That's two that he can't touch now. >One of the few people Bulwark actually knew in this town, dead. >The Gauntlet now complete, the first thing he does is use it to warp all the friendlies the hell out of town. >Pokedex says that Aggron tend to be highly Territorial and violent, but with a compassionate side for the environment. >Two orbs remain unaccounted for, Rayquaza's meteorite and the Lustrous Orb. >It had taken root, and if it wasn't stopped soon it might get ready to release more seeds, spreading it exponentially. >He makes a valiant last stand, tempering the Orb's power with his restraint as he cleaves a path through the crowd to the beacon. >Fun squirming around trying to avoid stepping on the squirrel ensues. >Entire bar is watching him now as he, bit by bit, no shit devours this entire slab of granite. >Usual stuff, have four moves, you can't dodge anything, no RPing as a Mythical/Legendary without Mod Approval, etc. >Do some searching and find the link to a Discord server, about, you guessed it, PMD RP. >Marshadow is an aloof bastard, but at least he's not on the Electivire's side. Gyro Ball hits super hard. >He cast off the gauntlet, climbed up to a canyon near Douse Town, and threw himself off. >Heal up a bit, enough to reliably stand without falling. As I stated, there aren't very many rules or mechanics involved other than the general "Don't be an asshat" and "Try not to be an overpowered Fuckwit.". ), (Edit Edit Edit: Due to popular demand, I've been asked to put the link into the post so... at the risk of blowing up the server, here you all go. Hey hey! >Child sees this in his face and eventually summons up the Courage to ask him if he's new to town. >Bulwark barely sees him for a second before he gets tossed the orb and the Marshadow peaces out. >Look over the orbs Bulwark has gathered. >He just wanted to be accepted by people. If I'm wrong, any mods feel free to tell me and/or point me to a better suited Reddit. >ElecThanos leaps and... never touches down. Powered by, translation missing:, translation missing:, translation missing: He couldn't possibly kill a kid! All rights Reserved . Well. Then let's get started. Should I go Brave or Relaxed nature on Steelix? >To those who don't know: Garchomp STAB Earthquakes are strong as hell, and Bulwark, being Steel and Rock type, is quad weak to them. Indianapolis, I'm actually one of the members of that server. >Marshadow saved his ass with another goddamn Jojo reference. >Find it on an altar in a small clearing. >Fast forward a few days. >While Bulwark was recovering in his room at the inn, he was greeted by a knock. >Charge through and Shoulder-check the fucker into a tree. >Bulwark is trembling, his grip tightening as he doesn't see a way out of this. Long. >Bulwark is doing his best, but he's slowly losing due to the Budew having the more destructive orbs.
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