mesrop mashtots biography
A biography of Mesrop Mashtots, creator of the Armenian alphabet, written by Mashtots's youngest pupil, Koriun. Refer to each style’s convention regarding the best way to format page numbers and retrieval dates. MASHTOTS ʿ, MESROP. Het Griekse, Syrische en Perzische schrift, dat gebruikt werd om de religieuze geschriften in het Armeens op te stellen, waren niet bijzonder geschikt om de specifieke klanken van het gesproken Armeens weer te geven. On account of his piety and learning Mesrop was appointed secretar… According to his Armenian biographers, he consulted Daniel, a bishop of Mesopotamia, and Rufinus, a monk of Samosata, on the matter. Therefore, that information is unavailable for most content. With their help and that of Isaac and the king, he was able to give a definite form to the alphabet, which he probably adapted from the Greek. Therefore, it’s best to use citations as a starting point before checking the style against your school or publication’s requirements and the most-recent information available at these sites: Leaving the court for the service of God, he took holy orders, and withdrew to a monastery with a few chosen companions. Encyclopedia of Religion. Saint Mesrop Mashtots () (361 or 362 – February 17, 440) was an Armenian theologian, linguist and hymnologist. Hij ligt begraven in Oshakan, 8 kilometer ten zuidwesten van Ashtarak. Life,…, Pascal, Blaise The major source for his biography is the Life of Mashtotsʿ written by his pupil and associate, Koriwn. Within the “Cite this article” tool, pick a style to see how all available information looks when formatted according to that style. Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. Persecution only quickened it into greater activity, and had the effect of bringing the clergy, the nobles, and the common people closer together. A martyrium was built over his grave and he was venerated as a saint. On account of his piety and learning Mesrop was appointed secretary to King Khosrov IV. PASCAL, BLAISE Having received from them the necessary permission for carrying out cultural work, he returned to Byzantine Armenia, where he established schools and introduced the new script. He lived on vegetables, wore a hair shirt, slept upon the ground, and often spent whole nights in prayer and the study of the Holy Scriptures. He was the son of a man named Vardan.Ghazar Parpetsi, History of Armenia, 5th to 6th century Koryun, his pupil and biographer, tells us that Mashtots (in his work he does not mention the name Mesrop) received a liberal education, and was versed in the Greek and Persian languages.


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