A hurricane watcher's guide to the latest track and model forecasts. The Woodward Fire, located in the Point Reyes National Seashore,... We are no longer Unified Command with Los Padres National Forest. The Horton Fire is at 100 percent containment. NASA | LANCE | Fire Information for Resource Management System provides near real-time active fire data from MODIS and VIIRS to meet the needs of firefighters, scientists and users interested in monitoring fires. The fire, which was sparked by lighting back on Aug. 6, is located about a half-mile south of the Hawley Mountain lookout, and about two miles northwest of Quartzburg. The Grouse Fire started Sept. 6, 2020, about 7:30 p.m. Home fire safety and wildland fire prevention both depend on being mindful. Users can subscribe to email alerts bases on their area of interest. It's simply a tool to help Fish and Game customers in decision making. For more recent tornadoes, clicking deeper provides more details, damage estimates and whether someone was injured or killed in the storm. For the most current information on this complex, please visit https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/6983/ Shasta-Trinity National Forest Mendocino National Forest Six Rivers National Forest. The Big Hollow Fire is now considered to be 70% contained. As the weather starts to cool down for the season, we all need to continue to be mindful of our surroundings while recreating on public lands. The suppression of the fire is a joint effort between the Idaho Department of Lands, the US Forest Service, and the Bureau of Land Management. Individual Idaho Fires Next are details on the individual fires updated for September 14, 2020, in alphabetical order. Fire managers estimate the acreage at 150 acres. Interactive Fire Maps for Idaho. The North Complex Fire remains at 318,980 acres with 95%... Saturday, October 24, 2020, 9:00 a.m. Lena Fire that started on August 16... As of 09-09-20 the Pine Hollow Fire was called out. Crews made great progress yesterday and the fire is now 100% contained and remains at 438 acres. Water tenders and a grader continue to maintain the road. Type 3 team managing the fire transferred command back to the local area this morning, and many resources are being demobilized back to their home units or reassigned to other fires where they are needed. This resource is not the official fire information resource. The Air Quality Index (AQI) translates air quality data into numbers and colors that help people understand when to take action to protect their health. Firefighters will... No longer in unified command. Interior burning on the El Dorado Fire will continue for several... Fire burning in timber with grass understory north of Mt. Idaho now provides a different Idaho Fire Map here that is updated in real time. ago News - 4 min. *****UPDATE***** #PumpkinFire 8/7/2020 7:30 PM MDT The Pumpkin Fire has not grown significantly during today's operational period. The South Obenchain Fire is burning in Jackson County. One of the best interactive maps available right now is Inciweb’s map. This storm tracker contains data from 1851. The Bell Fire is located in a remote area of the Stanislaus National... Due to the Complex’s size and the fact that it expands across three separate National Forests, there are four Incident Management Teams are managing the incident: Northwest Zone, Northeast Zone and the South Zone. Fire data is updated hourly based upon input from incident intelligence sources, GPS data, infrared (IR) imagery from fixed wing and satellite platforms. The Riverside Fire started September 8, 2020. The Medio Fire started on August 17, 2020, close to the forest... October 9, 2020: This page is no longer being updated. The Bruneau Fire, sparked by thunderstorms passing through southern Idaho late Tuesday afternoon, has burned 57,300 acres northwest of Murphy Hot Springs, according to Idaho … Hawley Mountain Road 374 is temporarily closed at the 307 junction to all non-fire traffic. The P-515 Fire has merged with Lionshead Fire. We are compiling the latest fire activity and closures from InciWeb and making them available as real-time maps and downloads on our website. The 88-acre Deep Creek Fire is 100 percent contained. The Palmer Fire started on August 18th, 2020. Source: The National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG), Geospatial Multi-Agency Coordination Wildland Fire Support/USGS, NOAA Office of Satellite and Product Operations. This interactive map, which contains data from January 1950, pinpoints where a cyclone touched down and traces its path of destruction. Idaho Fire Incident Map. Current data typically are recorded at 15- to 60-minute intervals. Fire data is available for download or can be viewed through a map interface. The suppression of the fire is a joint effort between the Idaho Department of Lands, the US Forest Service, and the Bureau of Land Management. The Pine Gulch Fire was started by a lightning strike on July 31,... 2020 Yellowstone National Park Lone Star Fire ? This is the final update on the Jungle Creek Fire. The lightning caused Mt. The Pumpkin Fire has burned over 400 acres northeast of Horseshoe Bend, according to the Idaho Department of Lands. Idaho Fire Restrictions, Idaho Wildland Fire Information, Burn Permits, Aviation . Pumpkin Fire Update for August 17, 2020 Pumpkin Fire Wildfire News - 4 min. ago For future updates and information, please visit: https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/7018/, CAL FIRE is no longer in unified command for additional information please visit: https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/6997/. Visit forest service website for future updates. A smaller organization will remain to patrol and ensure the control lines remain secure, to pull pumps and hose lays, and to complete repairs of the suppression lines to prevent erosion. The Thorpe Fire started on August 23, 2020. YESTERDAY: There was no growth on the fire yesterday. The August Complex is 1,032,497 acres and 92% contained. Tuesday, October 6, 2020. As storms strike, this interactive map is your guide to impacts and damage reports coming into National Weather Service stations nationwide. Air Quality Web Page Yosemite National Park Fire Web Map National... Air Quality Web PageNorth Whizz Dome Web MapNational Air Quality Fire... Air Quality Web PageBlue Jay Fire Web MapNational Air Quality Fire... Air Quality Web Page Wolf Fire Web Map National Air Quality Fire Web... A Type 5 organization is managing the Fork Fire. As more information becomes available, this page will be updated. The West Zone has been fully contained.
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