saved those movies more than I thought. Cecil Fredericks | Tom and Jerry: Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, http://channelawesome.com/monkeybone-nostalgia-critic/, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Book Launch, The Top 11 Naughtiest Moments in Animaniacs, Critic and Nerd: TMNT Making of Coming Out of Their Shells, New vs Old - LOTR Animated vs Lord of the Rings, Top 11 Most Awkward Christopher Walken Moments, Old vs. New: 10 Commandments vs. Hexxus | Monkeybone is also very egotistical as he loves merchandise of himself and sees himself as highly loved character. NC realizes what he just said and punches himself in the chin. (We are shown Julie's point of view as the camera is looking at Monkeybone/Stu's crotch). Our new Sex in the City is Monkeybone. (Stu and Monkeybone disguise themselves as one of the Reapers to enter Death's manor). Monkeybone est un film américain réalisé par Henry Selick en 2001, combinant les prises de vues réelles et l'animation image par image. Stu connaît la gloire et s'apprête à épouser le docteur Julie McElroy, la femme de ses rêves. Carlsson animated the video clip, Lots of critics mark similarity of Dark Town's design with, The film contains a large number of references to a parody religion called The Church of the SubGenius. NC: (looking up in thought) Though I'm surprised the title wasn't "Merry Crummus" or "Beware the Crumbus". Il dérive dans son imaginaire et pénètre à Downtown, un monde étrange peuplé de créatures bizarres. Zeebad | Lamar Burgess | In particular, the fictional fast-food chain "Burger God" was originally a SubGenius creation. Bark! NC (vo): Monkeybone is left back in Fraser's mind, he goes back to the real world to be reunited with Fonda trying to pretend she gives a shit... NC: (smiles, holding up both hands) And...let's go out on what we know was the funniest part of the movie... (Herb is shown awakening in the fountain, still having the purple paint on his face and still naked. Brock Pike | Line: 192 Meanwhile, Stu reveals Hypnos' plan to Death and convinces her to send him back for only an hour, only to find himself in the body of a dead athlete organ donor. NC: He's giving a better Brendan Fraser performance than Brendan Fraser!


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