Yan Huang, Param Vir Singh, & Anindya Ghose (2010) Show Me the Incentives: A Dynamic Structural Model of Employee Blogging Behavior, International Conference of Information Systems, Saint Louis … Effect of Pre-release Piracy on Movie Box Office Sales. 30(2) 2019, 389-410. Srinivasan. 1. Learning in Computer Vision: Methods, Interpretation, Causation and Fairness, Proceedings of the Fifteenth annual Workshop on Information Technology and Systems WITS, Las Vegas, December 2005. A Structural Model of Endogenous Network Formation on a Crowdsourced Customer Support Forum, The Emergence of Opinion Leaders in a Networked Online Community: A Dyadic Model with Time Dynamics and a Heuristic for Fast Estimation, with Yingda Lu and Kinshuk Jerath. Elina Hwang, Param Vir Singh, Linda Argote (2014) Jack of All, Master [Winner Best Student Paper Award]. Open Source Software Community. Shunyuan Zhang, Dokyun Lee and Kannan Srinivasan. This is even more pronounced when applied to high-risk loans. in Online Advertising: Advertising Effectiveness and Annoyance Dynamics Across Robert Schonlau & Param Vir Singh (2009) Board Networks and Merger Performance. (Appeared as a lead research article). 30. Crowd Bias and Machine Learning: Evidence from Crowd Lending, Network Effects: The Influence of Structural Social Capital on Open Source Project Success, Learning Curves of Agents with Diverse Skills in Information Technology Enabled Physician Referral Systems. Technology, Houston, TX. Yan Huang, Param Vir Singh, & Anindya Ghose (2010) Show Me the Param Vir Singh, Nachiketa Sahoo, & Tridas Mukhopadhyay (2010) with Quan Wang and Beibei Li. 7. 20. 25. Quan Wang, Beibei Li, Param Vir Singh (2014) Zoom in iOS Clones: Forgotten Third Parties: Analyzing the Contingent Association between Unshared Third Parties, Knowledge Overlap and konwledge Transfer Relationships with Outsiders, with Ray Reagans and Ramayya Krishnan. Airbnb: A Deep Learning Approach, Workshop on Information In “Crowds, Lending, Machines, and Bias,” Yan Huang and Param Vir Singh explore whether machines outperform humans in high-stakes financial decisions. 1. Airbnb and Uber/Lyft. Workshop on Information Systems and Economics, San © 2008-2020 ResearchGate GmbH. A Hidden Markov Model of Collaborative Filtering, with Nachiketa Sahoo and Tridas Mukhopadhyay. Airbnb Property Demand Estimation Leveraging Large The Nineteenth Annual Workshop on Information Systems Economics WISE, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, December 2007. Nikhil Malik, Param Vir Singh, Dokyun Lee, Kannan with Nikhil Malik, Tutorials in Operations Research, Huang and Stefanus Jasin. A Hidden Markov Model of Developer Learning Dynamics in Open Source Software Projects, with Yong Tan and Nara Youn, Information Systems Research, 22(4), 2011. 4. 3. Management Informations Systems Quarterly, Srinivasan (2017) When Does Beauty Pay? In “Crowds, Lending, Machines, and Bias,” Tepper faculty Yan Huang, Assistant Professor of Business Technologies, and Param Vir Singh, Carnegie Bosch Professor of Business Technologies and Marketing, with Runshan Fu, Ph.D. candidate in Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy, explore whether machines outperform humans in high-stakes financial decisions. An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of Pre-Release Movie Piracy on Box-Office Revenue, with Liye Ma, Alan Montgomery, and Michael Smith. Ideation, International Conference of Information Systems, Saint Louis 2011. Investigating Differential Impact on Airbnb Property Demand, Revising for 3rd Round of Review at Management Science. 15. Yingda Lu, Param Vir Singh, & Kannan Srinivasan (2011) How to with Qiaochu Wang and Yan Huang. 40. in Online Advertising: Advertising Effectiveness and Annoyance Dynamics Across Crowdsourcing New Product Ideas under Consumer Learning, with Yan Huang and Kannan Srinivasan. Yan Huang, Param Vir Singh, & Anindya Ghose (2010) An Empirical 27. Carnegie Mellon University 46. communications networks in open source software development. Network Effects: The Influence of Structural Social Capital on Open Source Project Success, with Yong Tan and Vijay Mookerjee, Management Information Systems Quarterly, 35(4), 2011, 813-829. Interactions in Sharing Economies: Evidence from a Natural Experiment Technology, Seattle, WA. Systems and Economics, Dublin, Ireland. 