There is no way that I would have been in the least bit concerned about a character because of his name being “Simon Baton Sinister” or “Simon Baston”. Tolerance is short of ideal acceptance – but it is still significant. In the movie, Bar Sinister was originally a geneticist for a company in Capitol City, using dogs as test subjects for the betterment of mankind. I even pointed out how in some of these cases, the association of greed is far more reasonably applied than when it is applied to Jews. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Don’t Judge a Teenage Witch by her Sitcom. And the Hebrew origins of the name “Simon” requires no introduction. Sounds like a happening place. The answer is the principal villain of the Underdog children’s cartoon from the late 1960s and early 1970s – a villain who regularly develops high-tech weapons and/or attempts to hoard common resources in order to steal money or force people to pay him money. For example, the Ferengi in Star Trek are almost certainly not in reference to Jews. So, it seems like this supposedly nefarious antisemitic reference has a perfectly innocent explanation after all. In the 2007 live-action film adaptation, he is portrayed by Peter Dinklage. Make Offer - SIMON BAR SINISTER 1970's PEPSI Leonardo TTV Drinking Glass ~ EXC. But you might point out that though the name “Simon” does indeed have Hebrew origins, there are plenty of non-Jews by that name. You can help this blog out by sharing this post with your friends. Simon Bar Sinister is a coalition of evil formed to defeat super-spy John Salmon. Now, there are multiple explanations why this might be so. The very name “Ferengi” is very obviously a re-spelling of “Feringhee” – a term whose resemblance to that of the Star Trek aliens in question shocked me when I first encountered it when reading the Sherlock Holmes novel, The Sign of the Four. Because that was also the first name of Simon Bar Kokhba, a Jew from the time of the Roman Empire, thought of by many as a national hero – and the most famous example of the Aramaic “Bar” being used in someone’s name. Of course, if the pronunciation of the ‘d’ were swallowed, then it might sound like “Ben Sinister” which would be even more problematic, as Hebrew generally is more recognizable than Aramaic, and the “Ben” name prefix even more so. So, being desensitized by all these false alarms, you might roll your eyes if I were to tell you that I have identified a cartoon character from the late 1960s and early 1970s who is indeed an antisemitic representation. But there will be people who will suspect another possible reason. So while this alternate explanation is credible enough to add some ambiguity to the antisemitism in this portrayal, it already is not enough to let this portrayal completely off the hook. There is Bar Sinister, "LA's #1 UnderGround NightClub in HOLLYWOOD Gothic, Industrial, AlternatiVe sound EVERY SATURDAY". Some wonder if he is Jewish because his name is a play on words of the heraldic bar sinister and... Jewish freedom fighter Simon bar Kokhba? We ask you to be rich.” So basically – what is seen as the dominant characteristic of Westerners is the desire to be rich – in other words, to turn a profit. Its proper term is “Bend Sinister” as it is a diagonal barrier, as opposed to a “bar” which refers to horizontal barriers. But also, in the discussion thread on the article that brought this alternate explanation to my attention, someone mentioned that a name like “Frederick Bar Sinister” or “Phillip Bar Sinister” would have been far less disconcerting. However, in most cases, the studios who produced such racist cartoons tended to show some degree of repentance in later decades – and would generally alternate between trying to live-down having made such racist cartoons on one hand and attempting acts of contrition on the other. However, there are other ways of referring to this heraldic notation that (like “Bend Sinister” and unlike “Bar Sinister”) are also correct, and which would not carry this risk. As you may or may not know, “Bar”, like Hebrew “Ben”, means “Son of”, and has often been used in such a manner in Jewish names. Simon Bar Sinister. In the 2007 live-action film adaptation, he is portrayed by Peter Dinklage. After all, when a prejudicial portrayal is harder to call out, that also makes it harder to make the studio regret it in later decades. He is a mad scientist who is a parody of Lex Luthor, wants to take over the world (join the club! Verdict: Not a Jew. The incident resulted in the destruction of his lab that not only scarred his forehead, losing some of his hair, and being limped in his right leg, but created Underdog. Then there is the concept of "bar sinister", an incorrect way to refer to "bend sinister" on a coat of arms, a diagonal sash that represents illegitimacy. Interestingly enough, this counter-explanation seems to check out. For starters, the closest accurate term for it, “Bend Sinister”, would not have tripped my alarms – provided, of course, the ‘d’ is fully pronounced. 