Most of the new buildings are still empty, giving Nukus an even more desolate atmosphere. No lunch break. All rights reserved. It was not until perestroika in 1985—the year after he died—that Savitsky’s remarkable achievements and collections were truly acknowledged, and not until 1991—when Uzbekistan became independent—that Nukus, a remote ‘closed’ city during the Soviet Union, became accessible to the outside world. Regardless of the style of tour you choose, Savitsky Art Museum is a must-see for art enthusiasts and anyone traveling through Nukus in Karakalpakstan. Fascinated by the culture and people of the steppe, he stayed on after the dig (1950-57), methodically collecting Karakalpak carpets, costumes, jewelry, and other works of art. Tuesday and Friday are free for school groups and so can be very busy. 2. I can unsubscribe any time using the unsubscribe link at the end of all emails. Some of it was banned by the Soviet Union, but somehow protected by its remote location in Nukus. Despite the risk of being denounced as an “enemy of the people”, Savitsky sought out proscribed painters and their heirs to collect, archive and display their works; and, with great courage, he managed to assemble thousands of Russian avant-garde and post avant-garde paintings. To get from Nukus to Khiva you first need to get a shared taxi or bus to Urgench (3 – 4 hours). There are also some ethnographic displays, with a fine collection of jewellery, camel bags and wedding jewellery. This pearl in the desert - or, as the French magazine Télérama recently called it, 'Le Louvre des steppes' - is located in Nukus, the capital of the Autonomous Republic of Karakalpakstan in northwest Uzbekistan at the southern base of the now dying Aral Sea, which until the mid-1960s was world's fourth largest inland lake. The Savitsky museum has an excellent collection on traditional Karakalpak culture. The Amu Darya river is the lifeline in Karakalpakstan. It’s not necessarily making the city more attractive. If you buy any service through any of my links, I will get a small commission at no extra cost to you. These earnings help me to keep Backpack Adventures alive! There are trolley buses too, but they are really slow. Savitsky is an art museum based in Nukus, Uzbekistan. Nukus Museum of Art (Uzbek: Qoraqalpogʻiston davlat sanʼat muzeyi) or, in full, The State Art Museum of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, named after I.V. It is the museums location and history that makes this among the top things to do in Nukus. Lunch break:
Second, the Museum may be one of the few places in the world where Russian avant garde art hangs alongside that of Socialist Realism - the former slandered by the Soviet State, the latter glorified by it. When you wander through Nukus you keep wondering where all the people are. The museum funds and archive are located in: Dosliq Avenue, 115, Nukus, Republic of Karakalpakstan, 230100, Museum: Nukus is quite far from everything else in Uzbekistan and the effort it takes to travel all the way to Karakalpakstan results in most people skipping this part of Uzbekistan. Email:, Museum Administration and Archive: The capital of the autonomous republic of Karakalpakstan. He proposes us to come with us to the main museum of Nukus tomorrow; happy to meet a local, we decide to see him again at 3 pm in front of the museum. Numerous showcases of Karakalpak jewelry are presented in breathtaking splendor against a decorative backdrop of woven strips from a yurt, the traditional nomadic dwelling of the Karakalpaks. For example, Karakalpakstan - the remote northwestern region of Uzbekistan where the Museum was founded - was, and remains one of the poorest of the entire former Soviet Union. The staff speaks english and is very helpful in arranging whatever you would like to do in Karakalpakstan. Nukus is also changing quickly. Mon: day off
It’s a perfect daytrip from Nukus if you have a private taxi. The Savitsky Museum houses one of the most remarkable art collections in the former Soviet Union. Rajasthan itinerary: the highlights in 3 weeks, Moynaq: a travel guide to the Aral sea in Uzbekistan, Stockholm to Lulea by train: the Lapland express, How to get to Lapland: the best way to travel, Bosnian food guide: what to eat in Bosnia, Bosnia itinerary: one week in Bosnia Herzegovina, Una National Park in Bosnia: a travel guide. Copy link Photo by ChanOJ. Indeed, the Savitsky Collection has been called "one of the most outstanding museums of the world" by the UK's Guardian newspaper. Some of it was banned by the Soviet Union, but somehow protected by its remote location in Nukus. Festival of Traditional Culture - Asrlar Sadosi - 2012 and Savitsky Museum
Additional collections of Karakalpak folk art at Savitsky Museum reflect the gene pool of a small and historically semi-nomadic people now living in northwest Uzbekistan. Getting to Nukus is actually not as difficult as it sounds. Nukus is host tae the Nukus Museum o Airt (an aa kent as the State Airt Museum o the Republic o Karakalpakstan, named efter Igor V. Savitsky) an State Museum. And even in the city itself there are some tourist attractions. A city that you will visit for its remoteness and isolation rather than its tourist attractions. The Savitsky art museum is considered to be the best museum in Uzbekistan. I found some beautiful mosaics on some of the older buildings. The bazaar was one of my favourite things to do in Nukus, because it was the most lively place in the city. The Savitsky Museum houses one of the most remarkable art collections in the former Soviet Union. Today, the Museum houses a collection totaling about 90,000 items, including graphics, paintings and sculptures, as well as thousands of artifacts, textiles