2. We investigate the long-term impact of competing against superstars in crowdsourcing contests. 11. Innovation, Conference on Information Systems and Technology, San Francisco, CA 2014. Carnegie Bosch Professor of Business Technologies and Marketing, Distinguished Fellow, INFORMS Information Systems Society, Director, PNC Center for Financial Services Innovation Param Vir Singh & Ted Klastorin (2005) New Product Planning in a Monopoly IT Market. 12. 22. Detection, Mitigation, and Implications, with Runshan Fu and Yan Huang, Shunyuan Zhang, 38. of Some: The Interaction Effect of Knowledge Breadth and Depth on 23. When Algorithms Promote Inequality: A Structural Invited for presentation at Informs Annual Meeting, San Francisco November 2005. Shunyuan Srinivasan. 6. Networks, Social Influence and the Choice Among Competing Innovations: Insights from Open Source Software Licenses, A Hidden Markov Model of Collaborative Filtering. Param Vir Singh (2007) Open Source Software and the Small World Yan Huang, Param Vir Singh, & Anindya Ghose (2010) Show Me the Technology, Phoenix, AZ. Systems Research. Runshan Fu, Manmohan Aseri, Param Vir Singh, 2019. Kannan Srinivasan. with Shunyuan Zhang and Anindya Ghose. with Yingda Lu and Baohong Sun. 6. Param Vir Singh, Corey Phelps, Ming Fan & Yong Tan (2007) Design Crowdsourcing Contests: A Structural Empirical Analysis, Workshop of Information Systems and Economics, Orlando Florida. Determinants of Open Source Software Development License Choice: A Color: A Dynamic Structural Model of Enterprise Expertise Sharing, Workshop on Information Systems and Technology, Saint Louis 2010. Communities. Proceedings of the Twenty Eighth International Conference on Information Systems ICIS, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, December 2007. Shunyuan Zhang, Dokyun Lee, Param Vir An Empirical Analysis Forbidden Triad to Simmelian Ties: Dynamics of Online Expertise Sharing Manmohan Aseri, and Kannan [Winner Best Student Paper Award]. Elina Hwang, Param Vir Singh, Linda Argote (2014) Jack of All, Master Shunyuan Zhang's 4 research works with 12 citations and 521 reads, including: A Structural Analysis of the Role of Superstars in Crowdsourcing Contests Manmohan Aseri, and Kannan Information Systems Research, Shunyuan Zhang, Dokyun Lee, Param Vir Singh, Yan Huang. The Small World Effect: The Influence of Macro Level Properties of Developer Collaboration Networks on Open Source Project Success. 11. Nikhil Malik, Manmohan Aseri, Param Vir Singh Param Vir Singh, Nachiketa Sahoo, & Tridas Mukhopadhyay (2010) Modeling Blog Reading Dynamics, Statistical Challenges in Electronic Commerce Research, Austin 2010. Yingda Lu, Kinshuk Jerath & Param Vir Singh (2009) Emergence of opinion Leaders in Online Review Communities. Singh, Kannan Srinivasan (2016) Professional versus Amateur Images: 37. Yingda Lu, Kinshuk Jerath & Param Vir Singh (2009) Emergence of opinion Leaders in Online Review Communities. 20. Retain Smart Customers in Crowdsourcing Efforts? Conditional Hazard Function Approach for Investigating Open Source 6. Srinivasan. Developer Heterogeneity and Formation of Communication Networks in Open Source Software Projects, with Yong Tan, Journal of Management Information Systems, 27(3), 2011, 179-210. Nitin Mehta and Kannan Srinivasan. Dokyun Lee, Param Vir Singh, Tridas Mukhopadhyay (2017) The Sharing 18. Learning in Computer Vision: Methods, Interpretation, Causation and Fairness, Jack of All, Master of Some: Knowledge Network and Innovation, A Param Vir Singh & Yong Tan (2006) Planning to First Release: A hunyuan Kannan Srinivasan (2016) Image Feature Extraction and Demand Estimation on Management Information Systems Quarterly, 36(4), 2012, 1329-1356. Param Vir Singh, Nachiketa Sahoo, & Tridas Mukhopadhyay (2010) Modeling Blog Reading Dynamics, Utah Winter IS Conference 2010. https://www.cmu.edu/.../faculty-by-area/profiles/singh-param.html Yan