The name 'huckleberry' is a North American variation of the English dialectal name variously called 'hurtleberry' or 'whortleberry' (/ ˈ hw ɜːr t əl b ɛ r i /) for the bilberry.In North America the name was applied to numerous plant variations all bearing small berries with colors that may be red, blue or black. It was also the name of a child on TV's West Wing. The cartoon character that shares the same name with Mark Twain's character is Huckleberry "Huck" Hound, an anthropomorphic dog created by Hanna-Barbera in 1958, in which the term "huckleberry" can be a slang expression for a rube or an amateur, or a mild expression of disapproval. DH and I both love American literature from that period and liked the idea of some sort of reference (Moby Dick might have been a bit much!) 3 year old, black warmblood. Only limited research has been applied to define the content of essential nutrients in huckleberries, showing none with high content. [4] The plant has shallow, radiating roots topped by a bush growing from an underground stem. [2] The plant grows best in damp, acidic soil having volcanic origin, attaining under optimal conditions heights of 1.5 to 2 m (4.9 to 6.6 ft), usually ripening in mid-to-late summer or later at high elevations. Huckleberry "Huck" Finn is a fictional character in the books The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884), by American author and humorist, Mark Twain. Nicknames, cool fonts, symbols and tags for Huckleberry – Finn, Fuggler, Baron. We're excited that you have an opinion about the name Huckleberry. These 16 names were selected by our users that were looking for other names like Huckleberry. ! his show name is Huckleberry and i don't think i'm going to change it so i need a barn name that kind of goes with that. It allows you to go beyond the similarities of a name, which can provide a lot of inspiration! © 2020 Very uncharacteristic of me, but I like this name. How is this name up 54% please say no one is using this name x. The phrase "a huckleberry over my persimmon" was used to mean "a bit beyond my abilities." Don't use this. In 1840 there were 12 Huckleberry families living in Indiana. Please. Huckleberry is a name used in North America for several plants in the family Ericaceae, in two closely related genera: Vaccinium and Gaylussacia. Joshua Huckleberry. My husband tried to call him just Huck but I find myself calling him Huckle Cat :), And then...I adopted a kitty and named him Huckleberry...Huckle for short :). "I'm your huckleberry" is a way of saying that one is just the right person for a given job. In the Unknown origin, Huckleberry means "Unknown". Please add to or correct the information provided by other members of the Nameberry community. [2][6][7] The berries are small and round, 5–10 millimetres (0.20–0.39 in) in diameter, and look like large dark blueberries. [2] It is the common name for various Gaylussacia species, and some Vaccinium species, such as Vaccinium parvifolium, the red huckleberry, and is also applied to other Vaccinium species which may also be called blueberries depending upon local custom, as in New England and parts of Appalachia.
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