and jewelry, ranging from the antiquities of Khorezm’s ancient civilization to the works of contemporary Uzbek and Karakalpak artists. However, if you loke closely some Soviet gems are still there. Most became outcasts in the USSR, where socialist realism barred the path to recognition and even to basic survival for hundreds of talented individuals who lived in poverty and died in oblivion. Opened in 1966, the museum houses a collection of over 82,000 items, ranging from antiquities from Khorezm to Karakalpak folk art, Uzbek fine art and, uniquely, the second largest collection of Russian avant-garde in the world (after the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg). Gudkova. The museum holds the largest art collection in Central Asia, and its approximately 100,000 items provide chronological coverage of more than four millennia. Savitsky Art Museum was the only official art institute during these tumultuous years which provided support and refuge for these cutting-edge creators. Even though there are not a lot of things to do in Nukus it is an interesting place to visit in Uzbekistan. The one we find is a little bit weird, there is no hot water in the rooms (and of course no wifi). Part of its charm is that there are not a lot of things to do in Nukus. Museum related to the personal belongings of these two stage performers who delved into music and oral culture. Nukus, 230100 Artefacts associated with Uzbeks, Turkmen and Kazakhs, the geographic neighbors and ethnic relatives of the Karakalpaks, are also on display. Savitsky is an art museum based in Nukus, Uzbekistan. The city is and feels brand new with its modern appartment buildings that still stand empty. The atmosphere of Parisian galleries can be sensed by all who visit this special graphics section. Following its move to a new building in 2003, the Nukus Museum is now one of the finest in Uzbekistan—and in all of Central Asia. However, if you do have time it is a worthwhile destination to include in your Uzbek itinerary. It is a typical central Asian bazaar where you can try local delicacies like samsa (filled dough from a tandoor oven), kymyz (fermented horse milk), shubat (camels milk) and kurut (dried yoghurt balls). Jipek Joli’s sister hotel Jipek Joli inn is equally good and slightly cheaper. The museum exhibitions consist of the Ancient Art, the Applied Folk Arts of Karakalpaks, the Uzbek and the Russian paintings of the 1920-1930s, as well as the contemporary art of Karakalpakstan. At the same time, he began collecting the drawings and paintings of artists linked to Central Asia, including those of the Uzbek school, and, during the late-1950s/early-1960s, those of the Russian avant garde which the Soviet authorities were then banishing and destroying. Here I will share my adventures with you. Phone: (+998 61) 222-25-73, 222-25-56, 222-88-83
Disclaimer: This Nukus city guide with the best things to do in Nukus contains affiliate links. Tue-Fri: 9:00 – 17:00
Nukus Museum of Art (Uzbek: Qoraqalpogʻiston davlat sanʼat muzeyi) or, in full, The State Art Museum of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, named after I.V. The Karakalpakstan State Museum of Art named after I.V. Remote Nukus, off-limits in those years to foreign researchers who only knew about this underground collection by hearsay, provided the perfect location to amass such compilations without garnering unwanted attention from the authorities. It is a great way to start your journey in Uzbekistan and travel slowly back through Khiva, Bukhara and Samarkand to Tashkent. In 2007, it was re-constituted as the Friends of Nukus Museum Foundation, based in the Netherlands. He began conducting independent studies, during which he collected applied folk art created by local artists. I want emails from Lonely Planet with travel and product information, promotions, advertisements, third-party offers, and surveys. Replacing older buildings with new flat apartments. Tel: +998 61 222 2556 Centrally located near the Savitsky museum you can not miss it. It requires a lot of imagination, but the views are wonderful. The museum is best known for its collections of 1920s-1930s avant-garde and post-avant-garde Moscovian art, although its assemblage of 1960s-1970s artwork created by non-conformists belonging to the Moscow underground is also noteworthy. Despite its isolation there are, however, a few interesting things to do in Nukus for the foreign traveller that make it a worthwhile destination in your Uzbekistan itinerary. Inside the on-site yurt, visitors can glean little-known information about its assemblage and symbolism. The bazaar is a good place to try some local delicacies like samsa (filled dough from a tandoor oven), kymyz (fermented horse milk), shubat (camels milk) and kurut (dried yoghurt balls). The museum currently has over 82,000 works of art and the second largest collection of Russian avant garde paintings. About half of the paintings were brought here in Soviet times by artist and ethnographer Igor Savitsky, who managed to preserve an entire generation of avant-garde work that was proscribed and destroyed elsewhere in the country for not conforming to the socialist realism of the times. Be it the possibility to see the disaster of the Aral sea up close or learning about Karakalpak culture. This brilliant group of Russian orientalists, most fully represented in Nukus, includes Alexander Volkov, Ural Tansykbaev, Alexander Nikolaev (Usto Mumin), Mikhail Kurzin and others who received recognition posthumously as having left their undeniable mark on the history of world art. Saturday-Sunday: 10.00 - 16.00. Travel made easy for the independent budget traveller.
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