Huang, Param Vir Singh, & Kannan Srinivasan (2011) CORS Informs, Toronto, Canada 2009. But what if machines made the decisions? Informs Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, 2009. Param Vir Singh, Ray Reagans, & Ramayya Krishnan (2009) From Singh, Kannan Srinivasan (2016) Professional versus Amateur Images: 39. Under 2nd Round of Review at Management Science. Under what circumstances could this happen? Runshan Fu and Yan Huang. Approach. Proceedings of the Twenty Eighth International Conference on Information Systems ICIS, Montreal. We show... ... Scholars have studied predictors of open innovation performance from a number of aspects: factors related to participant attributes, their experiences during contests and the design of the contest itself. Insurance companies can monitor customers’ risk in unprecedented microscopic detail.These decisions are traditionally made by humans. Phenomenon: An empirical Investigation of Macro Level Network ACM Transactions of Software Engineering and Methodology, 20(2), 2010, pp 6:1-6:27. Airbnb and Uber/Lyft, Conference on Information Systems and Param Vir Singh, Yong Tan & Vijay Mookerjee (2007) Social Capital, 29(2) 2018, 273-291. Pittsburgh, PA 15213 26. 18. Analysis on Career Transitions, Conference Algorithmic Transparency with Strategic Users, with Qiaochu Wang, Yan 4. Qiaochu Wang, Yan Huang, Param Vir Singh Management Science.,61(12) 2015, 2825-2844. [Winner Best Student Paper Award]. Structural Analysis of Crowdsourcing Customer Support and Ideation,Conference of Information Systems and Technology, Charlotte 2011. 6. on Information Systems and Technology, Houston, TX. Management Informations Systems Quarterly, AI Algorithms and the Rising Conditionally Accepted at Information 8. Blog, Blogger, and the Firm: Can Negative Posts by Employees Lead to Positive Outcomes, with Rohit Aggarwal, Ram Gorpal, and Ramesh Shankaranarayan, Information Systems Research, 23(2), 2012, 305-322. Mukhopadhyay, and Dokyun Lee. Learning Curves of Agents with Diverse Skills in Information Technology Enabled Physician Referral Systems, with Tridas Mukhopadhyay & Seung Hyun Kim, Information Systems Research, 22(3), 2011, 586-605. 45. Yijin Kim, Nitin Mehta and Kannan Srinivasan. Competing by Revealing Algorithm in Financial Lending, 33. Do Low Quality Images Lead to Greater Demand at Airbnb?, with Networks, Social Influence and the Choice Among Competing Innovations: Insights from Open Source Software Licenses, with Corey Phelps. the Purchase Funnel, with Georgia Vilma Todri and Anindya Ghose. The Twenty How Structural Analysis of the Role of Superstars in Crowdsourcing Contests, A Structural Analysis of the Role of Superstars in Crowdsourcing Contests, Demand Interactions in Sharing Economies: Evidence from a Natural Experiment Involving Airbnb and Uber/Lyft, How Much Is an Image Worth? 1. 45. 21. A Hidden Markov Model of Developer Learning Dynamics in Open Source Software Projects. Why Airbnb's Smart Pricing Algorithm is Naive? Information Systems Research, 25(1) 2014, 35-52. Developer Heterogeneity and Formation of Communication Networks in Open Source Software Projects. 36. For example, banks can tap into an ever-growing universe of data to assess the creditworthiness of loan applicants. Crowdsourcing Contests: A Dynamic Structural Model of the Impact of (2018), Bitcoin Mining Cartels: Will Bitcoin ever Scale, Software Development Time. Yingda Lu, Param Vir Singh, Baohong Sun (2010) Blind Men Can Judge No Management Science, 60(9) 2014, 2138-2159. Journal of Marketing Research. Proceedings of the Fourteenth annual Workshop on Information Technology and Systems WITS, Washington D.C., December 2004. Srinivasan. Information Systems Research, A Dynamic Structural 34. Forthcoming at Information Systems Research. Yingda Lu, Param Vir Singh, & Baohong Sun (2011) Learning From Peers on Social Media Platforms, International Conference of Information Systems, Shanghai 2011. Workshop on Information in Networks. How to Attract and Retain Readers in Enterprise Blogging, with Tridas Mukhopadhyay and Nachiketa Sahoo.
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