comedy. This is a primal cry against the Age of Trump and feels like the first great film in response to our 45th president and all that his ascension has wrought. Just confirm how you got your ticket. It was trying to be something it didn't naturally know how to pull off in the worst way. He's dubbed a pedophile and a child molester and every horrific term. It's hard not to see that Assassination Nation is a film about Trump's America, the internet-based Alt-Right, and what that means for feminism and women in general. The expectations of privacy are malleable in a digital age of consumption, where the wider public is insatiable to know and see everything no matter the violation. Ready to take down another target, the community demands that the educator resign despite his pleas that they are innocent pictures but the crowd argues that all nudity is the same and therefore sexualized, especially when it depicts females. One minute you're caught up with the arresting, upside down camerawork leading to an explosion of violence, and the next you're taken with a surreal depiction of suburbia. There's a mesmerizing quality to the visuals that transcends the array of genres the film effortlessly hops between. They stomp in unison through the smoldering remains of a suburban neighborhood and play a brassy rendition of pop scion Miley Cyrus' "We Can't Stop." The image is an example of a ticket confirmation email that AMC sent you when you purchased your ticket. There are no approved quotes yet for this movie. |, July 26, 2020 Four U.S. presidents have been assassinated while in office - all were brought down by gunfire. | Rating: 4/5 Watching Assassination Nation's arch portrait of today's currents and countercurrents, one senses just how utterly irreconcilable our many differences are. Included on his cell phone's gallery are nine pictures of his young daughter in the bathtub. Regal and revamp its more seminal inspirations into the overstimulation you'd find on a Tumblr gif set. The whole town does, just as Lily explicitly states in her opening voiceover, want them dead. |, September 27, 2018 Assassination Nation is an explicitly potent and timely Movie of the Moment; it's a modern "Monsters Are Due on Maple Street" for the Age of Trump, exposing the fissures in our society, primarily the elements that prey upon, police, and punish women. While I would have preferred a bit more characterization, for the most part they are more than adequate and quite interesting. I might not be able to tell you what exactly Assassination Nation is, but the one thing I can confidently say is that it’s not easy to forget or dismiss. Verified reviews are considered more trustworthy by fellow moviegoers. |, October 19, 2018 Once we get past the rather scrutinizing character introductions though, the movie levels up and becomes what it is without that aspect of attempting to be something it's not. The percentage of Approved Tomatometer Critics who have given this movie a positive review. Wanna feel bad about feeling good? Can this moment relate to the idea that a younger generation must keep marching onward in the face of tragedy after tragedy, that the racism and misogyny and mass shootings won't stop, that we're a constant shuffling funeral march in the unmovable face of broken politics? There are some extended assault and torture sequences that will test the comfort level of every viewer. Levinson's camera will adopt the male gaze that imprisons these teen girls with close-ups of gyrating movement and pouty stares. High school senior Lily and her three best friends live in a haze of texts, posts, selfies and chats -- just like the rest of the world. We want to hear what you have to say but need to verify your account. I'll be surprised if I come across a better contemporary soundtrack to a 2018 movie. Please click the link below to receive your verification email. Born and fuelled in the climate of #MeToo and #TimesUp, Assassination Nation is a timely examination on femininity, double standards and blame culture within the current cauldron of America's societal, political and ethical problems. Oh, he's sorry he almost murdered an innocent classmate? She’s been writing for Screen Rant since 2014 and has appeared on the Total Geekall podcast. Director Sam Levinson has managed to create a film that is both thought provoking and just straight forward provoking but despite the content warnings, it's not controversial. After a malicious data hack exposes the secrets of the perpetually American town of Salem, chaos descends and four girls must fight to survive, while coping with the hack themselves. Are they so easily disposable once you widen the lens and see them as vulnerable, sympathetic and relatable human beings? and to receive email from Rotten Tomatoes and Fandango. | Fresh (99) Over a week after seeing Assassination Nation, multiple conversations about it with fellow film critics at TIFF (where it enjoyed its international premiere last week) and almost 700 words into this review, I’m still not exactly sure what I do think about it. Here it is, the definitive movie for the Donald Trump era. At the end, I almost felt a bit of rush, in fact. Like Trump, it's crass, disturbing and devoid of subtext. The divisions in our current political climate often feel unable to be bridged; how does one reconcile a middle ground between one side that views gay people, trans people, women, people of color, and immigrants are human beings deserving of rights and protections and another side that laments the Way It Used to Be? It's a strangely beautiful coda that left me thinking even more, and if something that happens even after the end credits can stay with me, you know you have a worthy work of art. The falseness of it all felt so glaring. I’m going with “attempting” as opposed to anything stronger here, because I am sure that I haven’t missed any deeper meaning in this film. Assassination Nation has got a little of the teen satire of Heathers, and there's a sense memory of 90s-00s suburban pictures such as Election, American Beauty and Ghost World. THE BEST FILMS IN ACTION, DRAMA, HORROR, AND MORE, Strand of Oaks’ Tim Showalter and surviving members of Magnolia Electric Co. form Jason Molina tribute band, Killswitch Engage tracking 21 songs for new album, Borat's Daughter Infiltrated the White House Thanks to OAN, Ranking: Every Smashing Pumpkins Album from Worst to Best, Rudy Giuliani Caught on Camera Attempting to Seduce Borat's "15-Year-Old Daughter", After a Drunk Smashed a Street Busker's Guitar, Jack White Bought Him a Gorgeous Replacement, Sacha Baron Cohen on Rudy Giuliani's "Sexy-Time" Borat Scene: "It Is What It Is", R.I.P. |, July 20, 2019 I wanted them to open up more as characters. Coming Soon. Sidney Poitier’s 7 Most Memorable Performances, All Harry Potter Movies Ranked Worst to Best by Tomatometer. I'm sure that writer has never seen 4chan or Twitter." The Freshest Comic-Con Trailers For Upcoming Movies and TV Shows, December 3, 2018 Just below that it reads "Ticket Confirmation#:" followed by a 10-digit number. | Rating: 3.5/5 Assassination Nation finally releases after plenty of film festival buzz, but does this action-comedy social commentary have an after-credits scene? Nate's Grade: A. Get the freshest reviews, news, and more delivered right to your inbox! R (Drug and Alcohol Use|Disturbing Bloody Violence|Menace|Pervasive Language|Strong Sexual Material), action, And yet it clearly does aspire to be something other than pure schlock. Coming Soon, Regal The town has gone mad with this feeding frenzy of new info and open secrets, leading to suicides, retribution, and murder.
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