De serie speelde zich af op de achtergrond van mijn studentenperiode en groeide toen dus met me mee. ", addresses its weighty themes with lovely visuals and a light, poetic touch, offering an original, absorbing look at a largely unexplored corner of American culture. De serie werd gekortwiekt nadat hoofdrolspeler Kevin Spacey in 2017 in opspraak kwam door seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag op en naast de set. In the wake of Praimfaya's cataclysmic destruction, war brews with a new enemy over what may be the last inhabitable land left on Earth. Cast: Ben Affleck, Jeremy Renner, Blake Lively, Jon Hamm. Few movies from this era are cited more than this one, and it’s not just because it touches on themes that remain timeless but that it does so in such a riveting, harrowing way. If you need help navigating the murky, Sharknado-infested waters, look no further. Hij is een genie die door het speling van het lot nooit zijn volledig potentieel behaald heeft. While Kane tries to maintain peace, Jasper spirals out of control. Netflix had met Narcos een reeks in handen waarmee je zo meeleefde, dat je niet anders kon dan sympathie krijgen voor deze duivels in mensengedaante. This shrewdly organised doc looks at the persistence of the paper’s editor, Harold Evans, against an army of lawyers and a complacent political establishment. Er was een soort villain of the week tot Captain America: The Winter Soldier alles op z’n kop zette. It's a fresh start -- and a fresh set of otherworldly perils -- when Clarke and Earth's other survivors encounter life on a strange new planet. Suggest that maybe there’s more going on than just sci-fi/action. Cert: 15. Diyoza and Hope have a reckoning on Bardo. The top rated films on Netflix and/or IMDB will comprise the list, with the Top 250 movies being listed first. New Girl was ook een van de weinige series die op tijd wist te stoppen met een laatste seizoen dat confronteerde met het feit dat iedereen uiteindelijk wel volwassen moet worden. Noah Baumbach returns to Netflix with his best film to date, the story of the dissolution of a marriage between a theatre director (Adam Driver) and his lead actress (Scarlett Johannson). Het eerste seizoen was om van te smullen, zowel visueel als qua acteerprestaties. ", Critics consensus: "'Mustang' delivers a bracing — and thoroughly timely — message whose power is further bolstered by the efforts of a stellar ensemble cast. Er is een duidelijk verschil tussen Britse en Amerikaanse komedies: Britten focussen op de losers, Amerikanen op de winnaars. Jeremy Saulnier wrote and directed this 2013 breakthrough, a great little thriller that’s reminiscent of the Coen Brothers’ classic Blood Simple in its blunt, darkly humorous approach. De gelijkenissen zijn dan ook makkelijk gemaakt. Enkele jaren later en met meer ervaring in hun pen, schreven de Neveneffecten persiflages op Michael Moore, Jommeke en zelfs zichzelf. Time: 125 mins. ", Critics consensus: "'Strong Island' uses one family's heartbreaking tragedy to offer a sobering picture of racial injustice in modern America. ", finds Werner Herzog bringing his distinctive documentarian gifts to bear on a timely topic with typically thought-provoking results. (Matti), Aziz Ansari begreep dat het tijd was om zijn opgefokt typetje uit Parks and Recreation eindelijk los te laten. En wat volwassen zijn is, dat mag je gerust zelf invullen. In Game of Thrones zit er iets voor elke kijker. This time, the singer-songwriter’s challenge to listen comes as a gift. Een van de beste series van 2017 bewijst het tegendeel. (Matti), In 2005 reïncarneerden Steven Moffat, Russel T. Davies en Mark Gatiss Doctor Who, de BBC-reeks over een tijdreizende alien en zijn metgezel. Cast: Chris Hemsworth, Kristen Connelly, Jesse Williams. We volgen Earl, een sjofele kerel die niet te vies was om de mensen rondom hem te bedriegen of een loer te draaien. Outside the barrier, a band of mysterious raiders threatens the jump ship. Cast: Suki Waterhouse, Jason Momoa, Giovanni Ribisi, Keanu Reeves. Charlie Kaufman wrote and directed one of the biggest and best Netflix movies of 2020, the story of a woman (Jessie Buckley) who travels with her boyfriend (Jesse Plemons) to meet his parents (David Thewlis & Toni Collette). And we’ve only just scratched the surface of Netflix’s growing stable of formidable originals, like Martin Scorsese’s The Irishman, Alfonso Cuaron’s Roma, and Eddie Murphy comeback vehicle Dolemite Is My Name. Time: 99 mins. Daar komt hij opnieuw in contact met Kim, een succesvolle advocate met wij hij ooit begon in de postkamer van hetzelfde kantoor. Cert: 15. Carey Mulligan does the best work of her career in the coming-of-age drama that landed her an Oscar nomination (which she should have won). ", A beautifully-made documentary that explores the challenges and richness of both marriage and art through the lens of a fascinating and complex couple. Dwight takes action – that’s all you need to know. Cert: 18. A perplexing, ingenious, timely documentary that pries the lid off a shaken jigsaw box of broken dreams. Edward Zwick directed Denzel Washington to his first Oscar for this story of the 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment, the Union Army’s first Black regiment in the Civil War. Ondanks die tegenvaller doet bedenker Graham Linehan nu toch een, ondertussen, derde poging voor het Amerikaanse publiek. (Nils), Een historische actiereeks over de oude helden uit het noorden? Antonio Campos (Christine) adapts the novel by Donald Roy Pollock about generations of violence in the South from World War II to the Vietnam War. Time: 125 mins. De unieke vertelstijl van de reeks trok je meteen binnen. Still crackling with alleycat verve and method-acting electricity, it features an excess of strutting machismo. Dan stel je een klein team samen met een expert. Time: 130 mins. Time: 104 mins. Jesse Plemons is a gay aspiring comedy-writer forced to return home when his mother, a brilliant Molly Shannon, reveals she has been diagnosed with cancer. Cert: 15. It’s a film that works because of its incredible attention to the little things, and an amazing ensemble that also includes Tom Hardy, Colin Firth, John Hurt, Mark Strong, and Benedict Cumberbatch. Dir: Peter Weir. Tien redacteurs staken de koppen bij elkaar en kozen uit bijna 200 series hun favoriete reeksen. Daarnaast zorgt ons onderling verschil in smaak voor enkele verrassende reeksen, en daarmee kunnen we alleen maar blij zijn. ", delivers a less shocking — yet just as terribly compelling — companion piece to Joshua Oppenheimer's ', It covers familiar sports documentary territory, but ', proves there are still powerful stories to be told on the high school gridiron. Netflix has plenty of classic films in its catalogue, and in recent years, it has also produced some excellent content of its own, from the animal rights satire Okja to the Oscar-winning Roma and Noah Baumbach’s Marriage Story. Dexter is de blauwdruk geworden voor de sociopathische antiheld, die zijn verontrustend gedrag goedmaakt met een code en huisvaderlijke eigenschappen. One of the most surprising Best Picture winners of all time was Spotlight, a simple but powerful drama from 2015 directed by Tom McCarthy. Update: Fargo, Her, WarGames , Dick Johnson is Dead added. It’s a movie that grows richer with each viewing. It’s a masterpiece. ", A superbly-mounted adaptation of E.M. Forster's tale of British class tension, with exceptional performances all round, ', ranks among the best of Merchant-Ivory's work. Maar voorop stond Jeff Daniels als Will McAvoy, het sarcastische anker en gematigde Republikein. Cast: Harvey Keitel, Steve Buscemi, Tim Roth. A leading-edge research firm focused on digital transformation. ", offers a well-acted, finely detailed snapshot of American history whose scenes of rural class struggle resonate far beyond their period setting. Even if you think you’ve seen it enough, watch it again. Unbeknownst to him, the aged ex-army officer has his own agenda for the weekend and whisks him off to New York city for a weekend of excess. Jake Gyllenhaal Will Star in HBO Limited Series The Son, Best Hulu Shows to Binge-Watch Now (October 2020), The Best Shows on Amazon Prime to Watch Right Now (October 2020), Fast and Furious Ending After Next Three Movies, and More Movie News. Judy Garland stars as young Dorothy, who’s bored with her drab, literally black-and-white existence in Kansas, and desperate to escape to “somewhere over the rainbow”. Cert: 12. Cast: Adam Sandler, Dustin Hoffman, Ben Stiller. Raven confronts Abby over her plan to save Kane. Cast: Brad Pitt, Jonah Hill, Philip Seymour Hoffman. In Lovesick moet Dylan in het reine komen met zijn liefdesleven en zichzelf nadat hij chlamydia heeft opgelopen. since. (Yves), Voor wie How I Met Your Mother te karikaturaal vindt, is Lovesick het ideale alternatief. ", Critics consensus: "'Pan's Labyrinth' is 'Alice In Wonderland' for grown-ups, with the horrors of both reality and fantasy blended together into an extraordinary, spellbinding fable. In a nutshell: In Charlie Kaufman’s bizarre story, a puppeteer takes up a job to support his family. In a nutshell: These days, being Tonya Harding, the Olympic figure skater whose career went up in smoke in 1994, is presumably even harder than playing her, but Margie Robbie’s job in the viciously mesmerising I, Tonya still bespeaks a high degree of difficulty. Dir: Gavin O’Connor. ", A road movie that's not only sexy but intelligent as well. Scorsese incorporates the best elements of gangster movies in this lengthy but absorbing tale of age, greed and betrayal. ", Critics consensus: "'Shirkers' uses one woman's interrogation of a pivotal personal disappointment to offer affecting observations on creativity, lost opportunity, and coming to terms with the past.
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