Complementary medicine (CM), complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), integrated medicine or integrative medicine (IM), and holistic medicine are among many rebrandings of the same phenomenon. Osteopathy and osteopathic medicine are often used interchangeably for the philosophy and system of alternative medical practice first proposed by A. T. Still MD, DO in 1874. The osteopathic medicine community uses the term "allopathic" to refer to medicine practiced by MDs, which Salzberg calls an "element of hostility" towards them. Osteopathic medicine is one of the fastest-growing health care professions in the country, with one out of every four medical students enrolled in an osteopathic medical school. Over the past decade, the profession has experienced a 68% increase in the total number of DOs. What osteopaths actually do . Osteopathic medicine is a branch of the medical profession in the United States.Osteopathic physicians are licensed to practice medicine and surgery in all 50 states and are recognized to varying degrees in 85 other countries.Frontier physician Andrew Taylor Still founded the profession as a rejection of the prevailing system of medical practices throughout the 19th century. It emphasizes the interrelationship between structure and function of the body and recognizes the body's ability to heal itself; it is the role of the osteopathic practitioner to facilitate that process. The Osteopathic Medicine Wiki is in in progress compendium of all topics and knowledge related to Osteopathic Medicine. Alternative medicine is any practice that aims to achieve the healing effects of medicine, but which lacks biological plausibility and is untested, untestable or proven ineffective. This includes but is not limited to history, philosophy, techniques, education, prominent members of the profession, schools, residencies, equipment, and so on. He urges the community to cease using the term, as it "is divisive and misleading".
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