164 Followers, 524 Following, 238 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Andy (@simon_bar_sinister) But wait, you say. There is a such thing as a “Bend Sinister” that is often added to a heraldic shield to indicate that its bearer is someone who is of illegitimate descent. Having an unhinged Rudy Giuliani blundering around as Donald Trump's new spokesman is reward enough for … It can also mean someone born out of wedlock. Then there is the concept of "bar sinister", an incorrect way to refer to "bend sinister" on a coat of arms, a diagonal sash that represents illegitimacy. So, why is “Simon” the worst possible first-name for a character whose surname is “Bar Sinister” – even worse than other Hebrew names? Right? This alternate explanation does indeed hold enough water to add some ambiguity to the inherent antisemitism of this character, but not enough to let the character off the hook – which in some senses, makes this representation even more pernicious than an unambiguously antisemitic one would have been. A bastard, simply. What’s So Sinister about Simon Bar Sinister? So – what is it that tripped my alarms – alarms that are unconcerned with the Ferengi, or the Gringotts goblins, or even the evil wizard Gargamel? So, why is “Simon” the worst possible first-name for a character whose surname is “Bar Sinister” – even worse than other Hebrew names? Didn’t I myself already point out that there are plenty of people other than Jews that have had greed associated with them? Therefore, though the counter-explanation of this character’s “Bar Sinister” seems at first to check out, it does not by any stretch acquit this character of the charge of being an antisemitic trope. For that reason, when I take issue of a particular depiction in entertainment, I hope that I am worth hearing out. I might even add that other names of Hebrew origin that are commonly used by Europeans too, such as “Joseph Bar Sinister” or “Daniel Bar Sinister” would still be a tiny bit less disconcerting. Soon his loyal dogs betray him after realizing Simon's treatment on them. You also may have actually investigated some of these claims of antisemitism and found some of them to be less than convincing. All too often, people and groups who are very vigilant of opposing other forms of social injustice are all too willing to give antisemitism a free pass. For starters, there are a number of ways that one could have referred to this heraldic sash in question that, unlike “Bar Sinister” would both be more correct ways of referring to it and less likely to arouse suspicions of antisemitism. someone mentioned that a name like “Frederick Bar Sinister” or “Phillip Bar Sinister” would have been far less disconcerting, Simon Bar Kokhba, a Jew from the time of the Roman Empire, thought of by many as a national hero – and the most famous example of the Aramaic “Bar” being used in someone’s name. Refutations of the other accusations are not as strong as the refutation of that accusation against the Ferengi – but it is nonetheless highly unlikely that the Gringotts goblins are a resurgence of old antisemitic trope, and there really isn’t as much to ground that accusation against Gargamel as it might seem at first glance either. Well – not so fast. The name of this character is Simon Bar Sinister. Christopher Columbus should NOT have a monument. It could very well be that the unaccountability given to this portrayal by its heraldic counter-explanation is at fault. In the movie, Bar Sinister was originally a geneticist for a company in Capitol City, using dogs as test subjects for the betterment of mankind. And speaking of bastards, there is Simon Bar Sinister, … Cartoons of that era were filled with them. But after being laughed at by the Mayor after attempting to have his research expanded to law enforcement, Bar Sinister began his work to create a super-power formula to get revenge. At least on the surface it does. 86 likes. (Using the Gargamel Law: Not a Jew.). You’ve heard that complaint made about the. This is a villain driven by a motive that the most virulent antisemitic tropes have always (albeint, as I explained, unreasonably) associated with Jews – that motive being plain, unadulterated greed. Simon Bar Sinister is the main villain in Underdog. Concerns that this might be the reason for Simon Bar Sinister’s persistence are not to be dismissed lightly. A bastard, simply. Our Bar Sinister team has shed a few, gained a few and today remains a dream team that I owe my heartfelt gratitude to all whom have come and gone and remain today… the list is long! Now – considering how European colonists have ransacked so much of the world, this stereotype is far more reasonable when held against them than when held against Jews who were only into the money trade due to being legally barred from making a living any other way. If you google "bar sinister", you will get an array of various responses. Well – one page that I found suggested that it could be a heraldic heraldic pun whose insinuations are actually not about any association between this character and Jews, but rather, about the marital status of his parents at the time of his birth. And speaking of bastards, there is Simon Bar Sinister, the villain of Underdog cartoons from the 1960s. It can also mean someone born out of wedlock. However, as far as I can tell, there has been no such sign of repentance with regards to the Simon Bar Sinister. It is especially used on the Portuguese, though in the incident of usage that I encountered it, it was being used as an Englishman. Wickedpedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. October 5, 2020. Country of origin: United States Location: Indianapolis, Indiana Status: Split-up Formed in: N/A Genre: Heavy/Southern Metal Lyrical themes: N/A Last label: Well – that question is answered a few paragraphs earlier when the character who is about to be referred to as a “Feringhee” asks what is wanted of him and is told “We only ask you to do that which your countrymen come to this land for.
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