germanic europe physical traits
Cut the Baltic Inferiority Complex and stick to the facts. Thats because the british settlers came from the south, not the east. There is no proof of a great migration from India. It depends OBVIOUSLY Who their ancestors mixed with and what part of Germany they are from. If you have international friends, you may quickly learn that people from different countries all have different stereotypes about your native land. Yeah, esp. clearly u dont know what you are talking about,,polish people for an example have more R1a then russians also how can a minority influence the whole genetic accord of the nation..You clearly dont know history also because slavic countries have alongside one another for thousands of years.Starting as barbaric tribes . In the business world and in general, Germans are known as straight shooters … Since the late 1960s/ early 1970s, Germany has had an increasingly massive immigrant population,with most of those immigrants coming from countries where almost everyone has dark hair & eyes,it has impacted enormously on how "the average" German looks. It’s not meant as an affront or insult but merely serves to state the actual conviction of the speaker. Ukrainians hate Russians, Poles hate Ukrainians, Bulgarians say Macedonians are CGI, Serbs hate Croats and fight who among them is more legit and all together hate Albanians. We are also taught that you balts and slavs evolved in a swamp, in isolation for millennia, hiding and cowering in the mud of the Pripiet marsh, that your some kind of human swamp creature, all nasty and vile. And a steady stream of arabica coffee beans genes has been flowing to italy, before turning into espresso and then getting way too watered-down. Obviously, they are very generalized, simplified and are not a correct representation of all the people in a given country. It’s Turkish not Anatolian. I can post a lot of fair Turks who are of course not in majority. The amount of text used to justify the use of halogroups, the felt need of the author to justify genetic differences, is the end of science and the start of “political correctnes” getting a bit too far. The guy doesn’t even know the origin of Aryan word. While Finland shares some similar background to the Baltic states, it’s Y-DNA groups are quite different from the other Nordic countries. Thanks. Think about that agriculture originated at the near east and spread to Europe via migrating neolithic farmers through Anatolia. However they are Why is there always so much propaganda trying to make white people feel bad about themselves? Her maiden name was Diehl.. My father was full-blooded German with the name vehlmun.. Later changed to wellman. Do not believe the nonsense propaganda that the European use of Aryan is supposed to indicate blonde hair and blue eyes. Almost everyone has blue or green eyes.The darkest hair colour was dark brown, no one had black hair. “In humans, haplogroups can either be based on Y-DNA which is passed from father to son or mtDNA which is passed from mother to offspring of both sexes. I have no bio father information. The small nose thing does not apply to me at all, unfortunately i have an odd rather round nose, hazel-green eyes, and high cheekbones. dark eyes, dark blonde hair, high cheek bones and pouty lips.. make for hot women....kinda rudolf schenker looking{from the band ,the scorpions}my last name is scharpf very proud of my open minded heritage.i also have some czech-austrian.where i grew up our ethnicity is quite apparent..from our bavarian style homes with the flower buckets under the windows to the great metal working the version of sheepshead they play. And FluentU isn’t just for watching videos. Hell yeah they do! You have failed to understand the science that is behind this information. The clearly show that people did not move around until modern times. Grab a dictionary and get back to us. Hi Harry , Turkish empire had been spread in Europe more than 600 years. You have applied nationality where NON was intended nor supported. I can bet money you wouldn’t talk to each other that way if you were face-to-face. All Rights Reserved. @Wendy:You are most probably American and prone to confuse Germans with huge non-German population (mostly Turks, Italians, former Yugoslavians, Poles) living here.I live in Germany. On the same line of thought, train and bus schedules are given in exact minutes and yes, people do expect transportation services to be true to their schedule. As so many of these posts differ in defining the physical characteristics of the German people, I would suggest having your DNA tested. maybe human race is inbred race since they do not mix like anglosaxons and germans with pigs and monkeys? I think I'm Irish as well but I'm n.j it too sure. Gregg, I agree that's the majority of Wisconsinites that are from German decent but not always, I am mostly from German decent and I don't have sharp angles a small nose or barely noticeable eyebrows. Yes, let’s ask many nations conquered and russified by Russian Empire – Stick to your shitty country history – at least it’s pretty short, and regurgitating the neoMcCarthy BS from the 50s of last century & bugger off. They are not Turkish. The upside of this tendency is that there isn’t that much to decode. Not being testy there, people just get confused every time so I thought I'd get that out of the way. When it comes to Turkey there is a common bias: Let’s not call it Turkey (some maps indicate that even modern genetical maps) because than we would call everyone living there Turkish. Germans like beer so much that one of the first things they did after establishing colonies in China was build a brewery. Yet you say that Russians “had stolen” a name from Ukrainians. Wir sind staatlich zugelassener autorisierter Finanzhelfer. Imagine getting so worked up over something so stupid believing you’re better than somebody else because you happen to be born somewhere (something you did not choose and did not contribute to in any way). Stereotypes exist about every country in the world. That you are not russified balt’s,.. like the Germanized Prussians, who told you that slav??? Only people who have early human, tribal, and nationalistic needs for power and dominance, would ascribe a “less” or “more” to this information. If this can make you laugh, some Ukrainians also think that Jesus Christ was partially Ukrainian on his mother side: Galilea is named after Ukrainian Galicia, so Santa-Maria Mother of God had had roots from Ukraine. All it did was make me feel resentful and want to find out about my culture after I left school. Now that we’re done playing our little game of true and false, let’s play another game: I double dog dare you… to make some German friends, learn more about their country, and confirm or adapt your ideas about German culture through firsthand experience. This girl is just hilarious. We’ve got everything from Volkswagen commercials to funny YouTube videos, scenes from “Guardians of the Galaxy” and the hit song “Let It Go” from “Frozen.”. Having a German partner and having spent some time there I can say there is quite a variety in the features of 100% native German's though less variety than you see in England. Very light blue eyes. If you see an interesting word you don’t know, you can add it to a vocab list.


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