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Belle: The bookshop! Music: Beauty and the Beast (soundtrack) • Beauty and the Beast (2017 soundtrack) • The Legacy Collection, Live-Action Film: Disney Movie Magic • Disney Illuminations • Festival of Fantasy Parade • Flights of Fantasy Parade • Happiness is Here Parade • Jubilation! Sing Me a Story with Belle: Harmony • Big Book • Lewis and Carol And she’s the only girl that gives me that sense of- Belle (song) is a featured article, which means it has been identified as one of the best articles produced by the Disney Wiki community. Be still my heart Remake: Cadenza • Jean Potts • The King • The Queen, Broadway: No Matter What • Me • Home • How Long Must This Go On? It's a pity and a sin Bookseller: That one? Books: The Beast Within: A Tale of Beauty's Prince • The New Adventures of Beauty and the Beast • Winter Wonderland • Sittin' Pretty! Thank you very much! Book Characters: Countess de la Perle • Thunder • Love • Death But you may reread any of the old ones if you'd like. Spring: Disney Color-Fest: A Street Party! • Disney Pirate or Princess: Make Your Choice Disney Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. LeFou: Well of course, I mean you do, but I mean... It’s about two lovers in fair Verona. Marie! Have you got any new places to go? Shopkeeper: But behind that fair façade I'm afraid she's rather odd Townsfolk: No denying she's a funny girl that Belle Can't you just see it? Man 1: Bonjour! I’m afraid she's rather odd Gaston: ‘Scuse me! His little wife The lucky girl I'm going to marry. With a dreamy, far-off look Woman 4: This bread- She doesn't quite fit in I want it more than I can tell Baker: That's nice. LeFou: But she's- Bookseller: Finished already? When the librarian tells her "If you like it all that much, it's yours", he is not only telling her she can have the book, but it is also foreshadowing that she would go on to live the tale itself. // How is Your Wife?" Baker: Where are you off to? originally was supposed to be a mother with her child tagging along, as well as wearing a far more conservative outfit. Woman 3: I need six eggs! Townsfolk: Look there she goes, that girl is strange, no question Gaston: Right from the moment when I met her, saw her The reprise mentions how she not only wants to give up her village life but also not accept Gaston's hand in marriage. Village Lasses: She's nothing like the rest of us Beauty and the Beast: Original Motion Picture SoundtrackClassic Disney - Volume VPrincess Collection 2Highlights from Disney on BroadwayDisney's Princess FavoritesDisney Princess: The Ultimate Song CollectionDisney Princess: The CollectionDisney Greatest MusicalsThe Magic of DisneyDisney PrincessesNow That's What I Call Disney PrincessNow That's What I Call Disney! The woman who sings "Bonjour! So I’m making plans to woo and marry Belle 4Dream Big, PrincessBeauty and the Beast (2017)Classic DisneyDisney Princess Music Collection: Live Your Story, 1994 musical:Belle (Susan Egan)Gaston (Burke Moses)Silly GirlsEnsemble2017 film:Belle (Emma Watson)Gaston (Luke Evans)Village LassesEnsemble. Belle: Good morning, Monsieur Jean. Man 1: Some cheese- Belle: Your library makes our small corner of the world feel big. Summer: Mickey's WaterWorks I guarantee it Entertainment: A Table is Waiting • Beauty and the Beast Live on Stage • Cinderella's Surprise Celebration • Cinderellabration: Lights of Romance • Disney's Believe • Disney Dreams: An Enchanted Classic • Enchanted Tales with Belle • Fantasmic! Village Lasses: Look, there he goes In the Broadway musical, a variant of the melody was used in the song "If I Can't Love Her". Me! Dazed and distracted, can't you tell? If you see a way this page can be updated or improved without compromising previous work, please feel free to contribute. Village Gifts I want so much more than they've got planned, Television: Sing Me a Story with Belle • Belle's Tales of Friendship • A Poem Is... Christmas: Disney Christmas Stories • Royal Christmas Wishes, Enchanted Christmas: Angelique • Forte • Fife LeFou: Huh. Source. Cheese merchant: I'll get the knife. Belle: Ohhh, isn't this amazing? • Tale as Old as Time: The Art and Making of Beauty and the Beast • Disney Princess Beginnings • As Old as Time (A Twisted Tale) • Royal Weddings Yes, diff'rent from the rest of us is Belle! Man 3: That's too expensive! Gaston: The most beautiful girl in town. I didn't want to come back. Washerwomen: Never part of any crowd Pére Robert: Bon voyage! Man 5: Those fish- Restaurants: Be Our Guest Restaurant • Gaston's Tavern • Red Rose Taverne Gaston: 'Scuse me! (Townsfolk: Oh, good morning!) Me! Bonjour! I want much more than this provincial life! I just finished the most wonderful story, about a beanstalk and an ogre and- What a puzzle to the rest of us is Belle Village Lasses: But behind that fair façade Cos her head’s up on some cloud In addition, the measurement terms of "yard" and "pound" belonged to the US Customary measurement system, something that isn't used in France even in the present day, let alone during the setting of the film. Hurry up! Waking up to say Bonjour! Who is beautiful as me Man 3: Bonjour! As the title suggests, the music plays over the introduction illustrated in stained glass to the Beast's backstory. Her looks have got no parallel I want adventure in the great wide somewhere Can you imagine? I wonder if she's feeling well With a dreamy, far-off look Belle is the most beautiful girl in the village. Monsieur Jean: Well, I believe I have. 'Cause she really is a funny girl Bonjour! Belle: There goes the baker with his tray, like always I want much more than this provincial life! Here's where she meets Prince Charming I'm hardly breathing Live-Action Film: Aria • How Does A Moment Last Forever • Days in the Sun • Evermore. Belle: Oh, I couldn't put it down. Cheese merchant: I'll get the knife You didn't miss a shot, Gaston! Woman: Now, it's no wonder that her name means 'beauty' Every morning just the same In the live-action film, a horse kicks mud up at them and LeFou tells them "It's never gonna happen, ladies. Here in town there's only she It's a pity and a sin Baker: Madame's mistaken. Woman 1: Bonjour! You're the greatest hunter in the whole world! Man 1: How is your fam'ly? Belle: Is he gone? Madame Gaston! I said she's gorgeous and I fell Man 1: Bonjour! Belle: Well, it's my favorite! Bookseller: Not since yesterday. (2014 UK re-release)Disney Princess Enchanted SongsICON: Disney, Vol. That Belle! Who is as beautiful as me And her nose stuck in a book A most peculiar mad'moiselle! Belle: Good day! Man 4: Some cheese Woman 2: What lovely grapes! He asked me to marry him! Not me! And don't I deserve the best? Have you got anything new? Woman: Bonjour, good day! Isn't he dreamy? Shake It! Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page. Woman: Now it's no wonder that her name means "beauty" Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Woman 7: These fish- Gaston: Look at her, LeFou. Originally recorded by actress Paige O'Hara and actor Richard White, "Belle" is a French and classical-inspired song that incorporates musical elements from both the Broadway and musical theater genres. I said she's gorgeous and I fell Woman 1: Bonjour! Man 1: One pound She really is a funny girl Belle: Good morning, Monsieur. That's too expensive! Woman: Very diff'rent from the rest of us Gaston: Pardon! What a puzzle to the rest of us is Belle • If I Can't Love Her • Maison Des Lunes • A Change in Me


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