nancy pelosi on face the nation today
I think you're going to see more collective action on the parts of businesses. ALEX AZAR: --if we don't wear our masks, we can avoid further shutdowns. They could be my uncles. Russian Feminist Band Pussy Riot Announces North American Tour,... Judge hears Oregon request to restrain federal agents, New clusters pop up; Europe debates summer tourist season, Checking In… with Johnny Kane and Sviatoslav Mykhailiuk (PODCAST), Twitter, Facebook censor Trump’s message comparing coronavirus to flu. She my daughter, please, take me instead.” (The actress, per…, The actress playing Sacha Baron Cohen’s daughter in the new “Borat” movie gained access to the White House last month, and came within feet of…, US President Donald Trump said Friday he has not been a fan of Sacha Baron Cohen -- even before a clip from the British comedian’s…, Two drugmakers announced Friday the resumption of U.S. testing of their COVID-19 vaccine candidates.Testing of AstraZeneca’s vaccine candidate had been halted since early September, while…, A California court weighs in as Prop. That's why it's very important to get specificity out of what the hard metrics are that CDC didn't do in this guidance. It didn't come. So, it's a number of days more that we have. But would you accept a flat amount? In Ohio, some good news for the president. And for the latest from America's premier public affairs program, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. MARGARET BRENNAN: Why aren't you onboard with this? REPRESENTATIVE NANCY PELOSI: And really passed the torch. And they're resisting that. Your show is called FACE THE NATION. I think it's going to be very hard in parts of Florida to open schools on time because of the outbreaks. Like us on Facebook to see similar stories, Officials: 1st 'murder hornet' nest discovered in US, How a 21-year-old CEO landed $3.5 million for software that he originally built to help his mom's struggling dog grooming business keep repeat customers, Full transcript of "Face the Nation" on July 26, 2020. And I have this pin, this pin I brought to John over Fourth of July weekend. Then, number two, we see big negatives among voters for how they think the president handles himself personally. Market data provided by Factset. We've got to get full shift work into those so we increase the capacities there. Secondly, that opens up our economy by having testing, tracing, treatment, and distancing to end this virus. And I think that gives me a lot of confidence going forward as we continue to battle COVID, that we'll have the- the beds that we need to serve the community. Or the Terri Sewell's, the first black woman to represent the state of Alabama ever, who went to Capitol Hill and the minute she got there, she said that Lewis was there to- to greet her, to mentor her, to guide her. The company turning unused sports shirts and aeroplane seat leather into merchandise. Physical or social distancing measures such as school closures, workplace closures, public transport closures, restrictions on mass gatherings and lockdown restrictions can help slow down the spread of coronavirus, according to a new analysis. We need to practice social distancing, good personal hygiene, and in our hot zones, close our bars, restrict our indoor dining, restrict our home gatherings. WOODS: We're going to be there throughout, and we're gonna be here past this pandemic. ©2020 FOX News Network, LLC. I know you'll be covering it for all of us. SPEAKER PELOSI: We can’t go home without it. Stream CBSN live or on demand for FREE on your TV, computer, tablet, or smartphone. Well, we heard you testify before the Senate committee this past week, and you said at the time that you could process about 4,000 COVID tests a day, but that you're actually unable in your labs to do that because of shortages. ALEX AZAR: Well, Margaret, it's not about projections so much as what are we doing about it, which is we need to wear face coverings. Amazon has released a list of all its best-selling deals over Black Friday and Cyber Monday - and here they are. But the–. And for a long time I-- I have made the case that China poses the greatest geopolitical threat to the United States for the next century. Toxic air, gases hamper search for last 2 volcano... NYT adds editor’s note to column that cited academic... Joshua’s next fight could be in Roman amphitheatre, says... Stocks are steady on Wall Street at the end... Amid pandemic, consumer goods sales hold up at Unilever. But where this cuts to vote, MARGARET, is we see parents telling us that they feel like the administration is pressuring schools to reopen. MARGARET BRENNAN: And we need to start talking about that. The best way to send our children school is to fund it, to fund it. Schools are looking at retrofitting HVAC systems to improve air quality, the use of mandatory masks. MARGARET BRENNAN: I'm going to have to hit this commercial break and leave that there with you. More information is always better. And women like Chris- Sheyann Webb Christburg who, at eight years old, walked across this bridge and were counseled because she was so traumatized by what she had seen the youngest person to walk that bridge. SPEAKER PELOSI: And figuring out 70 percent of somebodies wages. And if you are spending trillions of dollars to bolster the stock market, and I'm not complaining about that--. PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: It will probably, unfortunately, get worse before it gets better. And if you don’t go to work because you’re afraid of being sick and you have that job opportunity, you don’t get unemployment insurance. "Face the Nation" Guest Lineup: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi; Senator Ted Cruz, R-Texas Eugene Woods, President and Chief Executive Officer, Atrium Health Anthony Salvanto, CBS … MARGARET BRENNAN: You've crossed it with him and I'm just wondering what this symbolizes to you? Consumers have more money in their pockets thanks to government stimulus checks — and apparently many are using it at malls and online to buy new sneakers, which is good news for Foot Locker. MARGARET BRENNAN: Right. This is the best tech of the decade as voted for by over 200,000 readers. Gene Woods, thank you very much. SPEAKER PELOSI: –that they would keep this going so long. We have over forty-four million Americans have lost their job, and we have got to get America back to work. So we went into the parking lots. MARGARET BRENNAN: We want to turn now to Gene Woods, the president and chief executive officer of Atrium Health, which operates 36 hospitals and over 900 care locations in North and South Carolina, as well as Georgia and he joins us from Charlotte this morning. Testing of AstraZeneca’s vaccine candidate had been halted since early September, while Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine study was paused at the…, WASHINGTON — Optimism faded on Friday for a pre-election breakthrough on a stimulus measure to stabilize a shaky pandemic-era recovery, as negotiations between leading congressional Democrats and the White House limped past yet another self-imposed…, The Big Ten has a rich, rich history in historical bowl games, and the expectations are set for that to continue in 2020, or so we think. Is this a way around the politics? He will be laid to rest next to his beloved wife, Lillian, who passed away back in 2012. CBS News Elections and surveys director Anthony Salvanto joins us from his home today in Westchester County, New York. They use it as a base for spying in Houston and throughout the Southwest. Well we were trying to get that done in the House, but the Republicans object- objected. They did take some targeted mitigation steps in that state, like shutting bars, dialing back how many people could be in restaurants, closing movie theaters and other kinds of entertainment venues outside. MARGARET BRENNAN: The president- the president tweeted yesterday that the country needs stimulus. Think of how it is in a poor neighborhood where the president is insisting that children actually go back to school in order to get the funding that he is recommending. And third, to put money in the pockets of the American people. SALVANTO: Well, first thing we should say is that we see an increasingly expanding Electoral College map because of what's going on in these two states. Thank you. Powered and implemented by FactSet Digital Solutions. DR. GOTTLIEB: I think so, and I think it's a very good way around the politics. We look forward to welcome him to the capital. She my daughter, please, take me instead.” (The actress, per IMDb, is 24.) Images: AFP/Getty Images Composite: Mark Kelly. It seems that's who he is trying to target.


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