Only a small portion is devoted to Lucretius himself (some of it unavoidably speculative because we have little concrete evidence of his life), and Greenblatt gives almost a bullet point summary of the poem (okay, a slight exaggeration). Only a few fragments of his writings survive today. Lucretius, with his poem On the Nature of Things written in 200BC, caused the world to swerve in a new direction in the fifteenth century. Although I found his synopses of Lucretius's doctrines accurate--one finds them in chapter 8--one has to go to the poem itself--published in a wonderful prose translation by Martin Ferguson Smith but also available in several fine verse translations--to get to the details of the Epicurean view. But is it right to identify the recovery of Lucretius with the beginning of the renaissance? Lots of speculation presented as journalistic storytelling. Much of his book is speculative (if he was here then he probably would have gone to this monastery, and while there, he probably w. On the Nature of Things by Lucretius was one of my favorite books I read when I was an undergraduate philosophy student. Indeed they tended to exaggerate that ignorance to emphasise their own novelty. ), Exploits and Opinions of Dr. Faustroll, Pataphysician, "clinamen site: - Google Search", List of English translations of De rerum natura,, Short description with empty Wikidata description, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2018, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 24 April 2020, at 19:18. As well as sharing the humanists' passion for antiquity, Greenblatt shares their prejudice against medieval Christianity, which he portrays with the vividness but also the crudity of a cartoon. I expected to learn, and I learned a lot. The shameful church history is simply written in this account of how 'the new philosophy calls all in doubt'.The book also explores Epicureanism as a background to it central theme. Its return to circulation changed the course of history. To see what your friends thought of this book, This review has been revised and can now be seen at, Two thousand years ago a Roman named Lucretius wrote a poem that described a universe guided by physical laws rather than the whims of mystical deities and also advised that people should pursue happiness rather than spend their lives trying to appease gods who don’t exist . True--it's a tale of passion and sacrifice, but also of fanaticism and philosophical determination.
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