It’s safe to say that you’re probably reading this because you want to be spoiled or want to keep track of who actually died after seeing it. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker brought a definitive end in the war between the Resistance and the First Order, ending on a scale of epic proportions as Emperor Palpatine tried to enact his plans to take over the entire galaxy. Are you dying to know a little bit more about “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker” but don’t want to know any of the major spoilers yet? As a result, Threepio’s memory is wiped, but the effect is only temporary. All rights reserved. They were both later gunned down by Ochi, who was tasked with retrieving Rey by Palpatine, but his mission failed. Who lived and died in the latest battle to bring balance to the Force? It should come as no surprise that … He tried to lie about what happened, but Allegiant General Pryde figured it out and shot him for his betrayal. Ben only has a blaster with him and the Force, so he’s initially overpowered by them all. “Win the war,” he says when Finn asks what he can do to repay them. As mentioned, this leads him to turn against Palpatine and team up with Rey. Let’s start with the good news. A newcomer to the franchise, Richard E. Grant’s Pryde leaves a mark as a relatively solid antagonist. In The Rise of Skywalker, the nine-episode saga ends with nine prominent deaths, including sendoffs for some of the series’ oldest characters. “Star Wars” movies tend to have a high (nonbloody) body count as they revolve around an intergalactic space war, but most of the casualties are characters whose names you may not remember. Snap—Black Squadron’s second-in-command after Poe—is by far the character we’ve known the longest (but is still a fairly minor character) who’s gone out this way. With the passing of Carrie Fisher, Leia could only appear via footage from past films, limiting her appearances to Resistance headquarters. Powered by Minute Media © 2020 All Rights Reserved. Early in the film, it’s established that there’s a mole in the First Order, but not much else is said, until Rey and co. find themselves on Kylo Ren’s Star Destroyer. Spoilers follow . How to vote. Consider reading the review if you have not yet seen the film. Killed by Ben Solo through a mix of the Force and Luke Skywalker’s lightsaber. They’re spared when First Order General Hux (Domhnall Gleeson) blasts the Stormtroopers, revealing himself as the spy. In The Rise of Skywalker, the nine-episode saga ends with nine prominent deaths, including sendoffs for some of the series’ oldest characters. Michelle Jaworski is a staff writer and TV/film critic at the Daily Dot. For a nonspoilery read, check out this “Star Wars” data project.). But she stands against him, finally able to connect with the previous Jedi like Luke, Anakin, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and many more across the galaxy. The Times endorses one incumbent and three newcomers for the Los Angeles Community College District Board of Trustees. Here's which characters didn't make it out alive in this last installment. Where does ‘Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker’ rank in the saga? Finn, who’s, Uses his own life Force to bring Rey back and becomes one with the Force, revealed to be Force-sensitive in the film, The problem with Poe Dameron’s new backstory. 10 spoiler-filled Funko Pops! After reporting their “escape”, Allegiant General Pryde, having surmised that Hux is the mole, fatally shoots him. The again, Leia isn’t the least likely character to die in The Rise of Skywalker, if only because there are so many other characters. After they embrace in a kiss, Ben collapses and becomes one with the Force. It’s here that Finn and Poe learn that Hux is the mole after he saves them from execution. Who dies in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker? But with great anticipation also comes a good amount of speculation, with fans furiously trying to work out the plot of the film and discover as many spoilers as they can. Boolio, an Ovissian who leaks First Order intel to Resistance agents Finn (John Boyega) and Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac), pays dearly for supporting the rebel fighters and passing along a message from a First Order spy: some time after his brief encounter with the Millennium Falcon, Boolio's decapitated head is tossed on a table during a First Order meeting. That’s all we know for now, and while we have no reason to doubt our sources given their excellent track record – remember, they also told us Tom Welling was returning for “Crisis on Infinite Earths” months before it was confirmed – we’ll find out very soon if this is all true, as Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker takes flight on December 20th. “Borat” star Sacha Baron Cohen said on “Good Morning America” that he was concerned for actress Maria Bakalova during her scene with Rudy Giuliani. The three main characters, Rey, Finn, and Poe, all make it out of the movie alive. During the Resistance’s desperate assault on the Final Order — Palpatine’s massive fleet of ships, each possessing planet-destroying weapons — Pryde is killed when a First Order command center explodes, blasting Pryde out a window to a fiery death. The effort kills her, but it distracts him enough for Rey to stab him with his own lightsaber. Copyright 2018 - December 19, 2019 10:04 pm EST. What did they screw up? Spoilers follow. We’ve seen so many major battles throughout the Star Wars saga that give us up-close views of the pilots flying the ships, only for them to be killed shortly after.
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