Another word for prelude: introduction, beginning, foreword, overture, preamble | Collins American Thesaurus An introductory performance, event, or action preceding a more important one; a preliminary or preface. Epilogue, conclusion, ending. Does English Have More Words Than Any Other Language? Obscurity of station or of birth has no tendency to prelude the favour of God. the foreword to this very special cookery book, the preface to the English edition of the novel, the principles contained in the preamble to the Chinese constitution. What Is The Difference Between “It’s” And “Its”? Top synonyms for prelude (other words for prelude) are introduction, preface and preamble. 2. They have made the prelude, and the importance of their role has passed. 17 Prelude antonyms. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. Synonyms for prelude include foreword, preamble, preface, intro, proem, prologue, exordium, introduction, prolegomenon and prolog. an event introducing or preceding the main event. Synonyms for preludes in Free Thesaurus. Music a. prelude Antonyme. The code for attribution links is required. In a few minutes he lifted his head, looked at me, and struck the first notes--the, The Revolution was then (1792) in its early stages, and in his ', The feminine graduates-to-be were seated in their own bedrooms, dressed with a completeness of detail to which all their past lives seemed to have been but a, The audience felt that a startling revelation was to follow this ominous, To be called into notice in such a manner, to hear that it was but the, All were silent, expectant of what was to follow, for this was dearly only a, In Wordsworth's prefatory advertisement to the first edition of The, Charles Episcopal Church, performing "Praeludium in C;" "Praeludium et Fuge in E" from The Cathedral; "Schmcke dich" from The 18 Great, Selon la tradition, chaque mizan commence par des. Another word for prelude: introduction, beginning, preparation, preliminary, start | Collins English Thesaurus Top antonyms for prelude (opposite of prelude) are ending, conclusion and closing. Today's survey is a preliminary to a more detailed one. This frightful noise was only the prelude of a most violent tempest. Prelude antonyms. 17 Prelude antonyms. prelude synonyms, prelude pronunciation, prelude translation, English dictionary definition of prelude. ) 1‘a ceasefire was agreed as a prelude to full peace negotiations’, 2‘the piece begins with an orchestral prelude’, 3‘the whole passage forms a prelude to Part III’, ‘a ceasefire was agreed as a prelude to full peace negotiations’, , overture, opening, preparation, introduction, start, beginning, curtain-raiser, lead-in, precursor, forerunner, harbinger, herald, ‘the piece begins with an orchestral prelude’, , introductory movement, introduction, opening, voluntary, ‘the whole passage forms a prelude to Part III’, These Foreign Words And Phrases Are Now Used In English. See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. What is the meaning of prelude? n. 1. Top Antonyme für prelude (das Gegenteil von prelude) sind ending, conclusion und closing. Copy the code below and paste it where you want the visualization of this word to be shown on your page: Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, Performance Series: 24 Preludes for Solo Piano. Join our early testers! They are but the prelude of that scene that shall shortly feast my eyes. We know you’ll tackle this quiz totis viribus! All rights reserved. What are opposite words of Prelude? Do you not know that all this is but the prelude to the actual strain which we have to learn? Read our series of blogs to find out more. Prelude synonyms. Create an account and sign in to access this FREE content. Are You Learning English? Here you can find the antonyms list for the word prelude. Prelusion definition, a prelude. What came before the retiring could have been but a prelude. Antonyms for preludes. What are synonyms for prelude? Also you can find some other opposite words using the online search on our website. See more. The prologue to the novel is written in the form of a newspaper account. The prelude is charming, and is already accepted by us—may we beg of you to proceed to the strain? Epilogue, conclusion, ending. Full list of antonyms for Prelude is here. How do you use prelude in a sentence? He is remembered for the introduction of the moving assembly line. See how many words from the week of Oct 12–18, 2020 you get right!
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