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Umber declares if anything happens to his "son", he will cut his daughters to pieces. Umber tells Kanwar that they must make things right. Kanwar leaves again and as she wanders through the desert she sees her father. With daily news, interviews, data bases, in-depth investigations into the audiovisual industry, Cineuropa aims at promoting the European film industry throughout the world. June 14, 2018. During the birth of their fourth child, Umber takes the child from the womb and declares with happiness that it is a boy. When she refuses, Umber wrestles her to the ground and attempts to rape her. When she arrives, she sees that their house has been burned down and her mother and two sisters have died in the fire. Umber is declaring child to be a male because of his strong desire to have a son. From Saint Maud to The Wicker Man here are some British horror movies that are certain to keep you looking over your shoulder for weeks to come. Neeli is disheartened knowing that she will never be able to have children with Kanwar. American-born Gogol, the son of Indian immigrants, wants to fit in among his fellow New Yorkers, despite his family's unwillingness to let go of their traditional ways. During the Partition of India in 1947, a Sikh Punjabi named Umber Singh (Irrfan Khan) evacuates his house with his wife Mehar (Tisca Chopra) and three daughters. When Umber marries his youngest child Kanwar to Neeli, a girl of lower caste, the family is fac...more, Set in post-colonial India, QISSA tells the story of Umber Singh, a Sikh, who is forced to flee his village due to ethnic cleansing at the time of partition in 1947. A story of twisted love, revenge and the redemptive power of a song. * Story Screenplay and direction: very good script for * Casting and performances especially by Irfan Khan....WEAKNESSES:- * Tisca's performance expected a lot but not much to see... * Last 20 minutes confuses the audience.....FINAL VERDICT:- * Overall.. it is a super natural flick gives a strong message for a male dominant society in India with a head scratching climax and power packed performances. After two girl children, his wife gives birth to a third girl child as they flee their village much to the displeasure of Umber Singh. Irrfan, Tisca and Tillotama give A-grade performances, making this film imminently watchable. Umber Singh is a Sikh who loses everything during the separation of India in 1947 and is forced to leave his homeland. The unsatisfied spirit of Umber continues to haunt Kanwar all the way back home. [4] The theme of the film focuses on desire of a Sikh man towards having a son to continue the family lineage. Home. Mallorca Film Festival is back and raring to go. [1] The film was screened in the Contemporary World Cinema section at the 2013 Toronto International Film Festival[2][3] where it won the Netpac Award for World or International Asian Film. 1 of 3 people found this review helpful. In a north Indian village, a family reunites at their ancestral house to celebrate a new birth in the family. Looking for some great streaming picks?


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